48 research outputs found

    Decarbonisation through digitalisation : Proposals for Transforming the Energy Sector

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    The successful and rapid achievement of sustainability and climate protection goals is becoming an ever-greater focus of political, economic, and societal action. Against this background, the energy industry contributes and will further contribute to decarbonisation in Germany and throughout Europe. Indeed, it already provides a significant contribution to the Paris Agreement and European Green Deal. In this light, the next transformation phase to a sustainable energy system is inevitably linked to the modernisation and especially to the digitalisation of the energy industry. The aim of this thesis paper is to intensify the discussion on the digitalisation of the energy industry and, in particular, to outline recommendations for flexible and proactive action by all stakeholders. The University of Bayreuth, the Fraunhofer FIT Project Group Business & Information Systems Engineering and the European transmission system operator TenneT are united by the vision of climate-neutral economic growth based on the innovative strength of the European economy. In 2021, decarbonisation is already shaping the digitalisation of the energy industry. Following on from the steps initiated in recent years to move the energy industry towards greater sustainability in the course of the energy transition, the main concern now is to accelerate sustainable growth while continuing to keep the energy supply secure and economical. A crucial building block in this development is the electrification of additional sectors. Accordingly, we discuss the role of grid expansion with respect to sector coupling and emphasise the digitalisation of end-to-end energy industry processes. In this context, we see decentralised digital identities as a promising way of bridging the current digital gap and addressing the need for digital certificates for thorough decarbonisation. In view of the urgency of climate policy action, we recommend an appropriate innovation policy to enable promising solutions to be tested in an agile way and findings to be drawn rapidly. Finally, we offer an overview of the monitoring of carbon emissions in grid expansion projects. This paper is aimed at political decision-makers, energy industry stakeholders, and all citizens interested in energy policy

    Dekarbonisierung durch Digitalisierung : Thesen zur Transformation der Energiewirtschaft

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    Das erfolgreiche und schnelle Erreichen von Nachhaltigkeitsund Klimaschutzzielen rückt zunehmend in den Fokus des politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Handelns. Vor diesem Hintergrund kann und muss die Energiewirtschaft weiter wesentlich zur Dekarbonisierung in Deutschland und ganz Europa beitragen. Für eine erfolgreiche Transformation hin zu einem nachhaltigen Energiesystem im Rahmen des Pariser Klimaabkommens und des europäischen Green Deal stehen damit nun die umfassende Modernisierung und insbesondere die Digitalisierung der Energiewirtschaft an. Ziel dieses Thesenpapiers ist es, die Diskussion über die Digitalisierung der Energiewirtschaft zu intensivieren und insbesondere Empfehlungen für ein flexibles und proaktives Handeln aller relevanten Akteure zu skizzieren. Die Universität Bayreuth, die Projektgruppe Wirtschaftsinformatik des Fraunhofer FIT und den europäischen Übertragungsnetzbetreiber TenneT eint die Vision eines klimaneutralen Wirtschaftswachstums auf Basis der Innovationskraft der europäischen Wirtschaft. Im Jahr 2021 prägt die Dekarbonisierung bereits die Digitalisierung der Energiewirtschaft: Nach den eingeleiteten Schritten zur Transformation der Energiewirtschaft hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit im Zuge der Energiewende in den letzten Jahren geht es nun darum, nachhaltiges Wachstum zu beschleunigen und dabei die Energieversorgung weiterhin sicher und wirtschaftlich zu halten. Einen wesentlichen Baustein dieser Entwicklung bildet die Elektrifizierung weiterer Sektoren. Entsprechend diskutieren wir die Rolle des Netzausbaus im Hinblick auf die Sektorenkopplung und betonen die durchgängige Digitalisierung energiewirtschaftlicher Prozesse. Dabei stellen wir die Bedeutung dezentraler digitaler Identitäten als vielversprechendes Instrument heraus, um die aktuelle digitale Lücke zu überwinden, und verweisen so insbesondere auf die Notwendigkeit von digitalen Zertifikaten für eine durchgängige Dekarbonisierung. In Anbetracht der Dringlichkeit klimapolitischer Maßnahmen empfehlen wir eine Innovationspolitik, die es erlaubt, vielversprechende Lösungsansätze agil zu erproben und rasch hieraus zu lernen. Das Thesenpapier schließt mit einem Ausblick auf das Monitoring der CO2-Emissionen von Netzausbauprojekten und richtet sich insgesamt an politische Entscheidungsträger*innen, Akteure der Energiewirtschaft und alle energiepolitisch interessierten Bürger*innen.The successful and rapid achievement of sustainability and climate protection goals is increasingly getting into the focus of political, economic, and societal action. Against this background, the energy industry contributes and will further contribute to corresponding decarbonization in Germany and throughout Europe. Indeed, it already provides a significant contribution to the Paris Agreement and European Green Deal. In this light, the next transformation phase to a sustainable energy system is inevitably linked to the modernization and, in particular, to the digitalization of the energy industry. The aim of this thesis paper is to intensify the discussion on the digitalization of the energy industry and, in particular, to outline recommendations for flexible and proactive action by all stakeholders. The University of Bayreuth, the Project Group Business & Information Systems Engineering of the Fraunhofer FIT, and the European transmission system operator TenneT are united by the vision of climate-neutral economic growth based on the innovative strength of the European economy. In 2021, decarbonization is already shaping the digitalization of the energy industry: After the initiated steps to transform the energy industry towards more sustainability in the course of the energy turnaround in recent years, it is now a matter of accelerating sustainable growth while continuing to keep the energy supply secure and economical. A crucial building block in this development is the electrification of the heating and transportation sector. Accordingly, we discuss the role of grid expansion with respect to sector coupling and emphasize the digitalization of end-to-end energy industry processes. In this context, we see decentralized digital identities as a promising way to bridge the current digital gap and to address the need for digital certificates in the light of decarbonization. Against the urgency of climate policy action, we recommend an appropriate innovation policy to enable field tests agilely. Finally, we draw a perspective on the monitoring of CO2 emissions of grid expansion projects. This paper is aimed at political decision- makers, energy industry stakeholders, and all citizens interested in energy policy

