182 research outputs found

    Activity approach in design of specialized visualization systems

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    The article discusses the application of activity approach in designing specialized interfaces and visualization systems. Activity approach is a psychological theory developed by the Russian academics of the XX century which suggests analyzing professional work as a type of activity. Activity presupposes consciousness, purposefulness and setting tasks, the accomplishment of which is aimed at achieving a goal. Activity can be broken down into actions serving to accomplish the tasks, and actions, in turn, are broken down into operations. The same activity can be carried out through different operations, and the same operations can be combined into different types of activity. Activity approach in interface design is applied to mass and professional instrumental interfaces. The article provides examples of activity analysis in terms of the used instrumental interfaces; it describes approaches to designing real interfaces for medical purposes, considers the design tasks for specialized visualization systems. For this purpose, the phenomenon of insight can be used as one of the criteria of visualization quality. The article also points out the issues of using virtual reality in scientific visualization. It provides the results of the experiment analyzing the influence of the presence phenomenon in virtual reality on the solution of intellectual tasks, and the basics of visualization system user activity. The article discusses the analysis of specialized (both professional and mass) interfaces serving as instruments in purposeful and productive activity. The analysis is carried out from the perspective of the activity theory and several topics in the fields of psychology and physiology. It is generally believed that the history of interface design clarifies some subtle aspects of modern interactive systems. Further, examples of prototype implementations of service interfaces are provided. Future possibilities for introducing the activity approach into the practical design of specialized interactive systems are also under review. © 2017 Lavoisier. All rights reserved

    Evolution of human computer interaction

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    The work is devoted to the review of the development the human-computer interaction. In the first sections the history of computing in the "pre-computer" era is briefly described and then the early history of modern computing, methods of the first computers controlling and the tasks of programmers at this stage are described. It describes the methods of interaction with the first -generation computers using the remote control elements, punched cards and punched tapes. The section, devoted to the second generation computers, describes the emergence of high-level operating systems and programming languages. At this point, there are such means of interaction with the computer as the displays and, respectively, such programming tools as interactive languages and interactive debuggers. Research is also beginning on principles of human-computer interaction the infancy of the discipline "computer graphics", the development of computer graphics packages and the emergence of interactive computer graphics standards are considered. In the section “Revolutions in computer science” describes the appearance of a large number of the same series computers and the first super-computers in the context of human-computer interaction. Revolutionary changes are considered in computer graphics and emerging of the science discipline “computer visualization” with its parts “scientific visualization”, “software visualization”, “information visualization” and also “programming by demonstration”. The information about the attempt to create a fifth generation computer based on logical programming is given. It is told about the initial period of teaching programming. The creation of computer networks and the emergence of personal computing as well as the creation the tools of modern parallel computing have become the important stages in the development of modern computing. The virtual reality becomes an important computer visualization tool. The modern state of human-computer interfaces is characterized primarily by emerging of natural interfaces which can be attributed Brain-Computer Interface (Neurocomputer interface, Brain-Computer Interfaces), interfaces based on the direct use of nerve impulses, speech recognition, recognition of lip movement, mimic recognition and eye tracking (Eye Gaze or Eye Tracking), haptic interfaces and also interfaces giving tactile feedback (allowing you to feel the touch),motion capture interfaces the entire human body or individual organs (head, entire arm, hands, fingers, legs), motion capture toolkits,in particular, interfaces based on leg movements (foot-operated computer interfaces), sign interfaces, sign languages. We briefly describe the activity approach to the design of interfaces and also some problems concerning the problem of mass interfaces. Finally, we discuss a number of problems arising from the increasing capabilities of modern computers. The work is in the nature of a popular science article and it largely reflects the subjective impressions of the author. © 2020 National Research Nuclear University. All rights reserved

    Non-classical properties of quantum wave packets propagating in a Kerr-like medium

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    We investigate non-classical effects such as fractional revivals, squeezing and higher-order squeezing of photon-added coherent states propagating through a Kerr-like medium.The Wigner functions corresponding to these states at the instants of fractional revivals are obtained, and the extent of non-classicality quantified.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure


