2 research outputs found

    Resistance Factors in the Use of Free Textbooks Syllabus 2022

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    El articulo de investigaci贸n hace referencia a la situaci贸n educativa actual del ciclo escolar 2023-2024, donde existe resistencia por parte de los actores educativos, siendo estos los tutores(as) responsables y un numero menor de docentes, que no aprueban el uso de los nuevos libros de textos gratuitos, correspondiente al programa de estudios 2022, por lo que existe resistencia para su aplicaci贸n, dicha investigaci贸n es de corte cualitativo, y se centra en la comparativa de dos centros de trabajo uno situado en un municipio llamado Cardenas y el segundo Centro, siendo este sede de la capital del estado de Tabasco, ambos centro escolares siendo de organizaci贸n completa, aunque su contexto varia, la primera en una rancher铆a del municipio en cuesti贸n y la segunda dentro de la capital del estado. El an谩lisis de esta situaci贸n de investigaci贸n cuestiona los elementos y/o factores que intervinieron previo, durante y posterior a la aplicaci贸n de los libros de textos gratuitos, donde participaron distintos actores educativos en sus respectivos niveles de responsabilidad-autoridad.The research article refers to the current educational situation of the 2023-2024 school year, where there is resistance from educational actors, these being the responsible tutors and a smaller number of teachers, who do not approve the use of the new free textbooks, corresponding to the 2022 curriculum, so there is resistance to its application, This research is qualitative, and focuses on the comparison of two work centers one located in a municipality called Cardenas and the second Center, being this headquarters of the capital of the state of Tabasco, both schools being of complete organization, although their context varies, the first in a rancher铆a of the municipality in question and the second within the capital of the state. The analysis of this research situation questions the elements and/or factors that intervened before, during and after the application of free textbooks, where different educational actors participated at their respective levels of responsibility-authority

    Effects Of Confinement on The Emotional Stress of High School Teachers: An Exploratory Approach

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    El estr茅s emocional, tambi茅n conocido como s铆ndrome de Burnout, puede surgir como resultado del confinamiento por desastres o tragedias, especialmente en contextos virtuales. El estudio se enfoca en medir el estr茅s laboral en docentes de educaci贸n media superior, espec铆ficamente en el CETis No. 70, que enfrentaron la modalidad en l铆nea debido a la pandemia del COVID-19. M茅todos: Se aplic贸 el cuestionario Maslach Burnout Inventory, evaluando tres dimensiones: agotamiento emocional, despersonalizaci贸n y realizaci贸n personal, con 22 铆tems. Resultados: Los docentes mostraron altos niveles de realizaci贸n personal (65%) y agotamiento emocional (56%), pero bajos niveles de despersonalizaci贸n (5%). Conclusiones: Los altos niveles de agotamiento emocional reflejan la problem谩tica del confinamiento en un entorno virtual, evidenciando la necesidad de preparar los sistemas educativos para enfrentar desaf铆os similares en el futuro y cuidar la salud de los profesores.Emotional stress, also known as Burnout syndrome, can arise as a result of confinement due to disasters or tragedies, especially in virtual contexts. The study focuses on measuring work stress in high school teachers, specifically in CETis No. 70, who faced the online modality due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire was applied, evaluating three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment, with 22 items. Results: Teachers showed high levels of personal accomplishment (65%) and emotional exhaustion (56%), but low levels of depersonalization (5%). Conclusions: The high levels of emotional exhaustion reflect the problem of confinement in a virtual environment, evidencing the need to prepare educational systems to face similar challenges in the future and take care of the health of teachers