2 research outputs found

    Msimbazi Vattenpark : restaurering av ett urbant flodområde i Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    Degradation of urban river systems is a global problem that poses challenges in Tanzania and other low-income countries, as well as in the rest of the world. To a large extent this is a result of fast urbanization, pollution and floods, that changes and deteriorate natural riverine systems and their ecosystems. Over the past ten years a rapid urbanization and population growth has occurred in Tanzania, particularly in Dar es Salaam. This has increased the demand of basic urban services, infrastructure, housing, and water. In the meantime, the city planning in Dar es Salaam has lacked to follow set plans, regulations and to update the plans. As a result of this, the city is now struggling with spatial disorder, poor infrastructure fast expanding informal settlements and inadequate city planning. One site seriously affected by all these problems is the Msimbazi River flood plain, situated in central Dar es Salaam. Pollution levels in the water and soil have reached very high percentages and due to the recent urbanization and lack of planning, the flood plain can no longer maintain and control the flood water in a sustainable way. This is also due to heavy seasonal rains, lack of infrastructure and clogging of drainage channels. Large parts of the flood plain have also been built upon with mainly many informal settlement which gets flooded every year. The thesis focuses on managing flood water, decreasing pollution levels in the water and soil, and restoring the riverine ecosystem. Four main research themes; restoration of urban river systems, flood water management, pollution reduction in urban watercourses and turning flood plains into multiple-use spaces, leads to specific design strategies that are presented to be applied on this specific site in Dar es Salaam and also on similar sites around the world. The project combines theoretical and practical knowledge in order to obtain a design proposal which considers strengths and weaknesses on site, restore the urban wetland and is also realistic to implement. The developed design proposal for the Msimbazi river and flood plain, Msimbazi Wetland Park, creates a multi-use green space which combines all of these strategies as well as important social and recreational functions. With this transformation and restoration, Msimbazi flood plain can restore its function as a retention area for floods as well as become a sustainable public green space for the citizens of Dar es Salaam

    Planering av grönstruktur

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    Grönstrukturens utrymme i svenska städers planering har inte alltid varit självklar, vilket den idag kan anses vara i varierad utsträckning. I takt med en ökad urbanisering ställs växande krav på stadsplaneringen och städers mål för utnyttjande av mark och vatten. Att se tillbaka på planeringshistoria ger en inblick i de trender och förändringar som städer genomgått och hur de har påverkat planeringen av grönstrukturen. Syftet för uppsatsen var att undersöka hur stadsplaneringen, med avseende på grönstrukturen, förändrats sedan 1940-talet till idag i Norrköping och Västerås. Målet var även att studera hur grönstruktur har definierats, vilka ställningstaganden som ligger till grund för dagens grönstruktur samt om planeringen i Norrköping och Västerås skiljer sig åt eller är likvärdig. Metoden för uppsatsen har varit planstudier. Huvudlitteratur har varit de plandokument som legat till grund för vidare planering och beslut i de båda städerna har studerats utifrån aspekterna bebyggelseutveckling, trafikstruktur och grönstruktur. Resultatet är en sammanställning av grönstrukturens utveckling i de båda städerna där framförallt förändring i utformning och funktion framhävs. Till skillnad mot bebyggelsestruktur och trafikstruktur som är prioriterade och självklara i alla studerade plandokument, har grönstrukturens utrymme och aktualitet varierat mycket. Definitionen av vad som klassas som en del av grönstrukturen samt hur den används har förändrats. Från att de har fyllt en mängd funktioner såsom friluftsliv och rekreation, till gröna lungor som mötesplatser samt för att tillgodose biologisk mångfald. Att planera långsiktigt handlar enligt oss om att lära sig av tidigare beslut och ställningstaganden. Genom att lära av tidigare erfarenheter kan hållbara planeringsverktyg för städers grönstrukturer utvecklas.The space of green structure in Swedish urban planning has not always been obvious, as it today can be considered to a varied extent. Increased urbanization leads to growing demands on urban planning and the cities visions for the use of land and water. Looking back at the planning history provides an insight into the trends and changes that cities have undergone and how they have influenced the planning of green structures. The aim of the paper was to examine how urban planning, with emphasize on the green structure, has changed since the 1940s until today in Norrköping and Västerås. How has green structure been defined and which positions have formed the basis of today's green structure? Does the planning of green structure in Norrköping and Västerås divide from each other or not? The method of the paper has been to study city plans. Planning documents that has formed the basis for further planning and decision-making in the two cities has been studied from the viewpoint of block structure, traffic structure and green structure. The result is a compilation of the green structures development in the two cities, where the particular change in design and function is emphasized. Unlike the built environment and traffic structure that is prioritized and obvious in all studied plan documents, the green structures space and timeliness have varied widely. The definition of what is classified as green structure and how it is used has changed from a variety of features, such as outdoor recreation to green spaces as meeting places and to secure biodiversity. For us, long-term planning is about to looking at historical standpoints in order to develop future sustainable planning