35 research outputs found

    Relación longitud-peso de la almeja de manglar (Pegophysema philippiana) en diferentes sitios dentro de Baganga, Provincia Oriental de Davao, Filipinas

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    Mangrove clam Pegophysema philippiana Reeve, 1850, is common to mangroves muddy substrate in Baganga, Davao Oriental, particularly in barangay Kinablangan, Lucod, Salingcomot and Bobonao. Sampling was done on May 2-7, 2022, during high tide. Mangrove clam length-weight relationship was calculated using the exponential equation W = aLb. A total of 769 mangrove clams were collected during sampling. The biggest (4.4 ± 0.81cm) and heaviest (43.4 ± 25.3 g) clams were recorded at Bobonao, the smallest was measured at Lucod (3.7 ± 0.65 cm), and the lightest clam was found at Kinablangan (26.8 ± 16.28 g). ANOVA detected significant differences (p < 0.05) in length and weight of mangrove clams between sites. Length-weight relationship of mangrove clam exhibited a strong positive relationship between length and weight; however, different values of slopes were noted. This is very common in bivalves because they are very sensitive to environmental changes. In general, the length-weight relationship of mangrove clam in Baganga, Davao Oriental, revealed allometric growth pattern.La almeja de manglar Pegophysema philippiana Reeve, 1850, es común en los sustratos fangosos de los manglares en Baganga, Davao Oriental, particularmente en los barangays de Kinablangan, Lucod, Salingcomot y Bobonao. El muestreo se realizó del 2 al 7 de mayo de 2022, durante la marea alta. La relación longitud-peso de las almejas de manglar se calculó mediante la ecuación exponencial W = aLb. Se recolectaron un total de 769 almejas de manglar durante el muestreo. Las almejas más grandes (4,4 ± 0,81 cm) y más pesadas (43,4 ± 25,3 g) se registraron en Bobonao, las más pequeñas se midieron en Lucod (3,7 ± 0,65 cm), y las almejas más ligeras se encontraron en Kinablangan (26,8 ± 16,28 g). El ANOVA detectó diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) en la longitud y el peso de las almejas de manglar entre los distintos sitios. La relación longitud-peso de la almeja de manglar exhibió una fuerte relación positiva entre la longitud y el peso; sin embargo, se observaron diferentes valores de pendientes. Esto es muy común en los bivalvos porque son muy sensibles a los cambios ambientales. En general, la relación longitud-peso de la almeja de manglar en Baganga, Davao Oriental, reveló un patrón de crecimiento alométrico

    An Investigation on The History and Current Research of Fragile X Syndrome

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    The purpose of this research is to synthesize the history of Fragile X Syndrome through literature-based research in order to assess the scope of research, population variation, social impact, and treatment. Fragile X was first documented in 1943 by Dr. Julia Bell and Dr. James Purdon Martin in a report of a family case study in which eleven males across two generations showed symptoms of intellectual disabilities. Fragile X Syndrome is an X-linked disorder caused by mutation in the Fragile X mental retardation 1(FMR1) gene on chromosome Xq27.3. The FMR1 mutations are triplet repeat expansion of the CGG repeat sequences in the 5′ untranslated region of the gene, causing hypermethylation of the repeat sequence and the FMR1 promoter. This leads to inactivation of the promoter and loss of the Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) expression. Because of its X-linked inheritance pattern, males have a higher chance of acquiring this disease than females, with a 1 in 3600 chance and 1 in 6000 chance, respectively. Recent studies attribute FMRP deficiency to neurogenesis changes, lowered glial cell production, and glutamate signaling alteration. Treatment is limited to focusing on managing associated symptoms. Current research emphasizes developing functional therapeutic approaches for treatment. Psychotherapy and various psychotropic medications are applied to target the psychiatric and cognitive features of the disorder. This timeline highlights the ongoing progression of holistic care for FXS patients, supporting the need for well-rounded intervention, spanning from psychotherapy, drug therapies, and wellness checkups.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/durep_posters/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Uncovering Themes of Masculinity Within Male Friendships and Synthesizing Future Interventions

