36 research outputs found

    Mechanical stress inhibits early stages of endogenous cell migration: A pilot study in an ex vivo osteocho

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    Cell migration has a central role in osteochondral defect repair initiation and biomaterial-mediated regeneration. New advancements to reestablish tissue function include biomaterials and factors promoting cell recruitment, differentiation and tissue integration, but little is known about responses to mechanical stimuli. In the present pilot study, we tested the influence of extrinsic forces in combination with biomaterials releasing chemoattractant signals on cell migration. We used an ex vivo mechanically stimulated osteochondral defect explant filled with fibrin/hyaluronan hydrogel, in presence or absence of platelet-derived growth factor-BB or stromal cell-derived factor 1, to assess endogenous cell recruitment into the wound site. Periodic mechanical stress at early time point negatively influenced cell infiltration compared to unloaded samples, and the implementation of chemokines to increase cell migration was not efficient to overcome this negative effect. The gene expression at 15 days of culture indicated a marked downregulation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)13 and MMP3, a decrease of β1 integrin and increased mRNA levels of actin in osteochondral samples exposed to complex load. This work using an ex vivo osteochondral mechanically stimulated advanced platform demonstrated that recurrent mechanical stress at early time points impeded cell migration into the hydrogel, providing a unique opportunity to improve our understanding on management of joint injury

    Enhanced chondrogenic phenotype of primary bovine articular chondrocytes in Fibrin-Hyaluronan hydrogel by multi-axial mechanical loading and FGF18

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    Current treatments for cartilage lesions are often associated with fibrocartilage formation and donor site morbidity. Mechanical and biochemical stimuli play an important role in hyaline cartilage formation. Biocompatible scaffolds capable of transducing mechanical loads and delivering bioactive instructive factors may better support cartilage regeneration. In this study we aimed to test the interplay between mechanical and FGF-18 mediated biochemical signals on the proliferation and differentiation of primary bovine articular chondrocytes embedded in a chondro-conductive Fibrin-Hyaluronan (FB/HA) based hydrogel. Chondrocytes seeded in a Fibrin-HA hydrogel, with or without a chondro-inductive, FGFR3 selective FGF18 variant (FGF-18v) were loaded into a joint-mimicking bioreactor applying controlled, multi-axial movements, simulating the natural movements of articular joints. Samples were evaluated for DNA content, sulphated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) accumulation, key chondrogenic gene expression markers and histology. Under moderate loading, samples produced particularly significant amounts of sGAG/DNA compared to unloaded controls. Interestingly there was no significant effect of FGF-18v on cartilage gene expression at rest. Following moderate multi-axial loading, FGF-18v upregulated the expression of Aggrecan (ACAN), Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP), type II collagen (COL2) and Lubricin (PRG4). Moreover, the combination of load and FGF-18v, significantly downregulated Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and Matrix Metaloproteinase-13 (MMP-13), two of the most important factors contributing to joint destruction in OA. Biomimetic mechanical signals and FGF-18 may work in concert to support hyaline cartilage regeneration and repair. Statement of significance: Articular cartilage has very limited repair potential and focal cartilage lesions constitute a challenge for current standard clinical procedures. The aim of the present research was to explore novel procedures and constructs, based on biomaterials and biomechanical algorithms that can better mimic joints mechanical and biochemical stimulation to promote regeneration of damaged cartilage. Using a hydrogel-based platform for chondrocyte 3D culture revealed a synergy between mechanical forces and growth factors. Exploring the mechanisms underlying this mechano-biochemical interplay may enhance our understanding of cartilage remodeling and the development of new strategies for cartilage repair and regeneration

    Polarizing receptor activation dissociates Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 mediated inhibition of myelination from its neuroprotective potential

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    Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling contributes to failure of remyelination in multiple sclerosis, but targeting this therapeutically is complicated by its functional pleiotropy. We now identify FGF2 as a factor up-regulated by astrocytes in active inflammatory lesions that disrupts myelination via FGF receptor 2 (FGFR2) mediated activation of Wingless (Wnt) signaling; pharmacological inhibition of Wnt being sufficient to abrogate inhibition of myelination by FGF2 in tissue culture. Using a novel FGFR1-selective agonist (F2 V2) generated by deleting the N-terminal 26 amino acids of FGF2 we demonstrate polarizing signal transduction to favor FGFR1 abrogates FGF mediated inhibition of myelination but retains its ability to induce expression of pro-myelinating and immunomodulatory factors that include Cd93, Lif, Il11, Hbegf, Cxcl1 and Timp1. Our data provide new insights into the mechanistic basis of remyelination failure in MS and identify selective activation of FGFR1 as a novel strategy to induce a neuroprotective signaling environment in multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases

