3 research outputs found

    Analisis Balaghah tentang Ayat-ayat al-Maradh dalam al-Quran [The Analysis of Balaghah on al-Maradh Verses in the Qur'an]

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    Penelitian tentang tafsiran ‘al-maradh’ dalam al-Quran kurang diketengahkan dalam tempoh situasi negara mendepani pelbagai isu-isu tentang penyakit masa kini. Terdapat ayat-ayat al-Quran menjelaskan tentang ‘al-maradh’ yang mungkin boleh dikaitkan dgn situasi ini. Artikel ini bertujuan mengenal pasti beberapa istilah ‘al-maradh’ yang terdapat dalam ayat al-Quran serta melihat makna dari aspek Balaghah di sebalik perkataan tersebut. Kajian kualitatif ini melibatkan pemerolehan data secara analisis kandungan dan analisis dokumen. Analisis secara deskriptif dilakukan berdasarkan Tafsir al-Wasit dan Tafsir al-Munir oleh Wahbah al-Zuhaili bagi melihat makna tersirat di sebalik penggunaan kosa kata ini. Dapatan artikel ini menunjukkn terdapat 12 perkataan ‘al-maradh’ dalam al-Quran yang memberikan pelbagai sudut tafsiran berkaitan penyakit. Justeru, analisis artikel ini diharap dapat memberi pencerahan berkaitan tafsiran istilah ‘al-maradh’ dalam al-Quran dan elemen-elemen Balaghah yang berkaitan dengannya. Research on the interpretation of 'al-maradh' in the Quran is less highlighted in the period of the country's situation facing various issues about current diseases nowadays. There are verses in the Quran explaining about 'al-maradh' which may be related to this situation. This article aims to identify some of the terms 'al-maradh' found in the verses of the Qur'an as well as to see the meaning from the Balaghah aspects behind the word. This qualitative study involves data acquisition through content analysis and document analysis. Descriptive analysis is done based on Tafsir al-Wasit and Tafsir al-Munir by Wahbah al-Zuhaili to see the implied meaning behind the use of this vocabulary. The finding of this article shows that there are 12 words 'al-maradh' in the Quran that provide various interpretation angles related to illness. Therefore, the analysis of this article is expected to shed light on the interpretation of the term 'al-maradh' in the Qur'an and the elements of Balaghah related to it

    A Preliminary Study of Arabic Text Reading Skills Instruction Based on Effective Reading Strategies

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    Arabic is the main medium of acquisition and mastery of various fields of knowledge written in Arabic. Thus, students need to be more skilful to understand the Arabic text so that the acquisition of knowledge in their field of study can be improved. However, the practice of teacher-centred teaching and the use of "grammar translation" at the school level has caused many students in the field of Islamic studies in Institutions of Higher Learning in particular, to face difficulties in understanding Arabic reading materials accurately and quickly. This factor has constrained their reading extensively due to the fading of motivation to comprehend the reading texts in Arabic. Studies have proven that the use of effective reading strategies is one of the methods that can help readers understand reading material more accurately and quickly. However, the use of effective reading strategies among Arabic language students and teachers is at a disappointing level. This preliminary study aims to implement the instruction of Arabic text reading skills based on the use of effective reading strategies. This study was conducted through classroom observations, analysis of teaching evaluation reports, and documentary evidence. The effectiveness of the teaching model was obtained from quantitative data through student assessment measurement reports involving 105 students of the Bachelor of Usuluddin, UniSZA. The qualitative data obtained were analyzed descriptively based on selected themes, while quantitative data were analyzed using Excel software. The findings of this study are expected to promote a new model of teaching Arabic, which can produce students who are proficient in Arabic effectively. These findings are also expected to confirm that learning Arabic strategically can improve reading skills which is a pillar of knowledge acquisition as the Malaysia National Education Policy states: "ensure that every Muslim student has the opportunity to learn the field of Islamic studies and Arabic in a quality manner