1 research outputs found

    Coccolithophores as palaeoecological indicators for shifts of the ITCZ in the Cariaco Basin during the late Quaternary

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    Coccoliths were studied from the ODP Hole 1002C and core PL07-39PC in the Cariaco Basin. Increases in Emiliania huxleyi are synchronous with decreases of Gephyrocapsa oceanica and vice versa. A new index (GEX) based on the relative abundances of these two taxa is proposed, and correlates with various other proxies. It is shown that GEX can serve as upwelling proxy. This confirms that the Intertropical Convergence Zone shifted north during the Bølling/Allerød, south during the Younger Dryas and back north during the Preboreal. The upwelling proxy shows few discrepancies with the terrigenous record