4 research outputs found

    Management and outcome of pregnancies in women with red cell isoimmunization: a 15-year observational study from a tertiary care university hospital

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    Isoimmunization; Newborn hemolytic disease; Intrauterine transfusionIsoinmunización; Enfermedad hemolítica del recién nacido; Transfusión intrauterinaIsoimmunització; Malaltia hemolítica del nounat; Transfusió intrauterinaBackground: The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of the different anti-erythrocytic alloantibodies, to describe pregnancy outcomes according to a low-risk and high-risk classification for fetal anemia and to determine the factors that influence adverse perinatal outcomes. Methods: This retrospective observational study included women referred to our center following the identification of maternal anti-erythrocytic alloantibodies between 2002 and 2017. Pregnancies were classified as high risk for fetal anemia in cases with clinically significant antibodies, no fetal-maternal compatibility and titers ≥1:16 or any titration in cases of Kell system incompatibility. In high-risk pregnancies, maternal antibody titration and the fetal middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity (MCA-PSV) were monitored. Low-risk pregnancies underwent routine pregnancy follow-up. Results: Maternal antibodies were found in 337 pregnancies, and 259 (76.9%) of these antibodies were clinically significant. The most frequent antibodies were anti-D (53%) and anti-K (19%). One hundred forty-three pregnancies were classified as low risk for fetal anemia, 65 (25%) cases were classified as no fetal-maternal incompatibility, 78 had clinically nonsignificant antibodies, 4 (2.8%) resulted in first-trimester pregnancy loss, and 139 (97.2%) resulted in livebirths. Of the 194 high-risk pregnancies, 38 had titers 1.5 MoM, resulting in 3 intrauterine deaths, 6 terminations and 48 livebirths. Ninety-two intrauterine transfusions were performed in 45 fetuses (87% anti-D). Adverse outcomes were related to a MCA-PSV > 1.5 MoM (p < 0.001), hydrops (p < 0.001) and early gestational age at first transfusion (p = 0.029) Conclusion: Anti-D remains the most common antibody in fetuses requiring intrauterine transfusion. A low or high-risk classification for fetal anemia based on the type of antibody, paternal phenotype and fetal antigen allows follow-up of the pregnancy accordingly, with good perinatal outcomes in the low-risk group. In the high-risk group, adverse perinatal outcomes are related to high MCA-PSV, hydrops and early gestational age at first transfusion

    Clinical application of a contingent screening strategy for trisomies with cell-free DNA: a pilot study

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    Cell-free DNA; Contingent screening; Fetal trisomyADN libre de células; Cribado contingente; Trisomia fetalADN lliure de cèl·lules; Cribratge contingent; Trisomia fetalBACKGROUND: Different strategies have been designed for clinical implementation of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) testing. We aimed to evaluate the performance of a contingent strategy based on conventional screening and offering cfDNA to the intermediate-risk group, for the screening for trisomies 21, 18 and 13. Secondary objectives were to assess the uptake of cfDNA in women with intermediate-risk, to evaluate the performance of cfDNA testing, and the preferences of pregnant women with intermediate risk. METHODS: Prospective observational pilot study between February 2016 and March 2017. Singleton pregnancies with a known outcome were included in the study. At the conventional screening (first trimester combined test or second trimester quadruple test) women were classified in high (risk ≥1:250) or low risk (< 1:250). For the study, a contingent strategy was applied: following the conventional screening women were classified into three groups: high risk (risk ≥1:10 or nuchal translucency ≥3 mm), intermediate-risk (risk 1:11 to 1:1500) and low risk (< 1:1500), and a cfDNA test was offered to those at the intermediate risk. RESULTS: For the analysis, 2639 women were included, 2422 (91.8%) had a first trimester combined test and 217 (8.2%) a second trimester quadruple test. There were 5 cases of trisomy 21, 4 of trisomy 18 and none of trisomy 13. For the contingent strategy, the detection rate and false positive rates were 88.9% (8/9) and 1.3% (35/2630), respectively. For the conventional strategy, the detection rate and false positive rates were 66.7% (6/9) and 5.3% (140/2630), respectively. The cfDNA test had a detection rate for trisomy 21 of 100% (3 out of 3), and a false positive rate of 0.2% (1/466). In a survey, 81.8% (374/457) of women in the intermediate-risk group would choose cfDNA testing as the second line test, mainly due to the lack of risk for the fetus. CONCLUSION: A contingent screening strategy for trisomies 21, 18 and 13, based on conventional screening, and offering a cfDNA test to women with a risk between 1:11 to 1:1500, reduced the false positive rate and increased the detection rate for these trisomies. Moreover, this strategy is well accepted by women.The study was financially supported by Ariosa Diagnostics, Inc. San Jose, CA, US

    Reference values for interleukin-6 in the amniotic fluid of asymptomatic pregnant women

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    Amniocentesis; Interleukin-6; Intra-amniotic inflammationAmniocentesi; Interleucina-6; Inflamació intraamniòticaAmniocentesis; Interleucina-6; Inflamación intraamnióticaIntroduction Nowadays, proinflammatory factors are considered to play an important role in the pathophysiology of threatened preterm labor or chorioamnionitis. The aim of this study was to establish the normal reference range for interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels in the amniotic fluid and to identify factors which may alter this value. Material and methods Prospective study in a tertiary-level center including asymptomatic pregnant women undergoing amniocentesis for genetic studies from October 2016 to September 2019. IL-6 measurements in amniotic fluid were performed using a fluorescence immunoassay with microfluidic technology (ELLA Proteinsimple, Bio Techne). Maternal history and pregnancy data were also recorded. Results This study included 140 pregnant women. Of those, women who underwent termination of pregnancy were excluded. Therefore, a total of 98 pregnancies were included in the final statistical analysis. The mean gestational age was 21.86 weeks (range: 15–38.7) at the time of amniocentesis, and 38.6 weeks (range: 30.9–41.4) at delivery. No cases of chorioamnionitis were reported. The log10 IL-6 values follow a normal distribution (W = 0.990, p = 0.692). The median, and the 5th, 10th, 90th, and 95th percentiles for IL-6 levels were 573, 105, 130, 1645, and 2260 pg/mL, respectively. The log10 IL-6 values were not affected by gestational age (p = 0.395), maternal age (p = 0.376), body mass index (p = 0.551), ethnicity (p = 0.467), smoking status (p = 0.933), parity (p = 0.557), method of conception (p = 0.322), or diabetes mellitus (p = 0.381). Conclusions The log10 IL-6 values follow a normal distribution. IL-6 values are independent of gestational age, maternal age, body mass index, ethnicity, smoking status, parity and method of conception. Our study provides a normal reference range for IL-6 levels in the amniotic fluid that can be used in future studies. We also observed that normal IL-6 values were higher in the amniotic fluid than in serum.Some of the authors are members of the European Reference Network on Rare Congenital Malformations and Rare Intellectual Disability ERN-ITHACA (EU Framework Partnership Agreement ID: 3HP-HP-FPA ERN-01-2016/739516)

    Protocol per a l'atenció a la interrupció voluntària de l'embaràs a Catalunya

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    Avortament; Protocol; CatalunyaAborto; Protocolo; CataluñaAbortion; Protocol; CataloniaAquest protocol, incorpora nou coneixement, amplia el termini de gestació per la utilització del mètode farmacològic, proposa millores en l’acompanyament durant el procés i també inclou recomanacions per l’assessorament contraceptiu posterior a la intervenció. Les recomanacions incloses a aquest protocol s’apliquen tant a dones, que és el gènere majoritari en els casos que es realitza una IVE, com a persones gestants que volen interrompre voluntàriament l’embaràs, independentment del seu gènere