2,123 research outputs found

    Analysis of Scarp Profiles: Evaluation of Errors in Morphologic Dating

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    Morphologic analysis of scarp degradation can be used quantitatively to determine relative ages of different scarps formed in cohesionless materials, under the same climatic conditions. Scarps of tectonic origin as well as wavecut or rivercut terraces can be treated as topographic impulses that are attenuated by surface erosional processes. This morphological evolution can be modelled as the convolution of the initial shape with erosion (or degradation) function whose width increases with time. Such modeling applies well to scarps less than 10m high, formed in unconsolidated fanglomerates. To a good approximation, the degradation function is Gaussian with a variance measuring the degree of rounding of the initial shape. This geometric parameter can be called the degradation coefficient. A synthetic experiment shows that the degradation coefficient can be obtained by least squares fitting of profiles levelled perpendicular to the scarp. Gravitational collapse of the free face is accounted for by assuming initial scarp slopes at the angle of repose of the cohesionless materials (30°–35°). Uncertainties in the measured profiles result in an uncertainty in degradation coefficient that can be evaluated graphically. Because the degradation coefficient is sensitive to the regional slope and to three-dimensional processes (gullying, loess accumulation, stream incision, etc.), a reliable and accurate determination of degradation coefficient requires several long profiles across the same scarp. The linear diffusion model of scarp degradation is a Gaussian model in which the degradation coefficient is proportional to numerical age. In that case, absolute dating requires only determination of the propotionality constant, called the mass diffusivity constant. For Holocene scarps a few meters high, in loose alluvium under arid climatic conditions, mass diffusivity constants generally range between 1 and 6 m^2/kyr. Morphologic analysis is a reliable method to compare ages of different scarps in a given area, and it can provide approximate absolute ages of Holocene scarplike landforms

    Fluvial incision and tectonic uplift across the Himalayas of central Nepal

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    The pattern of fluvial incision across the Himalayas of central Nepal is estimated from the distribution of Holocene and Pleistocene terraces and from the geometry of modern channels along major rivers draining across the range. The terraces provide good constraints on incision rates across the Himalayan frontal folds (Sub-Himalaya or Siwaliks Hills) where rivers are forced to cut down into rising anticlines and have abandoned numerous strath terraces. Farther north and upstream, in the Lesser Himalaya, prominent fill terraces were deposited, probably during the late Pleistocene, and were subsequently incised. The amount of bedrock incision beneath the fill deposits is generally small, suggesting a slow rate of fluvial incision in the Lesser Himalaya. The terrace record is lost in the high range where the rivers are cutting steep gorges. To complement the terrace study, fluvial incision was also estimated from the modern channel geometries using an estimate of the shear stress exerted by the flowing water at the bottom of the channel as a proxy for river incision rate. This approach allows quantification of the effect of variations in channel slope, width, and discharge on the incision rate of a river; the determination of incision rates requires an additional lithological calibration. The two approaches are shown to yield consistent results when applied to the same reach or if incision profiles along nearby parallel reaches are compared. In the Sub-Himalaya, river incision is rapid, with values up to 10–15 mm/yr. It does not exceed a few millimeters per year in the Lesser Himalaya, and rises abruptly at the front of the high range to reach values of ∼4–8 mm/yr within a 50-km-wide zone that coincides with the position of the highest Himalayan peaks. Sediment yield derived from the measurement of suspended load in Himalayan rivers suggests that fluvial incision drives hillslope denudation of the landscape at the scale of the whole range. The observed pattern of erosion is found to closely mimic uplift as predicted by a mechanical model taking into account erosion and slip along the flat-ramp-flat geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust fault. The morphology of the range reflects a dynamic equilibrium between present-day tectonics and surface processes. The sharp relief together with the high uplift rates in the Higher Himalaya reflects thrusting over the midcrustal ramp rather than the isostatic response to reincision of the Tibetan Plateau driven by late Cenozoic climate change, or late Miocene reactivation of the Main Central Thrust

    Active Tectonics in Southern Xinjiang, China: Analysis of Terrace Riser and Normal Fault Scarp Degradation Along the Hotan-Qira Fault System