    Musicology, Diplomacy, and International Networks at the Turn of the 20th Century. Discourses, Practices, Events

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    The birth of musicology as a theoretical discipline coincided with the professionalization of international academic bodies, most famously in natural and social sciences, but also in the humanities. While presenting an important example of transnational exchange, such trend in academic research was directly affected by intergovernmental relations. The intersections between the beginnings of musicology as a theoretical discipline and diplomatic relations will be the object of this round table. The birth of musicology was closely related also to the formation of modern nation states in an age of increased global exchanges, with important implications for the internationalization of the musical repertoire and the music industry. World fairs and exhibitions, and international political-commercial initiatives shaped these experiences. Musicologists felt compelled to compare and put order into a previously unknown multitude of musical practices. Without overlooking the power dynamics underlying processes of canon-building, traditionally expressed with the North-South dichotomy, this round table will contemplate an extended approach to comparativism. We will introduce an East-West dialectic, conceived both as a geographical framing – including Europe, Musicology, Diplomacy, and International Networks at the Turn of the 20th Century Discourses, Practices, Events Prof. Axel Körner, Chair Prof. Bonnie C. Wade, Respondent Dr. Ferran Escrivá-Llorca Dr. María Cáceres-Piñuel Dr. Vincenzina C. Ottomano Dr. Christiane Sibille Prof. Dr. Cristina Urchueguía, Team Leader MA Alberto Napoli, Coordinator 3 Asia, America – and a “longitudinal” exchange among different but equally empowered agents, who evaded fixed hierarchies and learned or profited from one another, continuously questioning the concept of a dominating “center.” Reflecting the complexity of the subject, our panel will include varied topics and disciplinary perspectives. Considering that the transnational flow of music theory and practice serving power relations has been studied in scholarship from Europe outward, in the first presentation Wade will address the adoption of Western theory and practice as a technology for modern nation-building by the Japanese government in late 19th century. Ottomano will explore the impact of the early dissemination of Russian music in Paris, focusing on the very close relationship between music, culture and political interests in the diplomatic exchanges between France and Russia after the Alliance franco-russe (1894). Focusing on international organizations dealing with musical questions in the early 20th century, Sibille will analyze their publications and conferences showing the experts’ efforts to gain political relevance, especially by the standardization of their methodological tools. Escrivà-Llorca will then retrace the turn-of-the-century establishment of music divisions in several important European and American institutional libraries, analyzing the diplomatic and philanthropic actions of specific patrons and curators which constituted their pre-Baroque holdings. Urchueguía will present a case of direct interaction between politics and musicology, discussing the influence of the Spanish regent María Cristina in the preparation of Spanish contributions to the 1892 International Music and Theater Exhibition in Vienna. Cáceres-Piñuel will then assess the role of Guido Adler in the organization of the same event, and its influence on subsequent discourses about music, particularly those referring to ‘national idioms.’ Finally, analyzing musical events at international exhibitions in fin-de-siècle Italy, Napoli will illustrate that consequent musicological writings reflected negotiations between nationalist narratives and local cosmopolitan aspirations. Körner will lead the following discussion, as a transnational historian particularly interested in the exchange of knowledge and the role of culture in international relations