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    Introduction. An important aspect of any bullying is the position of the bystander. Timely intervention by a bystander can prevent bullying or mitigate its consequences for the victim. On the other hand, the bystander may join the bullying on the aggressor’s side or maintain a neutral position, which will cause the aggressor to feel impunity and increase the victimisation of the bullying object. This study compares the actions of bystanders of traditional school bullying, school cyberbullying and non-school cyberbullying. Aim. The current study aims to define the strategy of school bullying and cyberbullying bystanders and clarify the most frequently observed forms of bullying by bystanders. Methodology and research methods. To study the problem, a questionnaire was developed designed to study the forms of bullying and witness behaviour strategies. The questionnaire survey was conducted among 1,762 middle-level students of educational organisations of general secondary education and secondary vocational training in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Region. Results. Among the bystanders of traditional bullying, 39% prefer non-interference, 36% prefer to support the victim, 23% report bullying to parents and teachers, 0.7% join the aggressor and 1% gave the answer “other”. Among the bystanders of school cyberbullying, 44.5% prefer non-interference, 24.5% support the victim, 28% inform parents, teachers or the administration of an Internet resource, 0.5% join the harassment and 1.5% gave the answer “other”. Among the bystanders of non-school cyberbullying, 42.5% prefer non-interference, 25.5% support the victim, 29.5% inform parents, teachers or the administration of an Internet resource, 1% join the harassment and 1% gave the answer “other”. As can be seen, the percentage of those who prefer non-interference is highest among the bystanders of school cyberbullying, while the percentage of bystanders who support the victim is highest among the bystanders of traditional bullying. The percentage of those joining the bullying on the side of the persecutor is highest among the bystanders of non-school cyberbullying. Scientific novelty. In this study, for the first time, the categories of bystanders of school and non-school cyberbullying are divided as categories of bystanders of various processes. Among the possible strategies of behaviour of a bystander in a situation of bullying, for the first time, it is proposed to seek help from adults or from the administration of the Internet resource on the basis of which the bullying takes place. Practical significance. Based on the study of the behaviour of the bystander of bullying (traditional bullying and cyberbullying), the results of this work could be applied to develop recommendations for encouraging the bystander to intervene in bullying on the victim’s side, to stop it independently or to inform teachers. © 2023 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ: 19-29-14176The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) as part of the scientific project No. 19-29-14176.Acknowledgements. The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Founda

    Interatomic coulombic decay rate in endohedral complexes

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    Interatomic coulombic decay (ICD) in van der Waals endohedral complexes was predicted to be anomalously fast. However, the available theoretical calculations of the ICD rates in endohedral complexes only consider the equilibrium geometry, in which the encapsulated atom is located at the centre of the fullerene cage. Here we show analytically that the dominant contribution of the dipole plasmon resonance to ICD does not deviate from its equilibrium geometry value, while contributions of higher multipole plasmons to the ICD can be neglected for most atomic displacements possible for an endohedral complex at room temperature. This is in contrast to the behaviour predicted for ionic endohedral compounds. Our results show that the conclusion of the earlier works on the ultrafast character of the ICD in endohedral complexes holds generally for a wide range of geometries possible under a thermal distribution, rather than only for the equilibrium geometry

    Time dependent partial waves and vortex rings in the dynamics of wave packets

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    We have found a new class of time dependent partial waves which are solutions of time dependent Schr\"odinger equation for three dimensional harmonic oscillator. We also showed the decomposition of coherent states of harmonic oscillator into these partial waves. This decomposition appears perticularly convenient for a description of the dynamics of a wave packet representing a particle with spin when the spin--orbit interaction is present in the hamiltonian. An example of an evolution of a localized wave packet into a torus and backwards, for a particular initial conditions is analysed in analytical terms and shown with a computer graphics.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 6 postscript figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Шоковая цифровизация образования: восприятие участников образовательного процесса

