206 research outputs found

    Variety of disk wind-driven explosions in massive rotating stars

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    We perform a set of two-dimensional, non-relativistic, hydrodynamics simulations for supernova-like explosion associated with stellar core collapse of rotating massive stars to a system of a black hole and a disk connected by the transfer of matter and angular momentum. Our model of the central engine also includes the contribution of the disk wind. In this work, we specifically investigate the wind-driven explosion of rotating, large-mass progenitor stars with the zero-age main-sequence mass of MZAMS=20MM_\mathrm{ZAMS}=20\,M_\odot from arXiv:2008.09132 . This study is carried out using the open-source hydrodynamic code Athena++, for which we implement a method to calculate self-gravity for axially symmetric density distributions. We, then, investigate the explosion properties and the 56^{56}Ni production as a function of (varying) some features of the wind injection. We find a large variety of explosion energy with EexplE_\mathrm{expl} ranging from 0.049×1051\sim 0.049\times10^{51}~erg to 34×1051\sim 34\times10^{51}~erg and ejecta mass MejM_\mathrm{ej} from 0.58 to 6 MM_\odot, which shows a bimodal distribution in high- and low-energy branches. We demonstrate that the resulting outcome of a highly- or sub-energetic explosion for a certain stellar structure is mainly determined by the competition between the ram pressure of the injected matter and that of the infalling envelope. In the nucleosynthesis analysis the 56^{56}Ni mass produced in our models goes from <0.2 M< 0.2~M_\odot in the sub-energetic explosions to 2.1 M2.1~M_\odot in the highly-energetic ones. These results are consistent with the observational data of stripped-envelope and high-energy SNe such as broad-lined type Ic SNe. However, we find a tighter correlation between the explosion energy and the ejecta mass than that observationally measured.Comment: published by MNRAS, 18 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, comments welcom

    Validation of radiative transfer computation with Monte Carlo method for ultra-relativistic background flow

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    We developed a three-dimensional radiative transfer code for an ultra-relativistic background flow-field by using the Monte Carlo (MC) method in the context of gamma-ray burst (GRB) emission. For obtaining reliable simulation results in the coupled computation of MC radiation transport with relativistic hydrodynamics which can reproduce GRB emission, we validated radiative transfer computation in the ultra-relativistic regime and assessed the appropriate simulation conditions. The radiative transfer code was validated through two test calculations: (1) computing in different inertial frames and (2) computing in flow-fields with discontinuous and smeared shock fronts. The simulation results of the angular distribution and spectrum were compared among three different inertial frames and in good agreement with each other. If the time duration for updating the flow-field was sufficiently small to resolve a mean free path of a photon into ten steps, the results were thoroughly converged. The spectrum computed in the flow-field with a discontinuous shock front obeyed a power-law in frequency whose index was positive in the range from 1 to 10 MeV. The number of photons in the high-energy side decreased with the smeared shock front because the photons were less scattered immediately behind the shock wave due to the small electron number density. The large optical depth near the shock front was needed for obtaining high-energy photons through bulk Compton scattering. Even one-dimensional structure of the shock wave could affect the results of radiation transport computation. Although we examined the effect of the shock structure on the emitted spectrum with a large number of cells, it is hard to employ so many computational cells per dimension in multi-dimensional simulations. Therefore, a further investigation with a smaller number of cells is required for obtaining realistic high-energy photons with multi-dimensional computations

    Intermediate Luminosity Red Transients by Black Holes Born from Erupting Massive Stars

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    We consider black hole formation in failed supernovae when a dense circumstellar medium (CSM) is present around the massive star progenitor. By utilizing radiation hydrodynamical simulations, we calculate the mass ejection of blue supergiants and Wolf-Rayet stars in the collapsing phase and the radiative shock occurring between the ejecta and the ambient CSM. We find that the resultant emission is redder and dimmer than normal supernovae (bolometric luminosity of 10401041 erg s1\sim 10^{40}-10^{41}\ {\rm erg\ s^{-1}}, effective temperature of 5×103\sim 5\times 10^3 K, and timescale of 10-100 days) and shows a characteristic power-law decay, which may comprise a fraction of intermediate luminosity red transients (ILRTs) including AT 2017be. In addition to searching for the progenitor star in the archival data, we encourage X-ray follow-up observations of such ILRTs \sim 1-10 yr after the collapse, targeting the fallback accretion disk.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ letter

    Diagnosis of Circumstellar Matter Structure in Type IIn Supernovae with Hydrogen Line Feature

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    Some supernovae (SNe), such as Type IIn SNe, are powered by collision of the SN ejecta with a dense circumstellar matter (CSM). Their emission spectra show characteristic line shapes of combined broad emission and narrow P-Cyg lines, which should closely relate to the CSM structure and the mass-loss mechanism that creates the dense CSM. We quantitatively investigate the relationship between the line shape and the CSM structure by Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations, considering two representative cases of dense CSM formed by steady and eruptive mass loss. Comparing the Hα\alpha emission between the two cases, we find that a narrow P-Cyg line appears in the eruptive case while it does not appear in the steady case, due to the difference in the velocity gradient in the dense CSM. We also reproduce the blue-shifted photon excess observed in some SNe IIn, which is formed by photon transport across the shock wave and find the relationship between the velocity of the shocked matter and the amount of the blue shift of the photon excess. We conclude that the presence or absence of narrow P-Cyg lines can distinguish the mass loss mechanism, and suggest high-resolution spectroscopic observations with λ/Δλ104\lambda/ \Delta \lambda \gtrsim 10^4 after the light curve peak for applying this diagnostic method.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    Assessment of skin inflammation using near-infrared Raman spectroscopy combined with artificial intelligence analysis in an animal model

