11 research outputs found

    Variantes gen茅ticas en el locus 9p21 contribuyen al desarrollo de arteriosclerosis a trav茅s de la modulaci贸n de ANRIL y CDKN2A/B

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    Registro creado en correspondencia al grado de doctora de Ada Congrains Castillo.Los estudios de asociaci贸n de todo el genoma (GWAS) han identificado variantes gen茅ticas que contribuyen al riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) en el locus del cromosoma 9p21. La regi贸n asociada a CVD es adyacente a los dos inhibidores de quinasas dependientes de ciclina (CDKN) 2A y 2B y los 煤ltimos exones del ARN no codificante, ANRIL. Todav铆a no est谩 claro cu谩l de estas transcripciones o c贸mo est谩n involucradas en la patog茅nesis de la aterosclerosis.Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified genetic variants contributing to the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) at the chromosome 9p21 locus. The CVD-associated region is adjacent to the two cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CDKN)2A and 2B and the last exons of the non-coding RNA, ANRIL. It is still not clear which of or how these transcripts are involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.Jap贸n. Programa de Promoci贸n de Estudios Fundamentales en el Instituto Nacional de Innovaci贸n Biom茅dica de Jap贸n (HR: 22-2-5), el Ministerio de Educaci贸n, Cultura, Deportes, Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a de Jap贸n (KK: 22510211) y la Fundaci贸n NOVARTIS para la Investigaci贸n Gerontol贸gica (KK).Tesi

    Human myosin Vc is a low duty ratio nonprocessive motor

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    There are three distinct members of the myosin V family in vertebrates, and each isoform is involved in different membrane trafficking pathways. Both myosin Va and Vb have demonstrated that they are high duty ratio motors that are consistent with the processive nature of these motors. Here we report that the ATPase cycle mechanism of the single-headed construct of myosin Vc is quite different from those of other vertebrate myosin V isoforms. K(ATPase) of the actin-activated ATPase was 62 microm, which is much higher than that of myosin Va ( approximately 1 mum). The rate of ADP release from actomyosin Vc was 12.7 s(-1), which was 2 times greater than the entire ATPase cycle rate, 6.5 s(-1). P(i) burst size was 0.31, indicating that the equilibrium of the ATP hydrolysis step is shifted to the prehydrolysis form. Our kinetic model, based on all kinetic data we determined in this study, suggests that myosin Vc spends the majority of the ATPase cycle time in the weak actin binding state in contrast to myosin Va and Vb. Consistently, the two-headed myosin Vc construct did not show processive movement in total internal reflection fluorescence microscope analysis, demonstrating that myosin Vc is a nonprocessive motor. Our findings suggest that myosin Vc fulfills its function as a cargo transporter by different mechanisms from other myosin V isoforms

    Variantes gen茅ticas en el locus 9p21 contribuyen al desarrollo de arteriosclerosis a trav茅s de la modulaci贸n de ANRIL y CDKN2A/B

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    Registro creado en correspondencia al grado de doctora de Ada Congrains Castillo.Los estudios de asociaci贸n de todo el genoma (GWAS) han identificado variantes gen茅ticas que contribuyen al riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) en el locus del cromosoma 9p21. La regi贸n asociada a CVD es adyacente a los dos inhibidores de quinasas dependientes de ciclina (CDKN) 2A y 2B y los 煤ltimos exones del ARN no codificante, ANRIL. Todav铆a no est谩 claro cu谩l de estas transcripciones o c贸mo est谩n involucradas en la patog茅nesis de la aterosclerosis.Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified genetic variants contributing to the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) at the chromosome 9p21 locus. The CVD-associated region is adjacent to the two cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CDKN)2A and 2B and the last exons of the non-coding RNA, ANRIL. It is still not clear which of or how these transcripts are involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.Este estudio fue apoyado en parte por subvenciones en ayuda del Programa de Promoci贸n de Estudios Fundamentales en el Instituto Nacional de Innovaci贸n Biom茅dica de Jap贸n (HR: 22-2-5), el Ministerio de Educaci贸n, Cultura, Deportes, Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a de Jap贸n (KK: 22510211) y la Fundaci贸n NOVARTIS para la Investigaci贸n Gerontol贸gica (KK).Tesi