96 research outputs found

    The First Genome from the Basal Monocot Family Has Been Misnamed: Taxonomic Identity of Acorus tatarinowii (Acoraceae), a Source of Numerous Chemical Compounds of Pharmaceutical Importance

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    The basalmost monocot genus Acorus is well-known for its use in traditional oriental medicine. It comprises the groups of A. calamus and A. gramineus. A recent study recognized three species in the latter group, A. gramineus, A. macrospadiceus, and A. tatarinowii. The material currently known as A. tatarinowii has been extensively studied as a source of various chemical compounds and for producing the first published genome of Acorus, which is important for understanding the origin and evolution of monocots. Using the data from morphology, anatomy, and biogeography, we argue that the type material of A. tatarinowii does not match the interpretation of the species name as adopted in the current literature and herbarium collections (to a taxon of the A. gramineus group from Southeast Asia) but rather belongs to the A. calamus group. Moreover, the name A. macrospadiceus also cannot be used because it was invalidly published. Under a narrow species concept, other appropriate species names should be found or proposed for the plants currently named A. tatarinowii and A. macrospadiceus. However, we discourage the use of a narrow species concept in the A. gramineus group as insufficiently justified and suggest recognizing a single polymorphic species, A. gramineus s.l., at least until a comprehensive taxonomic revision of the group is available. Apart from the presentation of our revised taxonomic framework, we update the geographical distributions of Acorus species in Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand

    Phylogenetic position and plastid genome structure of Vietorchis, a mycoheterotrophic genus of Orchidaceae (subtribe Orchidinae) endemic to Vietnam

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    The orchid genus Vietorchis comprises three species, all discovered in the 21 century. Each of these species is achlorophyllous, mycoheterotrophic and is known to be endemic to Vietnam. The type species of the genus, V. aurea, occurs in a single location in northern Vietnam within a lowland limestone karstic area. Vietorchis furcata and V. proboscidea, in contrast, are confined to mountains of southern Vietnam, far away from any limestone formations. Taxonomic placement of Vietorchis remained uncertain for the reason of inconclusive morphological affinities. At the same time, the genus has never been included into molecular phylogenetic studies. We investigate the phylogenetic relationships of two species of Vietorchis (V. aurea and V. furcata) based on three DNA datasets: (1) a dataset comprising two nuclear regions, (2) a dataset comprising two plastid regions, and (3) a dataset employing data on the entire plastid genomes. Our phylogenetic reconstructions support the placement of Vietorchis into the subtribe Orchidinae (tribe Orchideae, subfamily Orchidoideae). This leads to a conclusion that the previously highlighted similarities in the rhizome morphology between Vietorchis and certain mycoheterotrophic genera of the subfamilies Epidendroideae and Vanilloideae are examples of a convergence. Vietorchis is deeply nested within Orchidinae, and therefore the subtribe Vietorchidinae is to be treated as a synonym of Orchidinae. In the obtained phylogenetic reconstructions, Vietorchis is sister to the photosynthetic genus Sirindhornia. Sirindhornia is restricted to limestone mountains, which allows to speculate that association with limestone karst is plesiomorphic for Vietorchis. Flower morphology is concordant with the molecular data in placing Vietorchis into Orchidinae and strongly supports the assignment of the genus to one of the two major clades within this subtribe. Within this clade, however, Vietorchis shows no close structural similarity with any of its genera; in particular, the proximity between Vietorchis and Sirindhornia has never been proposed. Finally, we assembled the plastid genome of V. furcata, which is 65969 bp long and contains 45 unique genes, being one of the most reduced plastomes in the subfamily Orchidoideae. The plastome of Vietorchis lacks any rearrangements in comparison with the closest studied autotrophic species, and possesses substantially contracted inverted repeats. No signs of positive selection acting on the protein-coding plastid sequences were detected

    Checklist to the Elatostema (Urticaceae) of Vietnam including 19 new records, ten new combinations, two new names and four new synonyms

