31 research outputs found

    Relationship between the non-volatile composition and the in-mouth quality in red wines

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    Póster presentado en la Third Edition of International Conference Series on Wine Active Compounds (WAC2014), celebrada en Borgoña (Francia) del 26 al 28 de marzo de 2014.Peer Reviewe

    Avances en el conocimiento de la percepción sensorial de vinos tintos y su relación con la composición química no volátil. Evolución químico-sensorial en la etapa de embotellado

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    La percepción de calidad en los vinos tintos resulta estar muy influencia por las características gustativas y quemoestésicas evaluadas en boca, las cuales a su vez están íntimamente relacionadas con la matriz no volátil de los vinos. Estas características sensoriales se van modulando a lo largo del envejecimiento, durante el cual el acceso al oxígeno resulta ser crítico para la obtención de vinos de calidad. Por ello, esta tesis trata de evaluar la implicación de la fracción de compuestos no volátiles en las propiedades senso-gustativas, así como estudiar la evolución de las mismas durante el periodo de envejecimiento en botella. Por ello, mediante distintas técnicas de análisis sensorial, análisis químico y herramientas estadísticas se ha tratado de elucidar la implicación de determinados compuestos en las características sensoriales, así como su evolución durante el envejecimiento. Los resultados muestran que en los vinos tintos la astringencia es el principal conductor de la percepción en boca y que en los casos en los que hay acceso al aroma la contribución de este modifica la percepción del amargor y del dulzor. La astringencia ha sido modelizada en base a la composición química. La validación del modelo matemático obtenido ha puesto de manifiesto complicadas interacciones dentro de una misma familia de compuestos, como es el caso de los ácidos cis y trans aconíticos y de los flavonoles. En cuanto a la evolución durante el envejecimiento, se han encontrado comportamientos comunes en los vinos tanto a nivel sensorial como químico, sin embargo, existen desviaciones a este patrón general relacionadas fundamentalmente con la composición polifenólica y con las características sensoriales iniciales de los vinos. El envejecimiento en presencia de diferentes cantidades de oxígeno ha mostrado una mayor incidencia en las características aromáticas que en las gustativas.Peer Reviewe

    Sensory changes during bottle storage of Spanish red wines under different initial oxygen doses

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    © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. Sixteen commercial Spanish red wines selected to cover a wide range of sensory properties were stored at 25°C for 6months in air-tight containers under different oxygen doses (0-30mgL-1) mimicking real and extreme bottling situations. The 16 initial samples (before storage) and the 80 stored samples (16 wines×5 oxygen doses) were submitted to sensory analysis. Sensory changes related to post-bottling storage and initial oxygen dose were evaluated by means of discriminant and characterisation sensory strategies.Significant increases in black fruits, dried fruits, woody, lactic and stronger increases in cooked vegetables and spicy notes reveal a general pattern of aroma evolution. Remarkable departures to this general pattern have been observed, which can be related to the initial sensory properties of the wines and to their basic polyphenolic composition. The effect of post-bottling storage in bitterness is wine dependent, while global decreases in both global intensity and persistence evaluated in mouth are observed. Discrete increases in astringency are observed for wines with the lowest initial astringent scores. Important sensory interactions between aroma attributes (herbal and spicy) and bitterness and between roasted and astringency perception are shown. Little impact of the initial oxygen dose in the in-mouth sensory properties is reported. These results are relevant for wine experts in that they help understanding the evolution of wine sensory properties in the bottling stage. This study may help them to develop strategies for managing this winemaking stage with objective criteria.Peer Reviewe

    Insights on the chemical basis of the astringency of Spanish red wines

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    The main goal of the present study is to provide an insight on the role played by non-volatile molecules on the different in-mouth attributes, particularly astringency. For achieving such goal, the main in-mouth sensory attributes of 34 oaked Spanish red wines were measured by a trained panel. The wine content in 30 sensory-active molecules was analysed by different HPLC based methodologies together with classical enological parameters and two proanthocyanidin indexes. Fourteen compounds (aconitic acids, polymeric proanthocyanidins, caftaric, caffeic and coutaric acids and seven quercetins) were found to be at concentrations above reported taste thresholds and to have a reasonably high range of occurrence. Two highly statistically significant models for astringency were built with those compounds. Even if the models could not be fully validated by sensory addition experiments, the research has demonstrated that wine astringency is driven by polymeric proanthocyanidins and by certain phenolic acids, the rate trans/cis-aconitic acid and flavonol profiles. The research has highlighted the existence of extremely complex interactions between non-volatile compounds on the in-mouth sensory perception. Particularly remarkable is the lack of additivity and potential antagonism found between the pairs cis/trans-aconitic acids, between aconitic and caffeic acids and between quercetin-3-O-galactoside and quercetin-3-O-glucoside. Also remarkable was the sweetness × astringent interaction and the matrix-dependence of the sensory responses elicited by flavonols. These results suggest the need for new paradigms and experimental procedures for fully decoding the real sensory relevance of individual non-volatile compounds in the overall wine flavour. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work has been supported by Instituto de Estudios Riojano and the Spanish Education Ministery (AGL2010-22355-C02-01/02 Projects). J.M.A. and M.P.S.N. thank the Government of Navarra and the Spanish Education Ministery (M.E.C.) for his F.P.I. grant and her postdoctoral fellowship, respectively.Peer Reviewe

