783 research outputs found

    A robust pseudo-inverse spectral filter applied to the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) scanning channels

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    Computer simulations of a least squares estimator operating on the ERBE scanning channels are discussed. The estimator is designed to minimize the errors produced by nonideal spectral response to spectrally varying and uncertain radiant input. The three ERBE scanning channels cover a shortwave band a longwave band and a ""total'' band from which the pseudo inverse spectral filter estimates the radiance components in the shortwave band and a longwave band. The radiance estimator draws on instantaneous field of view (IFOV) scene type information supplied by another algorithm of the ERBE software, and on a priori probabilistic models of the responses of the scanning channels to the IFOV scene types for given Sun scene spacecraft geometry. It is found that the pseudoinverse spectral filter is stable, tolerant of errors in scene identification and in channel response modeling, and, in the absence of such errors, yields minimum variance and essentially unbiased radiance estimates

    Bell inequalities from variable elimination methods

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    Tight Bell inequalities are facets of Pitowsky's correlation polytope and are usually obtained from its extreme points by solving the hull problem. Here we present an alternative method based on a combination of algebraic results on extensions of measures and variable elimination methods, e.g., the Fourier-Motzkin method. Our method is shown to overcome some of the computational difficulties associated with the hull problem in some non-trivial cases. Moreover, it provides an explanation for the arising of only a finite number of families of Bell inequalities in measurement scenarios where one experimenter can choose between an arbitrary number of different measurements

    On the Relationship between Convex Bodies Related to Correlation Experiments with Dichotomic Observables

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    In this paper we explore further the connections between convex bodies related to quantum correlation experiments with dichotomic variables and related bodies studied in combinatorial optimization, especially cut polyhedra. Such a relationship was established in Avis, Imai, Ito and Sasaki (2005 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38 10971-87) with respect to Bell inequalities. We show that several well known bodies related to cut polyhedra are equivalent to bodies such as those defined by Tsirelson (1993 Hadronic J. S. 8 329-45) to represent hidden deterministic behaviors, quantum behaviors, and no-signalling behaviors. Among other things, our results allow a unique representation of these bodies, give a necessary condition for vertices of the no-signalling polytope, and give a method for bounding the quantum violation of Bell inequalities by means of a body that contains the set of quantum behaviors. Optimization over this latter body may be performed efficiently by semidefinite programming. In the second part of the paper we apply these results to the study of classical correlation functions. We provide a complete list of tight inequalities for the two party case with (m,n) dichotomic observables when m=4,n=4 and when min{m,n}<=3, and give a new general family of correlation inequalities.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Pruning Algorithms for Pretropisms of Newton Polytopes

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    Pretropisms are candidates for the leading exponents of Puiseux series that represent solutions of polynomial systems. To find pretropisms, we propose an exact gift wrapping algorithm to prune the tree of edges of a tuple of Newton polytopes. We prefer exact arithmetic not only because of the exact input and the degrees of the output, but because of the often unpredictable growth of the coordinates in the face normals, even for polytopes in generic position. We provide experimental results with our preliminary implementation in Sage that compare favorably with the pruning method that relies only on cone intersections.Comment: exact, gift wrapping, Newton polytope, pretropism, tree pruning, accepted for presentation at Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, CASC 201

    Random perfect lattices and the sphere packing problem

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    Motivated by the search for best lattice sphere packings in Euclidean spaces of large dimensions we study randomly generated perfect lattices in moderately large dimensions (up to d=19 included). Perfect lattices are relevant in the solution of the problem of lattice sphere packing, because the best lattice packing is a perfect lattice and because they can be generated easily by an algorithm. Their number however grows super-exponentially with the dimension so to get an idea of their properties we propose to study a randomized version of the algorithm and to define a random ensemble with an effective temperature in a way reminiscent of a Monte-Carlo simulation. We therefore study the distribution of packing fractions and kissing numbers of these ensembles and show how as the temperature is decreased the best know packers are easily recovered. We find that, even at infinite temperature, the typical perfect lattices are considerably denser than known families (like A_d and D_d) and we propose two hypotheses between which we cannot distinguish in this paper: one in which they improve Minkowsky's bound phi\sim 2^{-(0.84+-0.06) d}, and a competitor, in which their packing fraction decreases super-exponentially, namely phi\sim d^{-a d} but with a very small coefficient a=0.06+-0.04. We also find properties of the random walk which are suggestive of a glassy system already for moderately small dimensions. We also analyze local structure of network of perfect lattices conjecturing that this is a scale-free network in all dimensions with constant scaling exponent 2.6+-0.1.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figure

    Entropy of scalar fields in 3+1 dimensional constant curvature black hole background

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    We consider the thermodynamics of minimally coupled massive scalar field in 3+1 dimensional constant curvature black hole background. The brick wall model of 't Hooft is used. When Scharzschild like coordinates are used it is found that apart from the usual radial brick wall cut-off parammeter an angular cut-off parameter is required to regularize the solution. Free energy of the scalar field is obtained through counting of states using the WKB approximation. It is found that the free energy and the entropy are logarithmically divergent in both the cut-off parameters.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    Stable quantum systems in anti-de Sitter space: Causality, independence and spectral properties

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    If a state is passive for uniformly accelerated observers in n-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time (i.e. cannot be used by them to operate a perpetuum mobile), they will (a) register a universal value of the Unruh temperature, (b) discover a PCT symmetry, and (c) find that observables in complementary wedge-shaped regions necessarily commute with each other in this state. The stability properties of such a passive state induce a "geodesic causal structure" on AdS and concommitant locality relations. It is shown that observables in these complementary wedge-shaped regions fulfill strong additional independence conditions. In two-dimensional AdS these even suffice to enable the derivation of a nontrivial, local, covariant net indexed by bounded spacetime regions. All these results are model-independent and hold in any theory which is compatible with a weak notion of space-time localization. Examples are provided of models satisfying the hypotheses of these theorems.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure: dedicated to Jacques Bros on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Revised version: typos corrected; as to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Quantum mechanics in multiply connected spaces

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    This paper analyses quantum mechanics in multiply connected spaces. It is shown that the multiple connectedness of the configuration space of a physical system can determine the quantum nature of physical observables, such as the angular momentum. In particular, quantum mechanics in compactified Kaluza-Klein spaces is examined. These compactified spaces give rise to an additional angular momentum which can adopt half-integer values and, therefore, may be identified with the intrinsic spin of a quantum particle.Comment: Latex 15 page

    Black hole collision with a scalar particle in three dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime

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    We study the collision between a BTZ black hole and a test particle coupled to a scalar field. We compute the power spectrum, the energy radiated and the plunging waveforms for this process. We show that for late times the signal is dominated by the quasinormal ringing. In terms of the AdS/CFT correspondence the bulk gravity process maps into a thermal state, an expanding bubble and gauge particles decaying into bosons of the associated operator. These latter thermalize in a timescale predicted by the bulk theory.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures;minor improvements; references adde