33 research outputs found

    Guyon tunnel syndrome secondary to excessive healing tissue in a child: a case report

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    We describe a case of an 8-year-old boy who developed a combined motor and sensory neuropathy of the distal ulnar nerve, after sustaining a superficial injury to the right flexor carpi ulnaris tendon at the level of the distal wrist crease. Guyon's canal syndrome is a very rare entity during childhood. We have noted only one prior description of this syndrome in the pediatric age group in a review of the English literature

    Intraneural hemangioma of the median nerve: A case report

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    Hemangiomas of the median nerve are very rare and, so far, only ten cases of intraneural hemangioma of this nerve have been reported in the literature. We present a case of 14-year-old girl who had a soft tissue mass in the region of the left wrist with signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Total removal of the mass was achieved using microsurgical epineural and interfasicular dissection. The symptoms were relieved completely, after this procedure, without any neurologic deficit. On follow-up two years later, no recurrence was observed. Whenever a child or young adult patient presents with CTS the possibility of a hemangioma involving the median nerve should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis

    Endobutton technique for the treatment of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocations

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    Objective: Acromioclavicular (AC) joint dislocation is a common injury frequently affecting young athletes. The aim of this study is to evaluate postoperative functional results in cases diagnosed with acute AC joint dislocation stabilized with endobutton system. Methods: This fixation procedure has been applied on 10 patients. Indications of the technique included: a grade V AC joint dislocation (7 patients), and grade III AC joint dislocation (3 patient) according to Rockwood classification. The coracoclavicular (CC) interval and AC joint were reduced using two endobuttons. One endobutton was fitted on the clavicle and the second was placed at the undersurface of the coracoid. Outcomes were assessed with the Constant shoulder score and visual analog pain scale. Results: All the patients had powerful intraoperative fixation. Immediately after surgery, and 6 weeks, and 1 year postoperative radiographs showed adequate reduction of the CC distance and the AC joint. The mean Constant shoulder score was 89 (88–92) in the injured shoulder and 90 (88–93) in the uninjured shoulder. There was no statically significant difference between the injured and normal shoulder in terms of Constant shoulder score and there was no complication during the process. Conclusion: This technique is a safe and effective method for providing fixation for the AC joint

    Femoral nerve compression secondary to a ganglion cyst arising from a hip joint: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Femoral nerve compression due to a cystic lesion around the hip joint is rare and only a few cases have been described in the literature. Among these, true ganglion cysts are even more rare.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 57-year-old woman with femoral nerve compression caused by a true ganglion cyst of the hip joint.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A high index of suspicion is required to predict a non-palpable cystic lesion around the hip joint as it may mimic different disorders and should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of unusual groin pain, radicular pain and peripheral vascular disorders.</p

    Doğum felcinin sekel dönemi cerrahi tedavisi

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    TEZ3854Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2002.Kaynakça (s. 74-83) var.vi, 83 s. ;brnk. res. ; 30 cm.

    Aynı hastada ikitaraflı karpal ve tarsal tünel sendromu : Olgu sunumu

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    Klinik muayene ve elektrofizyolojik çalışmalarla tanı konmuş, iki taraflı ciddi tarsal tünel sendromlu ve iki taraflı ciddi karpal tünel sendromlu, nadir bir vaka sunuyoruz. Kompresyon nöropatisi, özellikle iki taraflı veya multipl olduğunda sistemik bir hastalığa sekonder olabilir. Literatürde, bugüne kadar, aynı hastada iki taraflı tarsal tünel sendromu ve iki taraflı karpal tünel sendromu, sadece bir kaç vakada bildirilmiştir.We report, an unique case with co-existing bilateral severe tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS) and bilateral severe carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), which were diagnosed by clinical examination and electrophysiological studies. Compression neuropathy, especially when bilateral or multiple may be secondary to a systemic disease. To date, bilateral carpal and tarsal tunnel syndromes in the same patient have been reported only a few cases in the literature

    Üst ekstremitenin farklı zamanlı çok merkezli dev hücreli tümörü

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    Kemiğin farklı zamanlı çok merkezli dev hücreli tümörü (DHT) nadir bir durumdur. Küretajdan sonra yüksek tekrarlama oranı, endikasyon olduğunda en-blok rezeksiyonu da içeren çok daha agresif cerrahi uygulamalar zorunludur anlamına gelebilir. Biz sağ humerus üst uçta farklı zamanlı tekrarlayan iyi huylu DHT ile birlikte ikinci lezyonu aynı taraf radius distal metafizde yerleşik olan genç bir kadını sunduk. Hasta agresif cerrahi yaklaşımla (en-blok rezeksiyon) başarılı bir şekilde tedavi edildi.Metachronous multicentric giant cell tumor (GCT) of bone is a rare entity. The high recurrence rate after curettage may mean that more aggressive surgical management is mandatory, including en-bloc resection when indicated. We report a young woman presenting with metachronous recurrent benign GCT located at the right proximal humerus and a second lesion at the ipsilateral distal radial metaphysis. The case was successfully treated with an aggressive surgical approach (en-bloc resection)

    Acute repair of dorsoradial ligament for traumatic dislocation of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb

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    Başparmak karpometakarpal eklemin izole akut travmatik çıkığı nadir bir yaralanmadır. Sınırlı sayıda hastada cerrahi ve konservatif tedavi yöntemleri tanımlanmıştır. Akut dönemde dorsoradiyal ligament tamiri yaptığımız bir hastayı literatür taramasıyla birlikte sunduk. Uygun redüksiyon ve stabiliteyle başarılı sonuç elde edildi. Dorsoradiyal ligament ve kapsülün cerrahi tamiri belirgin instabilite varlığında düşünülmelidir.Isolated acute traumatic dislocation of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is a rare injury. Conservative and surgical measures have been described in a limited number of patients. We report a case treated by acute repair of dorsoradial ligament with review of the literature. The result obtained is successfull with congruent reduction and stability. Surgical repair of dorsoradial ligament and capsule should be considered in presence of instability

    Five cases of early dissociation between the bipolar hip endoprosthesis cup components ; either spontaneously or during reduction maneuvers

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    Bipolar hemiarthroplasty is frequently used in the treatment of intracapsular hip fractures. Dissociationof the bipolar components can happen during the hip dislocation, the reduction maneuvers, or spontaneously without any dislocation. Here we report early dissociation between bipolar components in twocases during the attempt of closed reduction maneuvers and three cases with spontaneous dissociationwithout any trauma. To prevent or minimize this complication; the reduction of dislocated hips must beachieved very gently under general anesthesia withfluoroscopic control. During the initial operation thesurgeons must be sure that the bipolar components are locked to each other and afterŞnal reduction,especially in osteoarthritic acetabulums, that the cup position is not in varus position.&copy; 2017 Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Turkish Association of Orthopaedics andTraumatology. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Bipolar hemiarthroplasty is frequently used in the treatment of intracapsular hip fractures. Dissociationof the bipolar components can happen during the hip dislocation, the reduction maneuvers, or spontaneously without any dislocation. Here we report early dissociation between bipolar components in twocases during the attempt of closed reduction maneuvers and three cases with spontaneous dissociationwithout any trauma. To prevent or minimize this complication; the reduction of dislocated hips must beachieved very gently under general anesthesia withfluoroscopic control. During the initial operation thesurgeons must be sure that the bipolar components are locked to each other and afterŞnal reduction,especially in osteoarthritic acetabulums, that the cup position is not in varus position.&copy; 2017 Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Turkish Association of Orthopaedics andTraumatology. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    İskium yerleşimli periosteal kondrom

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    Periosteal chondroma is a rare benign tumor of hyaline cartilage. Periosteal chondroma arising in the ischium is an extremely rare event. By presenting this case report, we aim to remind that differential diagnosis of these lesions should be carefully performed especially for unusual locations. A 51-year-old man visited the orthopedics clinic with the complaints of left pelvic mass and pain lasting about one year. Computed tomography showed a solid mass with abundant specks of calcification that was 4x5 cm in diameter and associated with the ischium of the left pelvic bone. There was no evidence of penetration into the medullary cavity and cortical sclerosis. No radiological aggressive appearance was observed. The lesion was removed with the covering periosteum. Microscopically, there were lobules of hyaline cartilage composed of chondrocytes with foci of endochondral ossification and calcification. The case was reported as ‘periosteal chondroma’. In conclusion, this case report presents a case of periosteal chondroma, a rare tumor, which occurred in an unusual location and age range. The differential diagnosis of periosteal chondroma from malignant lesions is necessary for avoiding aggressive and inappropriate treatment.Periosteal kondrom nadir görülen benign bir hyalin kıkırdak tümörüdür. İskiyum yerleşimi çok nadir olarak izlenir. Bu çalışmamızda nadir görülen bu tümörün nadir görülen bir lokalizasyonunu sunarak, ayırıcı tanıda dikkat edilmesi gerektiğini hatırlatmayı amaçladık. 51 yaşında erkek hasta yaklaşık bir yıldır devam eden pelvik kitle ve ağrı şikayetiyle ortopedi kliniğine başvurdu. Bilgisayarlı tomografi ile yapılan incelemede; 4x5 cm çapında, sol pelvik kemik iskiyumda lokalize olmuş, kalsifikasyon alanları belirgin, solid kitle izlendi. Medüller kaviteye penetrasyon veya kortikal skleroz bulgusu görülmedi. Radyolojik olarak agresif bir özellik izlenmedi. Lezyon çevresindeki periosteum ile birlikte çıkarıldı. Mikroskopik incelemede, endokondral ossifikasyon ve kalsifikasyon odakları içeren, kondrositlerden meydana gelen ve lobüller oluşturan hyalin kartilaj yapısı izlendi. Bu bulgular eşliğinde olgu ‘periosteal kondrom’ olarak rapor edildi. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışmamızda nadir bir yerleşim ve yaş aralığında görülen ve nadir bir tümör olan periosteal kondrom olgusunu sunduk. Agresif ve uygunsuz bir tedavi yaklaşımının önlenebilmesi açısından periosteal kondromun malign lezyonlardan ayırıcı tanısının yapılabilmesi önemlidir