    Managed and Continuous Evolution of Dependable Automotive Software Systems / Andreas Rausch, Oliver Brox, Axel Grewe, Marcel Ibe, Stefanie Jauns-Seyfried, Christoph Knieke, Marco Körner, Steffen Küpper, Malte Mauritz, Henrik Peters, Arthur Strasser, Martin Vogel, Norbert Weiss

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    Automotive software systems are an essential and innovative part of nowadays connected and automated vehicles. Automotive industry is currently facing the challenge to re-invent the automobile. Consequently, automotive software systems, their software systems architecture, and the way we engineer those kinds of software systems are confronted with major challenges: managing complexity, providing flexibility, and guaranteeing dependability of the desired automotive software systems and the corresponding engineering process. In this paper we will present an improved and sophisticated engineering approach. Our approach is based on the managed and continuous evolution of dependable automotive software systems. It helps engineers to manage system complexity based on continous engineering processes to iteratively evolve automotive software systems and therby guarantee the required dependability issues. Based on a running sample, we will present and illustrate the main assets of the proposed engineering approach for managed and continuous evolution of dependable automotive software systems

    Managed and Continuous Evolution of Dependable Automotive Software Systems / Andreas Rausch, Oliver Brox, Axel Grewe, Marcel Ibe, Stefanie Jauns-Seyfried, Christoph Knieke, Marco Körner, Steffen Küpper, Malte Mauritz, Henrik Peters, Arthur Strasser, Martin Vogel, Norbert Weiss

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    Automotive software systems are an essential and innovative part of nowadays connected and automated vehicles. Automotive industry is currently facing the challenge to re-invent the automobile. Consequently, automotive software systems, their software systems architecture, and the way we engineer those kinds of software systems are confronted with major challenges: managing complexity, providing flexibility, and guaranteeing dependability of the desired automotive software systems and the corresponding engineering process. In this paper we will present an improved and sophisticated engineering approach. Our approach is based on the managed and continuous evolution of dependable automotive software systems. It helps engineers to manage system complexity based on continous engineering processes to iteratively evolve automotive software systems and therby guarantee the required dependability issues. Based on a running sample, we will present and illustrate the main assets of the proposed engineering approach for managed and continuous evolution of dependable automotive software systems

    Idee und Traum einer anderen Welt : Arbeiterlieder und alternative Kulturbewegungen in Frankreich und Deutschland im 19 Jahrhundert

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    Defence date: 29 September 1995Examining board: Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerhard Haupt (EUI; Universität Halle; interner Betreuer) ; Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kannonier (Universität Linz) ; Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kocka (Freie Universität Berlin; externer Betreuer) ; Prof. Dr. Yves Lequin (Université Lyon II) ; Prof. Dr. Luisa Passerini (EUI)PDF of thesis uploaded from the Library digitised archive of EUI PhD theses completed between 2013 and 201

    Das Lied von einer anderen Welt : kulturelle Praxis im französischen und deutschen Arbeitermilieu 1840-1890

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    Published version of EUI PhD thesis, 199

    From Hindustan to Brabant: Meyerbeer's Africana and Municipal Cosmopolitanism in Post-Unification Italy

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    A special edition of the Cambridge Opera Journal (Volume 29, Issue 1, March 2017) was produced from papers discussed at the conference Grand Opéra on the Move. This conference was convened at King’s College London, under the auspices of Professor Roger Parker’s European Research Council-funded Music in London, 1800–51 project (Advanced Grant 2012, "Music in London, 1800-1851": ERC-2012-AdG 323404-Muslond)

    ‘Britain – the Sicily of Europe?’ Continental Perspectives on Britain’s Amour Propre

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