13 research outputs found

    The usability of voluntary carbon markets as a financial instrument in Turkish forestry sector

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    There have been many international studies and cooperations to avoid global warming and climate change as being global disasters. As a result of these studies, to avoid these problems, bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperations, legal instruments, incentive mechanisms and international funds are developed. One of these instruments is global carbon market as a cost-effective method to combat climate change. Thanks to carbon markets, projects in renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management and forestry sectors aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can be developed at. As forests are the most important terrestrial carbon sinks and deforestation and forest degradation are the third-largest source of carbon emissions, forestry sector is one of the crucial sectors in this process. In this context, Turkish forestry sector should benefit from international markets for protection, improvement and sustainable management of forest resources. Currently, Turkish forestry sector has not taken any financial support from these markets. In this study, it is aimed to determine and evaluate opportunities provided by voluntary carbon markets for Turkish forestry sector financing

    Sustainable ecotourism management in protected areas

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    In recent years, there is an increase in social and environmental awareness. As a result of this, tourists prefer tourism types which do not affect cultural and natural resources negatively. Thus, sustainable tourism and ecotourism activities in protected areas such as National Park and Natural Park have gained importance. Within this period, tourists and local community in these areas are most important stakeholders. There is no consensus about evaluation of sustainability, but overall approach is that sustainability can be defined with criteria ad indicators. In this study it is aimed to evaluate possible criteria and indicators for sustainable ecotourism in protected areas within the context of Turkish forestry

    Estimation of carbon sequestration based on two different methods: A case study of Artvin Forest Sub-District Directorate

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    Artan nüfus, sanayileşme ve doğal kaynakların tahribi neticesinde karbon salınımının kritik seviyeye gelmesiyle küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği gibi küresel sorunlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu sorunların baş sorumlusu olarak havadaki zararlı gazlar ve özellikle de karbondioksit gösterilmektedir. Karbondioksitin başlıca bileşeni olan karbon toprakta, suda ve ormanlarda depolanmaktadır. Küresel iklim değişikliği ile mücadele sözleşmesi gereği imza atan pek çok ülke orman alanlarında depoladığı ve havaya saldığı kirletici gazların miktarının hesaplamak durumundadır. Konu gündeme geldiğinden bu yana ormanlarda tutulan karbon miktarı; biyokütle hesabına dayanılarak hesaplanmaktadır. Ülke çapında hesaplanan ilk veriler ASAN tarafından ülkemizin de yer aldığı küresel konuma bağlı olarak iğne yapraklı ve geniş yapraklı ormanlar için ayrı ayrı geliştirilen katsayılardan yararlanılarak hesaplanırken, son dönemde ise bu veriler FRA-2010 kılavuzuna göre benzer yaklaşımla bozuk alanların ayrı bir kalem olarak hesaba dahil edilmesiyle hesaplanarak ilgili mercilere sunulmuştur. Ülkemizde orman alanlarının artması, yapısal anlamda iyileşmesi bir yana orman alanlarında tutulan karbon miktarında da çok ciddi bir artış olduğu görülmektedir. Her iki yöntem arasındaki farklılıkları göstermek isteyen bu çalışmada Artvin Orman İşletme Şefliğinde, farklı formüllerin ve katsayıların toplam karbon birikim miktarı üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, her iki yönteme dayalı olarak araştırma alanı karbon birikimi hesaplanmış önemli farklılar oluştuğu ortaya konulmuştur. Verimli ve bozuk ormanlar için farklı katsayılar kullandığında, toplam biyokütledeki karbon miktarı yaklaşık %54 daha fazla iken, orman toprağındaki karbon yaklaşık % 65 azalmaktadırGrowing population, industrialization and destruction of natural sources have caused carbon emission to reach critical threshold, which accordingly resulted in global problems such as; global warming and climate change. Main sources of these problems are hazardous gases on the air, particularly; carbon dioxide. The main component of carbon dioxide, carbon is stored in the soil, water and forests. According to the agreement against global climate change, most of the countries that signed the agreement are expected to measure gas amounts that they save in their forest areas and the amount of contaminating gases that are exhausted to the atmosphere. Since the subject was under debate, carbon amounts kept in the forest areas are measured by biomass calculations. The first data measured all across the country were calculated by ASAN using indices that were developed for coniferous and broad-leaved forests separately; recently, these data are measured by including damaged areas as a separate item, similar to the approach in FRA-2010 guide. It can be seen that there is a significant increase in the carbon amounts kept in the forest areas in Turkey along with increasing number of forest areas and recovery in structure. This study, which aims to show the differences between the two methods, seeks to identify the effects of different formulas and indices on total amount of carbon stocks in Artvin Forest Sub-district Directorate. As a result, carbon amounts in the study area were calculated with each method and there were significant differences found between the two methods. When different indices are used for productive and damaged areas, the approximate increase in carbon amount is 54% with an approximate 65% decrease in carbon amount in forest soil