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    Raman spectroscopy is a powerful method for estimating the molecular structure of a target that can be adapted for biomedical analysis given its non-destructive nature. Inflammatory skin diseases impair the skin’s barrier function and interfere with the patient’s quality of life. There are limited methods for non-invasive and objective assessment of skin inflammation. We examined whether Raman spectroscopy can be used to predict skin inflammation with high sensitivity and specificity when combined with artificial intelligence (AI) analysis. Inflammation was chemically induced in mouse ears, and Raman spectra induced by a 785 nm laser were recorded. A principal component (PC) analysis of the Raman spectra was performed to extract PCs with the highest percentage of variance and to estimate the statistical score. The accuracy in predicting inflammation based on the Raman spectra with or without AI analysis was assessed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. We observed some typical changes in the Raman spectra upon skin inflammation, which may have resulted from vasodilation and interstitial oedema. The estimated statistical scores based on spectral changes correlated with the histopathological changes in the skin. The ROC curve based on PC2, which appeared to include some spectral features, revealed a maximum accuracy rate of 80.0% with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.864. The AI analysis improved the accuracy rate to 93.1% with an AUC of 0.972. The current findings demonstrate that the combination of Raman spectroscopy with near-infrared excitation and AI analysis can provide highly accurate information on the pathology of skin inflammation


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    Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae represent a serious public health threat worldwide. Carbapenemase genes, harbored on a transferable plasmid, have been isolated globally with distinct geographical features. Klebsiella pneumoniae, included in Enterobacteriaceae, also produces carbapenemase and often shows hypervirulence. Overlapping carbapenem resistance and hypervirulence in K. pneumoniae have been reported, but such strains have not yet been found in Japan. Here, we screened 104 carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae isolates collected from 37 hospitals and outpatient clinics in Japan between September 2014 and July 2015. PCR and DNA sequencing demonstrated IMP-1 in 21 isolates and IMP-6 in 83 isolates, 77 of which coharbored CTX-M-2. Most of the isolates showed low MICs toward imipenem and meropenem but high MICs toward penicillin and cephalosporins. Conjugation experiments with an Escherichia coli J53 recipient showed that most of the plasmids in IMP-6 producers were transferable, whereas only one-half of the plasmids in IMP-1 producers were transferable. PCR-based replicon typing and multiplex PCR identified five isolates belonging to the CG258 non-tonB79 cluster and no isolate belonging to the CG258-tonB79 cluster or sequence type 307 (ST307). Four K1-ST23 isolates, 10 K2-ST65 isolates, and 7 K2-ST86 isolates were detected that harbored virulence genes. The resistance genes in 85 isolates were transferable, but the virulence genes were not transferred. These results demonstrate the acquisition of IMP-type carbapenemase genes and CTX-M-type genes among hypervirulence isolates in Japan, warranting further attention and countermeasures. In this study, we have determined the molecular characteristics and epidemiology of IMP-6 producers that coharbored various CTX-M genes in Japan.IMPORTANCE Carbapenems serve as a last resort for the clinical treatment of multidrug-resistant infections. Therefore, the rapid spread of carbapenemase-producing strains represents a serious public health threat, further limiting antibiotic choices. The current findings of hypervirulent carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates in Japan demonstrate the potential broad spread and transfer of these genes, necessitating close surveillance.博士(医学)・乙第1509号・令和3年3月15日Copyright © 2020 Yonekawa et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Chronic Orofacial Pain in Dental Patients: Retrospective Investigation over 12 years

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    Orofacial pain is often difficult to diagnose and treat. However, there have been few reports on the clinical observation of dental patients with orofacial pain. We retrospectively investigated the characteristics of 221 dental patients who had suffered from persistent orofacial pain. Data were collected from the outpatient medical records in our clinic over the past 12 years. More than half of the patients (53.8%) had suffered with pain for more than 6 months from pain onset until the first visit to our clinic. The main diagnoses were neuropathic pain (30.3%), myofascial pain (23.5%), psychogenic pain (20.4%), odontogenic toothache (17.2%), and others (7.7%) such as temporomandibular disorders and glossitis. The treatments included pharmacotherapy, splint therapy, and others such as nerve block, dental treatment, physiotherapy, and/or psychotherapy. Excluding the patients (52 of 221 initially enrolled patients) with unknown responses to treatment, 65.7% showed remission or a significant improvement in pain in response to treatment. Although only a small group of patients had odontogenic toothache, the rate of improvement was highest for this disorder. In conclusion, early consultation with a dentist is useful to prevent chronicity of odontogenic pain and to make a differential diagnosis in patients with orofacial pain