752 research outputs found

    Bloch inductance in small-capacitance Josephson junctions

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    We show that the electrical impedance of a small-capacitance Josephson junction includes besides the capacitive term i/ωCB-i/\omega C_B also an inductive term iωLBi\omega L_B. Similar to the known Bloch capacitance CB(q)C_B(q), the Bloch inductance LB(q)L_B(q) also depends periodically on the quasicharge qq, and its maximum value achieved at q=e(mod2e)q=e (\textrm{mod} 2e) always exceeds the value of the Josephson inductance of this junction LJ(ϕ)L_J(\phi) at fixed ϕ=0\phi=0. The effect of the Bloch inductance on the dynamics of a single junction and a one-dimensional array is described.Comment: 5 pages incl. 3 fig

    Nonequilibrium and Parity Effects in the Tunneling Conductance of Ultrasmall Superconducting Grains

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    Recent experiment on the tunneling spectra of ultrasmall superconducting grains revealed an unusual structure of the lowest differential conductance peak for grains in the odd charging states. We explain this behavior by nonequilibrium ``gapless'' excitations associated with different energy levels occupied by the unpaired electron. These excitations are generated by inelastic cotunneling.Comment: 4 pages, 2 .eps figures include

    Sensitivity and Linearity of Superconducting Radio-Frequency Single-Electron Transistors: Effects of Quantum Charge Fluctuations

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    We have investigated the effects of quantum fluctuations of quasiparticles on the operation of superconducting radio-frequency single-electron transistors (RF-SETs) for large values of the quasiparticle cotunneling parameter α=8EJ/Ec\alpha=8E_{J}/E_{c}, where EJE_{J} and EcE_{c} are the Josephson and charging energies. We find that for α>1\alpha>1, subgap RF-SET operation is still feasible despite quantum fluctuations that renormalize the SET charging energy and wash out quasiparticle tunneling thresholds. Surprisingly, such RF-SETs show linearity and signal-to-noise ratio superior to those obtained when quantum fluctuations are weak, while still demonstrating excellent charge sensitivity.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Resonant tunneling through a macroscopic charge state in a superconducting SET transistor

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    We predict theoretically and observe in experiment that the differential conductance of a superconducting SET transistor exhibits a peak which is a complete analogue in a macroscopic system of a standard resonant tunneling peak associated with tunneling through a single quantum state. In particular, in a symmetric transistor, the peak height is universal and equal to e2/2πe^2/2\pi \hbar. Away from the resonance we clearly observe the co-tunneling current which in contrast to the normal-metal transistor varies linearly with the bias voltage.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, Fig. 1 available upon request from the first autho

    AC Josephson effect and resonant Cooper pair tunneling emission of a Cooper Pair Transistor

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    We measure the high-frequency emission of a single Cooper pair transistor(SCPT) in the regime where transport is only due to tunneling of Cooper pairs. This is achieved by coupling on-chip the SCPT to a superconductor-insulator-superconductor junction and by measuring the photon assisted tunneling current of quasiparticles across the junction. This technique allows a direct detection of the AC Josephson effect of the SCPT and provides evidence of Landau-Zener transitions for proper gate voltage. The emission in the regime of resonant Cooper pair tunneling is also investigated. It is interpreted in terms of transitions between charge states coupled by the Josephson effect.Comment: Revtex4, 5 pages, 4 figures, final versio

    FQHE interferometers in strong tunneling regime. The role of compactness of edge fields

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    We consider multiple-point tunneling in the interferometers formed between edges of electron liquids with in general different filling factors in the regime of the Fractional Quantum Hall effect (FQHE). We derive an effective matrix Caldeira-Leggett models for the multiple tunneling contacts connected by the chiral single-mode FQHE edges. It is shown that the compactness of the Wen- Fr\"ohlich chiral boson fields describing the FQHE edge modes plays a crucial role in eliminating the spurious non-locality of the electron transport properties of the FQHE interferometers arising in the regime of strong tunneling.Comment: 5 page

    Resistively-shunted superconducting quantum point contacts

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    We have studied the Josephson dynamics of resistively-shunted ballistic superconducting quantum point contacts at finite temperatures and arbitrary number of conducting modes. Compared to the classical Josephson dynamics of tunnel junctions, dynamics of quantum point contacts exhibits several new features associated with temporal fluctuations of the Josephson potential caused by fluctuations in the occupation of the current-carrying Andreev levels.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, 3 postscript figures include

    Coulomb blockade in superconducting quantum point contacts

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    Amplitude of the Coulomb blockade oscillations is calculated for a single-mode Josephson junction with arbitrary electron transparency DD. It is shown that the Coulomb blockade is suppressed in ballistic junctions with D1D\to 1. The suppression is described quantitatively as the Landau-Zener transition in imaginary time.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures include

    Coulomb Charging Effects for Finite Channel Number

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    We consider quantum fluctuations of the charge on a small metallic grain caused by virtual electron tunneling to a nearby electrode. The average electron number and the effective charging energy are determined by means of perturbation theory in the tunneling Hamiltonian. In particular we discuss the dependence of charging effects on the number N of tunneling channels. Earlier results for N>>1 are found to be approached rather rapidly with increasing N.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure