178 research outputs found

    Resorting to Internet: A look at university students’ problematic Internet use through meaning in life, self-efficacy and self-esteem

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    Internet can be used in a maladaptive way to escape from or compensate perceived inadequacies or the problems experiencing in daily life. In relation to this, in this study the relationship of meaning in life, self-efficacy and self-esteem to problematic Internet use was examined. Furthermore, the role of meaning in life, self-efficacy and self-esteem in predicting problematic Internet use was investigated. The study was carried out 410 university students (280 females and 130 males) attending the different grades of various departments in a school of education in Rize, Turkey. In the study, Sociodemographic Data Form, Problematic Internet Use Scale, Meaning in Life Questionnaire, General Self-Efficacy Scale and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were used as data collection instruments. The data were analyzed through SPSS 15.0 version and descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analysis were utilized in the analysis. Results showed that presence of meaning in life (r=-.26, p<.01), self-efficacy (r=-.36, p<.01) and self-esteem (r=-.29, p<.01) are negatively and significantly correlated to problematic Internet use, on the contrary, search for meaning’s relationship was found in a positive way (r=.21, p<.01). Besides, presence of meaning in life, search for meaning in life and self-efficacy emerged as significant predictors of problematic Internet use. By discussing these results in line with the relevant literature, directions were given for further studies

    Attachment Styles, Self-Construal, Sociodemographic Variables and Discriminatory Attitudes in Turkish Counselor Candidates

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    In this study, relationship of counselor candidates’ discriminatory attitudes to religiosity, political ideology, academic achievement, self-construal and attachment styles was examined. Differences in discriminatory attitudes in terms of gender and class level variables were also investigated. The study was carried out with 383 counseling students from a state university which located in northeast of Turkey. The data were collected with Sociodemographic Data Form, Discriminatory Attitudes Scale, Relational, Individual and Collective Self-Aspects Scale and Relationship Scales Questionnaire. Discriminatory attitudes were found as significantly related with religiosity, political ideology, academic achievement, self-construal and attachment styles. Besides, religiosity, political ideology, academic achievement, individualistic and collectivist self-construal emerged as significant predictors of discriminatory attitudes. In terms of gender, male students were found as having stronger discriminatory attitudes than female students to homosexuals, women, different races-ethnicities and religions and in total. There were no significant differences by class-level except discrimination against women. By discussing these findings, suggestions for counselor education and further studies were presented. Keywords: Counseling, discriminatory attitudes, education

    Ambient Vibration Based Model Updating Effects on the Earthquake Response of Tall Buildings

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    The study investigates ambient vibration based model updating effects on the seismic behaviour of a RC tall building subjected to far and near-fault ground motions. A 17-storey building built in Giresun, Turkey is selected as an application. Firstly, 3D initial finite element model of the selected building is created and determined analytical dynamic characteristics. Then, experimental dynamic characteristics of the building (frequencies, mode shapes, damping ratios) are determined by Operational Modal Analysis Method from the ambient vibration tests. According to experimental results, initial finite element model is calibrated by using boundary conditions and material properties. Initial and calibrated finite element models of the building are analysed under far and near-fault ground motions. The displacements, velocity and accelerations from the analyses are compared with each other

    Non-ketotic hyperglycaemia presenting as epilepsia partialis continua

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    AbstractEpilepsia partialis continua (EPC) is a rare epileptic syndrome, observed in various cortical lesions and also in metabolic disorders. We report the case of a 57-year-old patient with EPC as the first manifestation of hyperosmolar non-ketotic hyperglycaemia (NKH) of diabetes mellitus. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were normal. Initial laboratory data revealing serum glucose 1540mg/dl, and serum osmolality 391mOsm/l confirmed the diagnosis. Electroencephalography (EEG) showed ictal discharges in the ipsilateral hemisphere during focal seizures. Seizures are resistant to anticonvulsant treatment and respond best to insulin and rehydration. Focal motor seizures or EPC are commonly a symptom of NKH in the elderly patients. We recommend that in such cases a metabolic disorder such as diabetes mellitus be ruled out

    Traces of Western Philosophy in the Media’s Islamophobia Discourse

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    Islamophobia, which started with the first emergence of Islam but has become a common concept, especially after the September 11 attacks, is one of the most common forms of discrimination that Muslims are subjected to today. Although it means fear of Islam, Islamophobia refers to unfounded fear. The media plays an important role in spreading and reinforcing this fear or prejudice. Islamophobia, which is usually dealt with on a theological basis in the studies carried out, actually has philosophical foundations and this has a more ancient history than theological foundations. So much so that when we look at the anti-Islamic content produced in the media, it is seen that there is a great similarity with the descriptions in Western philosophy. For example, in addition to similar depictions such as Islam being a "religion of the sword", which is constantly associated with terror, the fact that Islam is a religion that emerged from Eastern society has led to a philosophical depiction mixed with orientalist images. This study, in which the document analysis method is used, reveals that the Islamophobic discourses and representations produced by today's Western mainstream media organizations are very similar to the depictions and judgments about Islam and Muslims from the Medieval philosophy to the period of Western thought from the Age to the period of Western thought

    Batı’nın Bir Ötekisi Olarak İslam ve Müslümanlar: Batı Avrupa Medyasında İslamofobinin Temsili

