20 research outputs found


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    The importance and preservation of knowledge of the Kayan community have gained increasing recognition. They are rich in the diversity and uniqueness of their language, customs, culture, and cuisine. Cultural objects such as beads, traditional bags, and tattoos as well as Kayan folk art and culture such as tekna', folk tales and local music, are among the lesser-known in modern society. Doh Kayan Telang Usan as an independent organization with a particular focus on the socio-economic and holistic development of Telang Usan Kayan women has strived to unite the arts, heritage, and culture as well as several traditional cuisines from 24 Kayan communities from Telang Usan, Baram, Miri, Sarawak. Through the collaboration with the Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Doh Kayan Telang Usan has taken this initiative to document this knowledge and publish this book. Through the title of 'Pengurip' which means 'life' or 'way of life' in Telang Usan Kay an, this book can serve as a reference to the younger generation in getting to know the art, culture, and heritage of the Kayan people better

    Seni Persembahan Topeng Sagu Melanau dalam Kaul Serahang Kakan di Sarawak

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    Masyarakat Melanau mempunyai satu budaya bertopeng semasa persembahan Serahang Kakan yang diperbuat daripada pokok rumbia. Dalam kajian ini, topeng tersebut dinamakan topeng sagu Melanau. Pemakai topeng akan menjadi subjek utama dalam Serahang Kakan dan seterusnya menjadikan Kaul sebagai satu aktiviti kebudayaan yang menarik dalam masyarakat Melanau. Proses penghasilan topeng, fungsi, dan nilai estetik budaya ini akan dibincangkan dalam kajian ini bagi melihat tinjauan awal seni persembahan ini yang jarang diberi perhatian oleh kebanyakan pengkaji kebudayaan Melanau. Sorotan kajian lepas dan beberapa siri kajian lapangan telah dibuat di Mukah untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan. Kajian mendapati bahawa keunikan material pembuatan topeng; pokok rumbia telah menjadikan topeng sagu Melanau ini mempunyai bentuk dan fungsi tersendiri dalam persembahan Serahang Kakan

    Peranan Topeng Sagu Melanau untuk Kaul di Sarawak, Borneo

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    Terdapat banyak acara yang dijalankan dalam Kaul Melanau. Selain daripada menjadi satu ritual untuk pembersihan melalui pemberian kepada Ipok, Kaul juga boleh dilihat sebagai satu seni persembahan bagi etnik Melanau. Kajian seni persembahan Melanau banyak memberi fokus kepada perubatan seperti bebayoh dan juga tarian seladai. Kajian mengenai objek budaya pula banyak melibatkan dakan ataupun belum. Melanau mempunyai persembahan bertopeng dibuat daripada pokok rumbia yang digunakan untuk pelbagai tujuan. Dalam kajian ini, topeng tersebut dinamakan topeng sagu Melanau. Fungsi budaya berdasarkan kepada tradisi dan kesan moderniti dibincangkan dalam kajian ini. Ini dibuat untuk melihat perbandingan antara fungsi asal bertopeng, perubahan konsep bertopeng, dan juga penyesuaian budaya bertopeng ini dalam kebudayaan moden. Untuk menjalankan kajian ini, kajian lapangan telah dibuat di Mukah sebelum Pesta Kaul dan juga semasa Pesta Kaul. Dapat dikenalpasti bahawa terdapat perubahan fungsi penggunaan topeng ini dalam dunia moden kerana faktor penyesuaian


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    The importance and preservation of knowledge of the Kayan community have gained increasing recognition. They are rich in the diversity and uniqueness of their language, customs, culture, and cuisine. Cultural objects such as beads, traditional bags, and tattoos as well as Kayan folk art and culture such as tekna', folk tales and local music, are among the lesser-known in modern society. Doh Kayan Telang Usan as an independent organization with a particular focus on the socio-economic and holistic development of Telang Usan Kayan women has strived to unite the arts, heritage, and culture as well as several traditional cuisines from 24 Kayan communities from Telang Usan, Baram, Miri, Sarawak. Through the collaboration with the Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Doh Kayan Telang Usan has taken this initiative to document this knowledge and publish this book. Through the title of 'Pengurip' which means 'life' or 'way of life' in Telang Usan Kay an, this book can serve as a reference to the younger generation in getting to know the art, culture, and heritage of the Kayan people better


