8,123 research outputs found

    Chiral fermion mass and dispersion relations at finite temperature in the presence of hypermagnetic fields

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    We study the modifications to the real part of the thermal self-energy for chiral fermions in the presence of a constant external hypermagnetic field. We compute the dispersion relation for fermions occupying a given Landau level to first order in g'^2, g^2 and g_phi^2 and to all orders in g'B, where g' and g are the U(1)_Y and SU(2)_L couplings of the standard model, respectively, g_phi is the fermion Yukawa coupling, and B is the hypermagnetic field strength. We show that in the limit where the temperature is large compared to sqrt{g'B}, left- and right-handed modes acquire finite and different B-dependent masses due to the chiral nature of their coupling with the external field. Given the current bounds on the strength of primordial magnetic fields, we argue that the above is the relevant scenario to study the effects of magnetic fields on the propagation of fermions prior and during the electroweak phase transition.Comment: 11 pages 4 figures, published versio

    Boundary and expansion effects on two-pion correlation functions in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We examine the effects that a confining boundary together with hydrodynamical expansion play on two-pion distributions in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We show that the effects arise from the introduction of further correlations due both to collective motion and the system's finite size. As is well known, the former leads to a reduction in the apparent source radius with increasing average pair momentum K. However, for small K, the presence of the boundary leads to a decrease of the apparent source radius with decreasing K. These two competing effects produce a maximum for the effective source radius as a function of K.Comment: 6 pages, 5 Eps figures, uses RevTeX and epsfi

    Density and expansion effects on pion spectra in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We compute the pion inclusive momentum distribution in heavy-ion collisions at AGS energies, assuming thermal equilibrium and accounting for density and expansion effects at the time of decoupling. We compare to data on mid rapidity charged pions produced in central Au + Au collisions and find a very good agreement. The shape of the distribution at low mt−mm_t-m is explained in part as an effect arising from the high mean pion density achieved in these reactions. The difference between the positive and negative pion distributions in the same region is attributed in part to the different average yields of each kind of charged pions.Comment: Minor changes, typo in Fig. 2b corrected, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Direct Detection of a (Proto)Binary-Disk System in IRAS 20126+4104

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    We report the direct detection of a binary/disk system towards the high-mass (proto)stellar object IRAS20126+4104 at infrared wavengths. The presence of a multiple system had been indicated by the precession of the outflow and the double jet system detected earlier at cm-wavelengths. Our new K, L' & M' band infrared images obtained with the UKIRT under exceptional seeing conditions on Mauna Kea are able to resolve the central source for the first time, and we identify two objects separated by ~ 0.5'' (850 AU). The K and L' images also uncover features characteristic of a nearly edge-on disk, similar to many low mass protostars with disks: two emission regions oriented along an outflow axis and separated by a dark lane. The peaks of the L' & M' band and mm-wavelength emission are on the dark lane, presumably locating the primary young star. The thickness of the disk is measured to be ~ 850 AU for radii < 1000 AU. Approximate limits on the NIR magnitudes of the two young stars indicate a high-mass system, although with much uncertainty. These results are a demonstration of the high-mass nature of the system, and the similarities of the star-formation process in the low-mass and high-mass regimes viz. the presence of a disk-accretion stage. The companion is located along the dark lane, consistent with it being in the equatorial/disk plane, indicating a disk-accretion setting for massive, multiple, star-formation.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures (1 pseudo colour), 1 table; colour figure replaced with jpg file; to be published in ApJL; (back after temoprary withdrawal due to non-scientific reasons.

    Shadowing of gluons in perturbative QCD: A comparison of different models

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    We investigate the different perturbative QCD-based models for nuclear shadowing of gluons. We show that in the kinematic region appropriate to RHIC experiment, all models give similar estimates for the magnitude of gluon shadowing. At scales relevant to LHC, there is a sizable difference between predictions of the different models.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Assessing the performance of urban water utilities in Mozambique using a water utility performance index

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    Benchmarking analysis has become a strategic tool through which water regulators around the world measure the performance of water utilities. Since 2008, the Water Regulatory Council of Mozambique has been implementing a benchmarking framework to analyse the performance of urban water utilities. This paper develops a water utility performance index (WUPI) to analyse the performance of the regulated urban water supply utilities in Mozambique during 2010 and 2012. The WUPI is based on 12 key performance indicators grouped into 3 components (economic sustainability, operational sustainability and quality of the services). The WUPI was built in 6 different ways, using 2 weighting systems (equal weights and non-equal weights), and 3 different functional forms to aggregate the indicators (additive aggregation, hybrid aggregation and TOPSIS aggregation). The results obtained show that the performance of the water supply utilities in the analysed period has evolved positively. They also indicate that the performance level between the analysed water supply utilities is heterogeneous, with water supply utilities earning both high and low scores of the WUPI. Water utilities that were working through water operator partnership mechanics obtained higher performances in terms of the WUPI. This information should enable water supply utility managers and decision makers to prioritise activities and implement working models that allow for improvement of the performance of water supply utilities.Keywords: Benchmarking; composite indicators; performance indicators; Mozambiqu