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    Günümüzde sıkça kullanılan ve görece yeni bir kavram olan İslamofobi, anlam olarak bir korkuya karşılık gelse de bu kavram temelde, Batı için tehdit oluşturan İslam’a dair antipatiyi/nefreti ifade etmektedir. İslamofobinin temelinde birçok neden yatmaktadır. Bunlar arasında teolojik, kültürel, ekonomik, politik gibi pek çok nedenin yanı sıra oryantalizm ile günümüzde Müslümanlarla doğrudan ilişkilendirilen terör bulunmaktadır. Batı Avrupa eksenli olan bu çalışmada Müslüman nüfusun en fazla olduğu Fransa, Almanya ve İngiltere basını seçilmiştir. Bu ülkelerin basınından sağ ve sol görüşü temsilen ikişer gazete seçilmiş, İslam ve Müslümanlarla ilgili haberlerde İslamofobinin nasıl inşa edildiği karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde ortaya konmuştur. Seçilen haberler, van Dijk’ın haber metinleri için geliştirdiği eleştirel söylem analizine göre çözümlenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucuna göre, eğer Müslümanlar, herhangi bir olay veya kararın öznesi durumundaysa ya doğrudan negatif olarak temsil edilmekte ya da olumsuz argümanlarla ilişkilendirilerek dolaylı olarak negatif bir şekilde temsil edilmektedir. Fakat Müslümanlar bir olayın parçası, yani edilgen bir konumda ise Müslümanlar için genelde ya kurbanlaştırıcı dramatik bir söylem üretilmekte ya da onlar minimize edilmekte veya yok sayılmaktadır

    Türkiye’de İletişim Kuramının Öncülerinden: Ünsal Oskay ve Eserleri

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    Ünsal Oskay, Türkiye’de iletişim alanında ilk doktora tezini yazan isimlerden birisidir. Kitle iletişim kuramlarının Türkiye’de öğrenilmesinde önemli rol oynayan Oskay’ın, kitle iletişimi ile ilgili ortaya koyduğu eserler onu iletişim alanında öncü kuramcılardan birisi haline getirmiştir. Ünsal Oskay, iletişimin yanı sıra eserlerinde çoğunlukla “toplumbilim” olarak ifade ettiği sosyoloji ile siyaset, hukuk gibi sosyal bilimlerin farkı alanlarından birçok eseri de Türkçeye kazandırmıştır. Yaklaşık kırk yılı bulan akademik hayatına on kitap, on beş çeviri kitap ile yüzlerce makale sığdıran Ünsal Oskay, binlerce öğrenci yetiştirmiştir. Oskay, eleştirel sosyal teorinin benimsenmesindeki çabalarıyla, tüm sosyal bilim camiasında her zaman görüşleriyle göz önünde bulundurulması gereken bir isim olmuştur. Bir veri toplama tekniği olan doküman analizinin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada, Oskay’ın kitap, çevirileri ve makalelerinden oluşan tabir-i caizse külliyatının bir panoraması ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak Oskay, 1960’larda (Ankara Üniversitesi’nde asistan iken) daha çok toplumbilim temalı eserleri Türkçe’ye kazandırırken, kendi kaleme aldığı makaleleri ise iletişim alanından uzaktır. En çok eseri doçent olduğu 1982 yılında veren Oskay’ın çalışmaları teorik olup, ampirik bir çalışması bulunmamaktadır

    Views of Middle School Students on the Effectiveness of Science Courses Conducted with Biomimicry

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    This study investigated the views of middle school students on the effectiveness of science courses conducted with biomimicry. To this end, phenomenological design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The study group consisted of 10 students in grades 5 and 7 who continued their education in a middle school located in the central district of Ankara province in the 2021-2022 academic year. Participants were determined through criterion sampling. The data collected through semi-structured interviews were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Based on the findings, codes and themes were created. According to the results of the study, students emphasized that science courses conducted with biomimicry activities increased their motivation and contributed to their academic and social development, as well as improving their creativity. In addition, due to the permanence of knowledge and the fun nature of the lessons, students also want to use biomimicry-based activities in other courses. In the study, how students overcame the challenges they faced was also examined. In this context, student responses indicated that the activities took too much time, they had difficulty deciding on the organism to be inspired by, and that a lot of thinking was required. Providing options for students to conduct biomimicry activities in areas of their interest will encourage greater participation. It is recommended to conduct more comprehensive studies on integrating biomimicry into science courses using different measurement tools and different study groups. It is thought that the widespread use of biomimicry activities will have a positive impact on students' motivation and academic achievement

    A rare cause of globus pallidus and dentate nucleus hyperintensity in childhood: MBOAT mutation

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    Mutations in mammalian membrane-bound O-acyltransferase domain-containing (MBOAT) 7 gene are a rare cause for intellectual disability, developmental delay, autistic findings, epilepsy, truncal hypotonia with appendicular hypertonia, and below-average head sizes. Pathogenic variants in MBOAT7 gene show these nonspecific clinical features that are seen in many other neurometabolic diseases. Therefore, specific neuroimaging findings can be valuable key factors for differential diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of T2 hyperintensity in bilateral globus pallidi and dentate nuclei are seen in a few neurometabolic diseases with similar clinical features of developmental delay and hypotonia, as in our cases. While evaluating the patients with similar phenotypes and specific MRI findings, MBOAT7 deficiency should be kept in mind. Here, we identified two brothers who had a novel homozygous variant in MBOAT7 gene and aimed to raise awareness about this newly described disease