    Recreational use of urban forests and awareness of visitors: the case of the city of ordu - Yoroz and Asarkaya urban forests

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    Throughout the urbanization and advancement in technology process, the human intervention on the nature has increased, and the human-nature relation deteriorated gradually. The environment, which consisted of soil, air, water and living things in it, has been contaminated with the wastes released by this sector with the great production power reached by the industry in our present day, and the living creatures have been disturbed by these wastes. With the influence of urbanization, forests and people in or around cities have become increasingly affected by each other. This interaction, which has a specific focus on recreational demand, led to the emergence of a new natural sources management model that is shaped by service production and recreational uses. As a result of all these developments, the “Urban Forestry” concept, which is a different form of the “Traditional Forestry” concept, was born. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of the urban forests established against the negative effects that decrease the quality of life of the city people caused by vehicle and human traffic and various toxic gases and heavy industry in metropolitan cities on people living in cities. In this study, Yoroz and Asarkaya Urban Forests in the city of Ordu were selected as the Study Areas. The condition of Yoroz and Asarkaya urban forests, what purpose(s) they serve, their developments, whether or not they have different functions, the extent to which people benefit from these urban forests, their expectations from the urban forests, and the difficulties they face when they cover these expectations, and what measures should be taken to overcome these problems were discussed in the present study. These two urban forests in the city of Ordu were visited and, people who visited these forests and who benefited from these areas were interviewed face-to-face to determine their thoughts, difficulties and expectations about the urban forest

    Ekoturizmin Türkiye orman köyleri kalkınmaları üzerindeki sosyo-ekonomik etkilerinin ölçümü (Camili biyosfer rezerv alanı örneği)

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    Orman köylüleri, yasadışı yollarla ormanlan tahrip etmekte ve orman kaynaklarının tahribine yol açmaktadır. Kırsal alanda istihdam oluşturulması, bu işin turizm sektörü gibi sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel yönü zengin bir alanda olması, az gelişmiş kırsal alanda hem ekonomik büyüme ve hem de ekonomik kalkınma sağlayabilecektir. Ekoturizm, doğal ve kültürel değerlerin korunması, geliştirilmesi ve aynı zamanda yöre halkının turizm etkinliklerine katılımını ve kalkınmasını sağlayan bir turizm anlayışıdır. Artvin ilinin Borçka ilçesindeki camili havzasındaki orman köylerinde uygulanmakta olan ekaturizm etkinliklerinin ekonomik kalkınmalarında etkili olup olmadığını ölçmek amacı ile gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, uygulanmak üzere hazırlanan anket formu ile araştırma amacına ulaşmak Için, 6 adet orman köyünde gerçekleştirilen arazi çalışmasında; her yaş grubundan, ekoturizmin orman köylüleri kalkınmaları üzerindeki etkilerini ölçmek amacıyla; anket yapılan kişilerin eğitim durumları, ekaturizm etkinlikleri hakkındaki görüş ve bilgi düzeyleri, köyden şehre göç olayı, yörede yaşanan mevcut sorunlar, yıllık gelir durumu, hayat koşullarındaki değişim vb. gibi değişkenler; ekaturizm öncesi ve sonrası düzeyleri itibari ile ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma amacına ulaşmak için anketlerle elde edilen veriler; yüzde, khi-kare, eşlendirilmiş t testi ve wilcoxon analizlerini içeren istatistiki yöntemlerden yararlanılmıştır.Since forest villagers could not provide sufficient income for living, they cause forest degradation. Tourism sector with its high level of socio-economic and cultural interactions might create rural employment and thus empower the economic growth and development in rural areas. Ecotourism can contribute to the sustaining the natural and cultural vatues while it offers participation of local people in tourism activities. The case study area, camili Biosphere Reserve, is at the northeast part of the Turkey in Artvin, at the Georgia-Turkish bereler. Questionnaires included various aspects including the personal information of educatıon, their views and knowledge level on ecotourism activities, emigration from villages to cities, density of road network, national household income, living standards, and usage. Ali those aspects were inquired both before and after the ecotourism activities. Data will be analyzed through descriptives, Chi-Square, paired t tests, and wilcoxon analyses

    The place and importance of ecotourism in accomplishing of living trouble in to be developed of forest villagers in Turkey forestry sector . (case of Camili biosphere reserve area in Turkey)