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    Introduction. The relevance of the study is determined both by the importance of the problem of digital transformation of education in general, and by the specific conditions, which arose during the crisis caused by COVID-19. The long-term consequences of the emergency transition of Russian education to the distance format, taking into account the ongoing pandemic, have yet to be assessed, but the reaction of the participants in the educational process to the first period of the total distance learning should be analysed immediately as a basis for future management decisions. Aim. The aim of the present research is a comprehensive analysis of the perception of the experience of an emergency transition to a distant education format by the main participants in the educational process. Methodology and research methods. Online survey based on Google forms was employed as the main method. The respondents to the survey included participants in the educational process, mostly permanently residing in the Sverdlovsk region (99% of the respondents). The survey was conducted in September - October 2020. The survey participation was voluntary and completely anonymous. As a result of the survey conducted, more than 24,500 original responses were received and processed. The data obtained were compared with the results of secondary studies (primarily, with the monitoring studies of the Higher School of Economics). Results. The research findings demonstrate a number of significant shortcomings in the strategy of digital transformation of education, such as the insufficient development of the digital communication infrastructure in the regions, the technological and competence-based digital inequality, the lack of well-developed methods of using digital educational tools, the lack of high-quality content, the lack of full-fledged integrated educational resources on the market. The shortcomings mentioned above apparently led to a decrease in the quality of education during the period of self-isolation and provoked a reaction of rejection of digital educational forms and an increase in technological pessimism among a significant part of the respondents. The results are presented in correlation with secondary studies, which confirms the reliability of the general conclusions. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the attraction, systematisation and analytical generalisation of original material on the urgent problem of digital transformation of education, collected in one of the largest and technologically advanced regions of the Russian Federation. Practical significance. The current article makes it possible to more accurately assess the situation in regional education and provides reference points both for conducting longitudinal research and for making current and strategic management decisions in Russian education at the regional and federal level. © 2021 Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. All rights reserved.The reported study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) in the framework of the research project No. 19-29-14176. The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the Institute for the Development of Education of the Sverdlovsk Region for assistance in organising and conducting the survey

    Surprises in the suddenly-expanded infinite well

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    I study the time-evolution of a particle prepared in the ground state of an infinite well after the latter is suddenly expanded. It turns out that the probability density Ψ(x,t)2|\Psi(x, t)|^{2} shows up quite a surprising behaviour: for definite times, {\it plateaux} appear for which Ψ(x,t)2|\Psi(x, t)|^{2} is constant on finite intervals for xx. Elements of theoretical explanation are given by analyzing the singular component of the second derivative xxΨ(x,t)\partial_{xx}\Psi(x, t). Analytical closed expressions are obtained for some specific times, which easily allow to show that, at these times, the density organizes itself into regular patterns provided the size of the box in large enough; more, above some critical time-dependent size, the density patterns are independent of the expansion parameter. It is seen how the density at these times simply results from a construction game with definite rules acting on the pieces of the initial density.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    The response of a neutral atom to a strong laser field probed by transient absorption near the ionisation threshold

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    We present transient absorption spectra of an extreme ultraviolet attosecond pulse train in helium dressed by an 800 nm laser field with intensity ranging from 2times10122times10^{12} W/cm2^2 to 2times10142times10^{14} W/cm2^2. The energy range probed spans 16-42 eV, straddling the first ionisation energy of helium (24.59 eV). By changing the relative polarisation of the dressing field with respect to the attosecond pulse train polarisation we observe a large change in the modulation of the absorption reflecting the vectorial response to the dressing field. With parallel polarized dressing and probing fields, we observe significant modulations with periods of one half and one quarter of the dressing field period. With perpendicularly polarized dressing and probing fields, the modulations of the harmonics above the ionisation threshold are significantly suppressed. A full-dimensionality solution of the single-atom time-dependent Schr odinger equation obtained using the recently developed ab-initio time-dependent B-spline ADC method reproduce some of our observations

    Laser Induced Selective Alignment of Water Spin Isomers

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    We consider laser alignment of ortho and para spin isomers of water molecules by using strong and short off-resonance laser pulses. A single pulse is found to create a distinct transient alignment and antialignment of the isomeric species. We suggest selective alignment of one isomeric species (leaving the other species randomly aligned) by a pair of two laser pulses.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 3 table