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    The northern piedmont of the western Kunlun mountains (Xinjiang, China) is marked at its easternmost extremity, south of the Hotan-Qira oases, by a set of normal faults trending N50E for nearly 70 km. Conspicuous on Landsat and SPOT images, these faults follow the southeastern border of a deep flexural basin and may be related to the subsidence of the Tarim platform loaded by the western Kunlun northward overthrust. The Hotan-Qira normal fault system vertically offsets the piedmont slope by 70 m. Highest fault scarps reach 20 m and often display evidence for recent reactivations about 2 m high. Successive stream entrenchments in uplifted footwalls have formed inset terraces. We have leveled topographic profiles across fault scarps and transverse abandoned terrace risers. The state of degradation of each terrace edge has been characterized by a degradation coefficient τ, derived by comparison with analytical erosion models. Edges of highest abandoned terraces yield a degradation coefficient of 33 ± 4 m^2. Profiles of cumulative fault scarps have been analyzed in a similar way using synthetic profiles generated with a simple incremental fault scarp model. The analysis shows that (1) rate of fault slip remained essentially constant since the aggradation of the piedmont surface and (2) the occurrence of inset terraces was synchronous at all studied sites, suggesting a climate-driven terrace formation. Observation of glacial and periglacial geomorphic features along the northern front of the western Kunlun range indicates that the Qira glaciofluvial fan emplaced after the last glacial maximum, during the retreat of the Kunlun glaciers (12–22 ka). The age of the most developed inset terrace in uplifted valleys is inferred to be 10 ± 3 ka, coeval with humid climate pulses of the last deglaciation. The mass diffusivity constant (k=τ/T, being time B.P.) in the Hotan region is determined to be 3.3 ± 1.4 m^2/10^3 years, consistent with other estimates in similar climatic and geologic environments of western China. These results imply a minimum rate for the Tarim subsidence of 3.5 ± 2 mm/yr. If Western Kunlun overthrusts the Tarim platform on a crustal ramp dipping 40°–45° to the south, it would absorb at least 4.5 ± 3 mm/yr of convergence between western Tibet and Tarim

    Holocene Hydrological Changes Inferred from Alluvial Stream Entrenchment in North Tian Shan (Northwestern China)

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    We analyze the possible contribution of climate change or tectonics on fluvial incision from the study of a case example along the northern flank of Tian Shan. The rivers that exit the high range fed large alluvial fans by the end of the last glacial period. They have since deeply entrenched the piedmont by as much as 300 m. We have surveyed several terraces that were cut and abandoned during river entrenchment, providing information on intermediate positions of the riverbed during downcutting. They suggest a gradual decline in river slope during a major phase of incision throughout the Holocene. Tectonic uplift affects only a zone about 5 km wide, corresponding to a growing anticline, and is shown to account for about 10% of total incision. Incision was therefore most probably driven by climate change. From observed fluvial incision, we estimate the water discharge in excess of that needed to carry the sediments supplied by hillslope erosion in the headwaters. We used a model based on a transport‐limited erosion law. The model predicts relaxation process with entrenchment in the upper reach, downstream progradation of the incision‐sedimentation line, and a progressive decrease of river slope during incision consistent with our observations. According to this model, river slope might be used as a proxy for specific discharge and then for volumetric discharge, provided that an assumption is made about river width variations. We conclude that river incision in the study area has resulted from dynamic adjustment of the hydrological system to the settlement of wetter conditions in the early Holocene, when water discharge might have been about three times as high as at present. Then, a rather arid climate with enhanced seasonality has likely prevailed from the mid‐Holocene (~6 ka B.P.) until now

    Stress transfer and strain rate variations during the seismic cycle

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    The balance of forces implies stress transfers during the seismic cycle between the elastobrittle upper crust and the viscoelastic lower crust. This could induce observable time variations of crustal straining in the interseismic period. We simulate these variations using a one-dimensional system of springs, sliders, and dashpot loaded by a constant force. The seismogenic zone and the zone of afterslip below are modeled from rate-and-state friction. The ductile deeper fault zone is modeled from a viscous slider with Newtonian viscosity ν. The force per unit length, F, must exceed a critical value F_c to overcome friction resistance of the fault system. This simple system produces periodic earthquakes. The recurrence period, T_(cycle), and the duration of the postseismic relaxation phase, which is driven dominantly by afterslip, then both scale linearly with ν. Between two earthquakes, interseismic strain buildup across the whole system is nonstationary with the convergence rates V_i, just after each earthquake, being systematically higher than the value V_f at the end of the interseismic period. We show that V_i/V_f is an exponential function of α = T_(cycle)/T_M ∝ Δτ/(F – F_c ) ∝ Δτ/(νV_ 0), where Δτ is the coseismic stress drop and V_0 is the long-term fault slip rate. It follows that departure from stationary strain buildup is higher if the contribution of viscous forces to the force balance is small compared to the coseismic stress drop (due to a low viscosity or low convergence rate, for example). This simple model is meant to show that the far-field deformation rate in the interseismic period, which can be determined from geodetic measurements, might not necessarily be uniform and equal to the long-term geologic rate

    Coseismic surface deformation from air photos: The Kickapoo step over in the 1992 Landers rupture

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    Coseismic deformation of the ground can be measured from aerial views taken before and after an earthquake. We chose the area of the Kickapoo-Landers step over along the 1992 Landers earthquake zone, using air photos (scale 1:40,000) scanned at 0.4 m resolution. Two photos acquired after the earthquake are used to assess the accuracy and to evaluate various sources of noise. Optical distortions, film deformation, scanning errors, or errors in viewing parameters can yield metric bias at wavelength larger than 1 km. Offset field at shorter wavelength is more reliable and mainly affected by temporal decorrelation of the images induced by changes in radiometry with time. Temporal decorrelation and resulting uncertainty on offsets are estimated locally from the correlation degree between the images. Relative surface displacements are measured independently every about 15 m and with uncertainty typically below 10 cm (RMS). The offset field reveals most of the surface ruptures mapped in the field. The fault slip is accurate to about 7 cm (RMS) and measured independently every 200 m from stacked profiles. Slip distribution compares well with field measurements at the kilometric scale but reveals local discrepancies suggesting that deformation is generally, although not systematically, localized on the major fault zone located in the field. This type of data can provide useful insight into the fault zone's mechanical properties. Our measurements indicate that elastic coseismic strain near the fault zone can be as large as 0.5 × 10^(−3), while anelastic yielding was attained for strain in excess of about 1–2 × 10^(−3)