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    Visual Ethnography and its Applications in Ethnographic Painting

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    This paper argued that Visual Ethnography could be used as an alternative in the production of Visual Arts. The researcher suggested that various Visual Arts composition could be engaged in enhancing the quality of Visual Ethnography images and be part of the Ethnographic Painting. The discussion was established from the biography of the cultural object of Pagan Melanau, bilum. Then, the relationship between Social Science and Visual Arts were observable within the context of academic research after the analysis process was clarified. The approach was enlightened through the visual studies and production of two paintings in establishing the employed method


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    This paper aims to share some research information based on the visual experiences during the field trip to Ba’Kelalan, Sarawak. Ba’Kelalan is a traditional village of the Lun Bawang community and is well-known as an eco-tourism area in Sarawak. All the experienceswere documented using the digital documentationtools and have been recorded with reference tothe formalistic artistic methods; in ensuring thevisual effects have the best quality and high artistic value. The results will be discussed based on theimplemented process and the impact of digital document preparation through experientiallearning theory. Next, this article will provide newideas and visual insights that can help data enhancement, especially in the promotion of the rural touris

    Bilum: A Cultural Object of the Pagan Melanau

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    Bilum is among the endangered cultural objects and is used as a healing tool by the Pagan Melanau community, especially in Mukah and Dalat, Sarawak. Yet despite its central role in the community only relatively recently that researchers started taking serious notice of it with studies dating back to the 1960’s and 1970’s. Thus, this study provides an overview of the study on bilum in the Melanau community and its current state particularly with regard to its ritual practice and production. The discussion includes the general types of bilum, the bilum’s carver, spirit, ritual practices and production methods of the bilum. The findings were obtained through visual ethnographic methods to assess the effectiveness of visual analysis in ethnographic research and study the relationship between behavior and visual observation at the study site. The study concludes with the evolution of bilum over time and its impact on the Melanau community in the modern world

    Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model as a Conceptual Framework for Visual Research in Rural Tourism Sites: Batuh Narit Arur Bilit as a Case Study

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    This paper demonstrates the implementation of Kolb’s experiential learning model (ELM), a learner-centric learning method that often used in classrooms and organizational training as a method of research on the visual aspects of rock carving named Batuh Narit Arur Bilit in Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak. This study will highlight thoroughly on the visual research process of Batuh Narit Arur Bilit from acquiring to the interpretation of data to be suited into ELM. The research of visuals in culture is usually conducted in visual anthropology method, however, this practice is often time-consuming, and visuals only serve as a tool to document and describe, but not as a subject of research. The method involves a systematic, stage by stage process of recording visual images, observation, sense of touch, transferring images into digital format, and presenting the outcomes to the public. ELM does not just offer an organized method of collecting and analyzing data in a short period but has also contributed in establishing a dialogue between researchers and the public, especially the local community and thus benefit both parties. The versatility of ELM will hopefully benefit more visual researchers in conducting research within a short period as an alternative to visual anthropology method

    Community Based Tourism- The Attraction Of ‘Embhan’ Community In Kampung Semban, Sarawak.

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    Kampung Semban is a remote village and currently renowned for its Embhan community which is one of the sub-ethnic groups of Bidayuh in Sarawak. This community has been widely portrayed in the local tourism industry through the spectacular appearance of their last remaining ‘Ring Ladies’. These special ladies wore brass-rings around their calves called ‘rasung’, and brass-rings around the forearms known as ‘ruyang’. However, based on research, the researcher found out that there are more than just the ‘Ring Ladies’ factor that draws visitors to Kampung Semban. This paper aims to describe the findings based on the researcher’s experience and observation relating to the additional attraction factors in Kampung Semban and propose it in promoting and boosting this industry further. The researcher anticipated that the potential of these findings could be employed as a proposal in enhancing the development of this competitive community-based tourism in BIMP-EAGA region particularly in Malaysia. To conclude, it is hope that this writings could also be utilized as part of the contribution towards enriching the visual references and records pertaining to the existing community-based tourism in Kampung Semban