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    Since forest vlllagers could not provide sufficient ineome for living, they cause forest degradation.ORKÖY which support the socioeconomic development of forest villagers cculdn't provide to success. In rural areas, ecotourism activiti~s can be considered as a tool for migratian and unemployment problems. Ecotourlsm can contribute to the sustaining the natural and cultural values while it offers participatlon of local people in tourism activities. However; forestryvillagers relations doesn't seem possible to undertake the task alone. Therefore, related foundations wlth forestry, civil soclety, prlvate seeter and local people must act as organizational and corporational. In this paper, in accomplishing of living trouble in to be developed of forest villagers subject is analyzed and in content of Artvin- Camili Biosphere Reserve Area is used as data. Questionnaires included their ecotourism activities, info levels and joining, social- economic effects, annual revenue ete. like these variabtes were inquired both before and after the ecotourism activities. Data will be analyzed through descriptives, Chi-Square, palred T tests, and Wilcoxon analyses

    Socio-Economic Effects on The Forest Villagers of Ecotourism Potential (Case of Artvin-Camili Biosphere Reserve Area)

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    As a result of rapid changes occurring in the world who live urban people from a resort in the selection of natural areas and start to choose to travel; forest villagers because rural poverty, forest and forest resource have been destroyed. Since people change their expectations from tourism, natural areas began to gain importance. Until ın today’s conditions for citizens to the problems of migration and employment and ensure the sustainability of forest resources with ecotourism activities on the agenda of the approach began to take its place. The case study area, Camili Biosphere Reserve in Artvin; eco-tourism activities on the forest villagers demographic, social, cultural, economic, etc. with eco-tourısm activities and the sustainability of forest resources and forest planning and management aimed at the development stage of the villagers how it ought to be investigated. Forest villagers are selected according to full-count method. Data will be analyzed through descriptives, Chi-Square, paired T tests and Wilcoxon analyses

    Ecotourism activities discussion as a solution at the development of forest villagers

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    Ciddi anlamda uygulandığı takdirde, gerek ekonomik, gerekse sosyal ve kültürel açıdan önemli yararlar sağlayacak olan ve bir kırsal kalkınma etkinliği aracı olarak düşünülen ?Ekoturizm, orman köylüsünün yaşam koşullarının daha yaşanılır hale getirilmesi amacını taşımaktadır. Kırsal kesimin gelirini ve verimliliğini artırarak, çağdaş bir sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel çevreyi oluşturmayı amaçlayan bu etkinlik, bu çalışmanın temel konusunu oluşturmaktadır.Main aim of this study is to analyse ?Ecotourism aiming at establishing a contemporary economic and social structure, by improving the income and productivity of the forest villagers. As the rural development activities, ?Ecotourism? can provide to critical benefits on economic, social and cultural dimensions. Moreover, while reaching the aims, it brings the rural life to a more civilized level

    Opinions of forest administration chief officers in Artvin Regional Directorate of Forestry about preparation and application phases of forest management plans

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    In this study, based on the example of Artvin Regional Directorate of Forestry, it is aimed to display the viewpoints of forest administration chief officers as regards planning who are the basic elements of interest groups and who implement plans, determine their opinions about the problems they encounter during preparation and application phases of plans, and develop solution proposals. Within this study a survey was performed with 31 forest administration chief officers in Artvin Regional Directorate of Forestry. According to the survey results, at planning phase it has been seen that participatory processes are put into force, certain criteria and indicators are adopted in differentiating between forest functions at inventory stage, which were also taken into consideration during planning, and in particularly stand parameters were determined accurately. Also during planning phase, it is believed that, endemic, rare and endangered targeted plant and wild animal species are evaluated, whereas non-wood forest types suffer from a lack of evaluation. In addition, it was concluded that lack or insufficiency of silviculture plans, the size of forest administration chiefdom and relations problems between forest administration and local people were being experienced. By integrating other interest groups to planning process, widening the scope of the sudty and realizing similar studies in different regional directorates of forestry, we can determine common points and differences and by this way new strategies can be developed

    Citrullinemia with an Atypical Presentation: Paroxysmal Hypoventilation Attacks.

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    Citrullinemia type 1 (CTLN1) is a rare inherited urea cycle disorder, which resulted from the deficiency of argininosuccinate synthetase enzyme. We presented an infant who was hospitalized because of acute losses of tonus and cyanotic hypoventilation attacks lasting approximately 4-5 min. The physical and neurological examinations were normal. Ammonia level was in the normal range. Citrulline levels increased in both blood and urine. The blood sample was sent to mutation analysis, which showed one novel and one known mutation on ASS1 gene sequencing: a heterozygous novel mutation p.A94V (c.281C>T) and a heterozygous mutation p.W179R (c.535C>T). Urea cycle disorders should be considered in the differential diagnosis of unexplained brief apnea or hypoventilation attacks, even though those symptoms do not lead to hyperammonemia during infancy and childhood as seen in our patient. This is the first case in terms of atypical clinical presentation with a new mutation for CTLN1