    Pressurization and cold storage of strawberry purée: Colour, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid and pectin methylesterase

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    The effect of pressurization and cold storage of strawberry purée on colour, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid and pectin methylesterase was investigated. Samples were treated at pressures of 100, 200, 300 and 400 MPa, at two temperatures, 20 °C and 50 °C, for 15 min. Ascorbic acid content remained fairly constant after all the high pressure treatments in comparison to the control. However, the values of the samples pressurized at 50 °C were lower than the samples pressurized at 20 °C. Concentration of anthocyanins remained similar after all pressure treatments at both temperatures. Pectin methylesterase decreased in the samples pressurized at 50 °C, and it is remarkable that with this enzyme inactivation a gel-network formation in the strawberry purée was not found. However, a gel-network was observed in the control and in all the samples pressurized at 20 °C throughout cold storage. Immediately after pressurization, strawberry colour showed significant differences between the two temperatures, but no differences were observed between pressures. However, after cold storage no significant differences were observed, for hue and chroma parameters, between the samples pressurized at the two temperatures.This work has been supported by the Education and Science Ministry, through the Science National Plan I+D+I. Project: AGL 2007-63314/ALI.Peer Reviewe

    Study of anthocyanic profiles of 123 intraspecific grape hybrids derived from Graciano x Tempranillo

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    Trabajo presentado en el 8th In Vino Analytica Scientia Symposium (IVAS 2013), celebrado en Reims del 2 al 5 de julio de 2013.Berry sk:in anthocyanins are phenol compounds that are responsible for the red color ofboth grapes and wines, and are influenced by variety, climatic conditions, cultivation techniques and matmity (1]. The anthocyanic profile is used asan identification marker for grape characterization and it is under genetic control [2]. In this research, the anthocyanic profile of 123 hybrids produced by crossing two main Spanish red varieties was studied during two growing seasons (2009 and 2010) with HPLC-MS. Tempranillo and Graciano are majar wine varieties in La Rioja and are quantitatively (1.48 ± O.l3mg/g and 2.30 ± O.lOmg/g respectively) and qualitatively different in their anthocyanins content: Graciano having a higher percentage ofpeonidin (Pn) and delphinidin (Dp) monoglucosides. Fourteen monoglucosylated anthocyanins were identified. The concentration of the main five anthocyanins present in V. vinifera and the percentage of non-acylated, acetyl, and p-coumaroyl derivatives of hybrids and parents was campa red in arder to identify hybrids of enological potential interest. The mean content ofmalvidin (lvlv), delphinidin(Dp), cyaniding(Cy) and petunidin (Pt) in the 123 hybrid population showed lower values than the parents, but peonidin (Pn) content was intennediate. Although year- effect was not observed for total anthocyanins content in the two years; significan( differences were detected for all the main anthocyanins. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified two variables that explained 94.8% and 96.8% ofthe total variance present in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The first principal componen( was strongly associated with Mv-3-glu, Dp-3-glu and Pt-3-glu content and the second componen! with the Pt-3-glu content in both years. According to anthocyanic pro file, samples were divided into five groups anda group ofhybrids was identified with Pn as the majar anthocyanin. These results would be useful in the selection of new varieties with specific anthocyanic protiles.Peer Reviewe

    Evolución de la composición no volátil de vinos de tintos durante la etapa de envejecimiento en botella. Efecto de distintas concentraciones de oxígeno

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    Póster presentado en el XIII Congreso Nacional de Investigación Enológica (GIENOL 2015), celebrado en Tarragona del 9 al 12 de junio de 2015.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar la evolución de la composición no volátil de 16 vinos tintos tras un envejecimiento acelerado de 6 meses con 5 dosis de oxígeno. Los resultados muestran que existe un patrón general de evolución que implica un aumento de la tonalidad, de las proantocianidinas precipitables con proteína, pigmentos poliméricos, así como una disminución en la concentración de ácido tartárico, acetaldehido, de los polifenoles de bajo peso molecular, del grado medio de polimerización de los taninos así como una drástica disminución de sulfuroso. Las desviaciones encontradas de este comportamiento se han encontrado relacionadas con el contenido inicial de polifenoles totales, siendo los vinos de menor IPT y mayor pH los más afectados. En general el oxígeno parece acentuar los cambios observados durante el envejecimiento.Este trabajo se ha realizado dentro del proyecto del Plan Nacional de I+D financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2010-22355-C02-01/02.Peer Reviewe

    Análisis sensorial descriptivo de vinos tintos crianza riojanos: valoración de los críticos de vinos

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    Póster presentado en el XII Congreso de los Grupos de Investigación Enológica (GIENOL 2013, Nuevas perspectivas en investigación vitivinícola), celebrado en Madrid del 18 al 21 de junio de 2013.Peer Reviewe

    Evolution of bitterness and astringency during red wine ageing and their correlation with non-volatile composition

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    Póster presentado en el 14th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium (Weurman2014), celebrado en Cambridge del 15 al 19 de septiembre de 2014.Peer Reviewe