    Modeling mountain building and the seismic cycle in the Himalaya of Nepal

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    A host of information is now available regarding the geological and thermal structure as well as deformation rate across the Himalaya of central Nepal. These data are reconciled in a two-dimensional mechanical model that incorporates the rheological layering of the crust which depends on the local temperature and surface processes. Over geological timescale (5 Ma) the ∼20 mm/yr estimated shortening rate across the range is accommodated by localized thrust faulting along the Main Himalayan Thrust fault (MHT). The MHT reaches the surface along the foothills, where it is called the Main Frontal Thrust fault (MFT). The MHT flattens beneath the Lesser Himalaya and forms a midcrustal ramp at the front of the Higher Himalaya, consistent with the river incision and the anticlinal structure of the Lesser Himalaya. Farther northward the MHT roots into a subhorizontal shear zone that coincides with a midcrustal seismic reflector. Aseismic slip along this shear zone is accommodated in the interseismic period by elastic straining of the upper crust, increasing the Coulomb stress beneath the front of the Higher Himalaya, where most of the microseismic activity clusters. Negligible deformation of the hanging wall requires a low apparent friction coefficient (μ) less than ∼0.3 on the flat portion of the MHT. On the ramp, μ might be as high as 0.6. Sensitivity tests show that a rather compliant, quartz-rich rheology and a high radioactive heat production in the upper crust of ∼2.5 μW/m^3 is required. Erosion affects the thermal structure and interplays with crustal deformation. A dynamic equilibrium is obtained in which erosion balances tectonic uplift maintaining steady state thermal structure, topography, and deformation field. Using a linear diffusion model of erosion, we constrain the value of the mass diffusivity coefficient to 0.5–1.6×l0^4 m^2/yr. This study demonstrates that the data are internally consistent and compatible with current understanding of the mechanics of crustal deformation and highlight the role of viscous flow in the lower crust and of surface erosion in orogeny processes on the long term as well as during interseismic period

    Active folding of fluvial terraces across the Siwaliks Hills, Himalayas of central Nepal

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    We analyze geomorphic evidence of recent crustal deformation in the sub-Himalaya of central Nepal, south of the Kathmandu Basin. The Main Frontal Thrust fault (MFT), which marks the southern edge of the sub-Himalayan fold belt, is the only active structure in that area. Active fault bend folding at the MFT is quantified from structural geology and fluvial terraces along the Bagmati and Bakeya Rivers. Two major and two minor strath terraces are recognized and dated to be 9.2, 2.2, and 6.2, 3.7 calibrated (cal) kyr old, respectively. Rock uplift of up to 1.5 cm/yr is derived from river incision, accounting for sedimentation in the Gangetic plain and channel geometry changes. Rock uplift profiles are found to correlate with bedding dip angles, as expected in fault bend folding. It implies that thrusting along the MFT has absorbed 21 ± 1.5 mm/yr of N-S shortening on average over the Holocene period. The ±1.5 mm/yr defines the 68% confidence interval and accounts for uncertainties in age, elevation measurements, initial geometry of the deformed terraces, and seismic cycle. At the longitude of Kathmandu, localized thrusting along the Main Frontal Thrust fault must absorb most of the shortening across the Himalaya. By contrast, microseismicity and geodetic monitoring over the last decade suggest that interseismic strain is accumulating beneath the High Himalaya, 50–100 km north of the active fold zone, where the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT) fault roots into a ductile décollement beneath southern Tibet. In the interseismic period the MHT is locked, and elastic deformation accumulates until being released by large (M_w > 8) earthquakes. These earthquakes break the MHT up to the near surface at the front of the Himalayan foothills and result in incremental activation of the MFT

    Deformation due to the 17 August 1999 Izmit, Turkey, earthquake measured from SPOT images

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    The geometry of the ruptured areas and the coseismic slip distribution data are key to highlighting the behavior of seismic faults. This information is generally retrieved from field investigations and geodetic measurements or synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry. Here we show that SPOT images can also be used to accurately map the fault zone and to determine the slip distribution by subpixel correlation of images acquired before and after an earthquake. The measured slip includes the contribution of possible distributed shear that might not be clearly expressed in surface ruptures and smoothes out possible along-strike variability due to near-surface fault complexities. We apply the technique to the M_s = 7.4, 1999, Izmit earthquake. Our results reveal a <100-m-wide and very linear fault zone that can be traced for 70 km from Gölcük to Akyazi, along which supershear rupture has been inferred. The obtained slip distribution compares well with the field measurements and is consistent with ground deformation measured at some distance from the fault zone using SAR images. Very little deformation was accommodated off the main fault plane. Maximum slip is observed near Sapanca lake at a small fault jog that has probably influenced rupture propagation