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    Elatostema (Urticaceae) comprises several hundred herbaceous species distributed in tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania. The greatest species richness occurs on limestone karst in Southeast Asia. Taxonomic revisions of Elatostema are largely out of date and contradict each other with respect to the delimitation of Elatostema and Pellionia. Most herbaria in SE Asia and worldwide contain significant amounts of unidentified material. As part of a broader revision of Elatostema in SE Asia, we present an updated checklist for Vietnam based on field visits, a review of specimens in herbaria worldwide, a review of type material and nomenclature. We recognize 77 taxa (75 species and two infraspecific taxa) of Elatostema in Vietnam, 23 of which were previously ascribed to Pellionia. Nineteen of these are new records for the country, i.e., E. attenuatoides, E. austrosinense, E. backeri, E. brunneinerve, E. crassiusculum, E. crenatum, E. fengshanense, E. glochidioides, E. malacotrichum, E. nanchuanense, E. oblongifolium, E. obtusum, E. oppositum, E. pergameneum, E. prunifolium, E. pseudolongipes, E. pycnodontum, E. salvinioides and E. xichouense. We place E. baviensis in synonymy of E. platyphyllum, E. colaniae in synonymy of E. myrtillus, P. macroceras in synonymy of E. hookerianum, and P. tetramera in synonymy of E. dissectum for the first time. Fourteen taxa (18% of all the recognized taxa) are endemic to Vietnam, which makes Elatostema one of the richest genera for endemic species in this country; this level of endemism is comparable to levels observed in Orchidaceae. Our checklist suggests that the highest diversity and endemism of Elatostema occurs in northern Vietnam, and that there is the greatest floristic similarity of northern Vietnam to SW China. The relationship among floristic regions is also investigated. We could find no records of Elatostema for 33 out of 63 provincial units of Vietnam, including all the southernmost provinces. We propose that further studies on the diversity of Elatostema in central and southern Vietnam are severely needed

    New Species of Orchids from Vietnam

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    Identification of herbarium specimens collected in course of field exploration works in Vietnam during 2005-2007 revealed ten species of orchids new for science. Illustrated descriptions are provided for each discovered species, which are named as Anoectochilus papillosus, Arundina caespitosa, Bulbophyllum paraemarginatum, B. sinhoënse, Cheirostylis foliosa, Goodyera rhombodoides, Liparis rivularis, Oberonia multidentata, O. trichophora and Sunipia nigricans

    Hayata glandulifera (Orchidaceae), New Genus and Species From Northern Vietnam

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    New orchid related to Cheirostylis, Goodyera, Rhomboda and Zeuxine discovered in lowland central part of northern Vietnam is described in rank of separate genus Hayata. Proposed genus differs from Goodyera in 2 separate lateral stigmas; in not hairy hypochile; in massive, knob-like mesochile and in large 2-lobed, dentate epichile. It differs from Cheirostylis in large flowers with completely free sepals (newer forming tube); in peculiar bunches of capitate glands on lateral walls of hypochile and in not swollen succulent rhizome forming normal adventitious roots, not modified into ridges or pillows covered by root hairs. From Rhomboda discovered genus differs in absence of any keels on the lip; in specific papillae bunches inside hypochile and in not winged column. New genus may be also close to Zeuxine, from which it differs in plant habit, large flowers, large dentate lobes of epichile and in specific shape of stelidia and rostellar arms. Described plant not fits well with any genera of subtribe Goodyerinae and certainly desires generic segregation. Besides Vietnamese plant, described genus includes H. tabiyahanensis from Taiwan and H. sherriffii from Bhutan. Standard taxonomical treatment of new genus and key for its species identification is presented in the paper

    Species of Orchids (Orchidaceae) Newly Recorded to the Flora of Vietnam

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    Bulbophyllum cauliflorum, B. dissitiflorum, B. depressum, B. leopardinum, B. nematocaulon, B. pectinatum, B. trichocephalum, Cleisomeria pilosulum, Dendrobium jenkinsii, D. lagarum, D. monticola, D. strongylanthum, Eria affinis, Eulophia chaunanthe, Liparis resupinata, Peristylus laceriferus, Thrixspermum acuminatissimum and Uncifera lancifolia were discovered in Vietnam during 2006-2009 at first for the Vietnamese orchid flora. Geographical position of all discovered localities and illustrations for these species are presented

    The Genus Sciaphila Blume (Triuridaceae) in the Flora of Vietnam

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    Two species of Sciaphila: S. arcuata and S. stellata (Triuridaceae) discovered in Vietnam are described as new taxa for the genus and one discovered species (S. nana) is first recorded for the country. The key for identification and illustrated descriptions are provided for all species of this genus in the flora of Vietnam