    A placebo-controlled study comparing the efficacy of intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid and a novel hyaluronic acid-platelet-rich plasma conjugate in a canine model of osteoarthritis

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    Background The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid (HA) and a novel, on-site conjugate of HA with autologous fibrinogen in platelet-rich plasma (HA-PRP) in a canine model of osteoarthritis (OA) Methods Twelve beagle dogs underwent a unilateral resection of the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) of the stifle joint. Clinical and radiographic signs of OA were confirmed in all dogs 8 weeks following CrCL resection and prior to treatment. The dogs were randomized into three groups: saline (n = 4), HA (n = 4), and HA-PRP (n = 4). Each dog received intra-articular injections of the respective substance into the affected joint at pre-determined time points. The dogs were assessed for adverse effects for 3 days after each injection and for lameness, pain, range of motion, kinetics, and radiographic OA severity prior to treatment and 3 months after injection. OA severity as determined by radiographic examination was not significantly different among the groups at any time point. The dogs were then humanely euthanatized and the stifle joint assessed by gross and histological examinations. Results Dogs treated with four weekly injections of HA or two biweekly injections of HA-PRP were significantly (p < 0.05) better than dogs treated with four weekly injections of saline at 2-, 4-, and 12-week time points based on a comfortable range of motion (CROM) and clinical lameness score. Gait analysis measuring symmetry and weight distribution on pressure sensor walkway showed significantly (p < 0.05) improved limb function for dogs treated with HA and HA-PRP compared with dogs treated with saline yet with better clinical outcome for the HA-PRP-treated group at 12 and 20 weeks follow-up. Gross and histological analysis of synovium and articular cartilage demonstrated significant (p < 0.05) improvement by both treatments groups compared to controls. There was however significantly (p < 0.05) less damage to the cartilage in the HA-PRP group compared to the HA-treated group. Conclusions These data suggest that while injection of HA and HA-PRP may be sufficient for short-term amelioration of the symptoms associated with OA, treatment with HA-PRP conjugates may be superior, providing significantly better long-term cartilage preservation.This study was supported by funding from the Green Cross Veterinary Products Co., Ltd

    Evaluation of HA-fibrin-based hydrogel for restoration of degenerated intervertebral disc

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    Introduction: Intervertebral disc degeneration is associated with loss of nucleus pulposus (NP) tissue and reduced disc height[1]. A number of therapies, including synthetic and natural biomaterials, have been developed to restore full disc function and to minimize the pain and disability caused by this disease. Fibrin-based biomaterials are used as a replacement for NP or as a cell carrier for tissue engineering approaches[2]. While the behavior of such gels is well-characterized from a material point of view, little is known about their contribution to intervertebral disc (IVD) restoration under dynamic loads. The aim of the present study is the evaluation of a hyaluronic acid fibrin-based hydrogel (ProCore) used to repair an in vitro model of disc degeneration under dynamic loading. Methods: In vitro model of disc degeneration was induced in intact coccygeal bovine IVD by papain digestion of the NP as previously described[3]. In order to characterize fibrin hydrogels, four experimental groups were considered: 1) intact IVD (control), 2) IVD injected with PBS, 3) injection of hydrogels in degenerative IVD and 4) injection of hydrogels in combination with human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in degenerative IVD. All of the groups were subjected to dynamic loading protocols consisting of 0.2MPa static compression superimposed with ±2° torsion at 0.2Hz for 8h per day and maintained for 7 days. Additionally, one group consisted of degenerative IVD injected with hydrogel and subjected to static compression. Disc heights were monitored after the duration of the loading and compared to the initial disc height. The macrostructure of the formed tissue and the cellular distribution was evaluated by histological means. Results: After one week of loading, the degenerative IVD filled with hydrogel in combination with MSC (dynamic load), hydrogels (dynamic load) and hydrogels (static load) showed a reduction in height by 30%, 15% and 20%, respectively, as compared to their initial disc height. Histological sections showed that the HA-fibrin gel fully occupied the nucleotomized region of the disc and that fibrin was effective in filling the discontinuities of the cavity region. Furthermore, the cells were homogenously distributed along the fibrin hydrogels after 7 days of loading. Discussion: In this study, we showed that fibrin hydrogels showed a good integration within the papain-induced model of disc degeneration and can withstand the applied loads. Fibrin hydrogels can contribute to disc restoration by possibly maintaining adequate stiffness of the tissue and thus preventing disorganization of the surrounding IVD. References: 1. Jarman, J.P., Arpinar, V.E., Baruah, D., Klein, A.P., Maiman, D.J., and Tugan Muftuler, L. (2014). Intervertebral disc height loss demonstrates the threshold of major pathological changes during degeneration. Eur Spine J . 2. Colombini, A., Ceriani, C., Banfi, G., Brayda-Bruno, M., and Moretti, M. (2014). Fibrin in intervertebral disc tissue engineering. Tissue Eng Part B Rev . 3. Chan, S.C., Bürki, A., Bonél, H.M., Benneker, L.M., and Gantenbein-Ritter, B. (2013). Papain-induced in vitro disc degeneration model for the study of injectable nucleus pulposus therapy. Spine J 13, 273-283. Acknowledgement We thank the Swiss National Science Foundation SNF #310030_153411 for funding

