4 research outputs found

    Histopatološka i molekularna dijagnoza sarkocistoze miokarda u ovaca i imunohistološka korelacija s parazitskim lezijama koje sadrže MMP-2 i MMP-9

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    This study was aimed at the histopathological and immunohistochemical level investigate cardiac tissue lesions caused by Sarcocystis spp. in sheep, and thereby, to collect detailed information on the presence of these parasites and the pathogenesis of sarcocystosis in ovine animals. PCR, a molecular diagnostic method, was used for the identification of the parasite species. Microscopic examination revealed that out of the 45 ovine cardiac tissue samples examined 23 contained Sarcocystis spp. cysts. The PCR analysis results showed that out of the 23 cardiac tissue specimens infected with sarcocysts, 7 were determined to be infected with Sarcocystis gigantea and 16 with Sarcocystis tenella. Immunohistochemical examination demonstrated that, emiquantitatively, MMP - 9 staining was stronger than MMP - 2 staining in the periphery of the parasite cysts.Cilj je ovog rada bio histopatološko i imunohistokemijsko istraživanje lezija srčanog tkiva uzrokovanih parazitom Sarcocystis spp. u ovaca te prikupljanje detaljnih informacija o prisutnosti ovih parazita i patogenezi sarkocistoze u ovaca. Molekularna dijagnostička metoda PCR upotrijebljena je za identifikaciju parazitskih vrsta. Mikroskopska analiza pokazala je da su od 45 uzoraka srčanog tkiva ovaca 23 sadržavala ciste parazita Sarcocystis spp. Na temelju rezultata PCR analize od 23 uzorka srčanog tkiva invadirana sarkocistama 7 uzoraka bilo je invadirano vrstom Sarcocystis gigantea, a 16 uzoraka vrstom Sarcocystis tenella. Imunohistokemijska pretraga pokazala je da je, semikvantitativno, MMP-9 obojenje bilo jače od obojenja MMP-2 na periferiji cista parazita

    Histopathological, immunohistochemical, and parasitological studies on pathogenesis of Coenurus cerebralis in sheep

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    This study consisted in histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations of the central nervous system of 15 sheep suspected of infection with Coenurus cerebralis. The sheep displayed compulsive circling and were submitted for necropsy in 2012–2016