    Mechanical stress inhibits early stages of endogenous cell migration: A pilot study in an ex vivo osteochondral model

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    Cell migration has a central role in osteochondral defect repair initiation and biomaterial-mediated regeneration. New advancements to reestablish tissue function include biomaterials and factors promoting cell recruitment, differentiation and tissue integration, but little is known about responses to mechanical stimuli. In the present pilot study, we tested the influence of extrinsic forces in combination with biomaterials releasing chemoattractant signals on cell migration. We used an ex vivo mechanically stimulated osteochondral defect explant filled with fibrin/hyaluronan hydrogel, in presence or absence of platelet-derived growth factor-BB or stromal cell-derived factor 1, to assess endogenous cell recruitment into the wound site. Periodic mechanical stress at early time point negatively influenced cell infiltration compared to unloaded samples, and the implementation of chemokines to increase cell migration was not efficient to overcome this negative effect. The gene expression at 15 days of culture indicated a marked downregulation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)13 and MMP3, a decrease of β1 integrin and increased mRNA levels of actin in osteochondral samples exposed to complex load. This work using an ex vivo osteochondral mechanically stimulated advanced platform demonstrated that recurrent mechanical stress at early time points impeded cell migration into the hydrogel, providing a unique opportunity to improve our understanding on management of joint injury.Biomaterials & Tissue Biomechanic

    Staurosporine induced neurite outgrowth in PC12-cells is independent of protein kinase-C inhibition. Mol Pharmacol

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    Abstract A novel neuronal model (PC12EN cells), obtained by somatic hybridization of rat adrenal medullary pheochromocytoma (PCI 2) and bovine adrenal medullary endothelial (BAME) cells, was developed. PC12EN cells maintained numerous neuronal characteristics: they expressed neuronal glycolipid conjugates, synthesized and secreted catecholamines, and responded to differentiative agents with neurite outgrowth. PC12EN lacked receptors for EGF and both the p75 and trk NGF receptors, while FGF receptor expression was maintained. Staurosporine (5-50 nM), but not other members of the K252a family of protein kinase inhibitors, rapidly induced neurite outgrowth in PCIZEN, as also found in the parental PC12 cells, but not in BAME cells. Similarly, both acidic and basic FGF (1-1 00 ng/ml) were neurotropic in PC12EN. In contrast to the mechanism by which FCF promoted neurite outgrowth in PC12EN, the neurotropic effect of staurosporine did not involve activation of established signalling pathways, such as tyrosine phosphorylation of erk (ras pathway) or SNT (a specific target of neuronal differentiation). In addition, staurosporine induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of the focal adhesion kinase ~1 2 5~~~. However, since the latter effect was also observed with other protein kinase inhibitors of the K252a family, which induced PC12EN cells flattening but no neurite extension, we propose that FAK tyrosine phosphorylation may be related to ubiquitous changes in cell shape. We anticipate that PC12EN neuronal hybrids will become useful models in neuroscience research for evaluating unique cellular signalling mechanisms of novel neurotropic compounds