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    Masculinity norms such as toughness, emotional stoicism, and homophobia are suggested to impede the formation of close male friendships. A lack of close friendships can lead to poor self-esteem and impaired psychological health. Boys and men who effectively build intimate relationships gain from peer support and companionship as well as a decrease in anxiety and depression levels. Scholars have yet to develop a data-driven intervention to assist boys and men in critically analyzing masculinity, thus the current study\u27s findings will contribute to the development of these interventions that could encourage boys and men to properly assess harmful elements of masculinity and establish closer friendships.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/durep_posters/1096/thumbnail.jp

    School Rehabilitation Program’s (SRP) Contribution to School Management and Students’ Academic Performance to Beneficiary Schools in Cebu Province, Philippines

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    In an educational setting, the management and environment are bound to affect the whole learning environment. This study determines the impact of the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Incorporated School Rehabilitation Program (RAFI-SRP) to beneficiary schools. The Descriptive-correlational design is utilized to establish the level of assessments for school buildings regarding its milieu, environment, management, and students’ academic performance during their occupancy of the RAFI classrooms. In the exploratory data analyses, multivariate principal component analysis (PCA) and regression are used. Results show that RAFI-SRP affects school management. The more new school buildings are built, the better is the performance of the school administrators. Moreover, RAFI-SRP has a modest influence on the academic performance of students among the community beneficiaries as a whole. This result may be owed to the fact that academic performance is multifactorial, such that the interplay of factors may be intrinsic and extrinsic. RAFI-SRP is just one amongst the extrinsic factors to the learners' academic performance to contend with

    Bullying, Eating Disorders and Coping Strategies among Adolescents in Malaysia

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    Understanding how bullying leads to eating disorders can help develop effective intervention strategies. This phenomenological study examines the relationship between bullying and coping strategies Malaysian adolescents diagnosed with eating disorders use. Using the snowball sampling technique, 12 Kuala Lumpur participants, six females and six males aged 10 to 19, responded to interview questions based on the literature reviews, theories, and a published questionnaire. By using thematic analysis, the researcher found out that all 12 participants with EDs were bullied about their weight or size. Most of the bullying and teasing were verbal or via online platforms. The findings suggest that bullying can be a significant cause of the development of eating disorders among adolescents in Malaysia. Proper coping strategies can be essential in overcoming the trauma of being bullied and treating eating disorders

    Randomized trial of thymectomy in myasthenia gravis

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    Itsepuolustuslajien harrastamisen vaikutus turvallisuuden tunteeseen

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa Suomen Karateliitto ry:lle uutta tietoa siitä, vaikuttaako itsepuolustuslajien harrastaminen yksilöiden turvallisuuden tunteeseen ja millä tavalla. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa liitolle tuloksia, joita voitaisiin käyttää markkinoinnissa hyödyksi. Työn hypoteesina toimi se, että itsepuolustuslajien harrastaminen vaikuttaa positiivisella tavalla yksilön turvallisuuden tunteeseen, ja jopa kasvattaa sitä. Tehtävänä oli pohtia aiheen kannalta tärkeitä tutkimusongelmia, eli kysymyksiä ja lähteä tutkimaan tarkkailtavana olevaa ilmiötä. Työn ja sen hetkisen tilanteen (korona epidemia) vuoksi, päädyttiin tutkimaan aihetta sähköisillä kyselylomakkeilla sekä haastatteluilla. Kyselylomakkeet lähetettiin Suomen karateliiton lisenssin maksaneille harrastajille ja vastaukset tallentuivat Microsoft formsiin nimettöminä. Haastattelut suoritettiin netin välityksellä ja puhelimitse. Jotta aihe olisi lukijalle ymmärrettävämpi, työssä käytiin työlle olennaisimmat peruskäsitteet läpi. Näitä olivat esimerkiksi itsepuolustuslaji, karate, taido, jujutsu, turvallisuuden tunne. Näitä asioita myös tarkasteltiin Suomen turvallisuuden tunteen näkökulmasta, eli millä tavalla ihmiset tuntevat turvallisuuden tunnetta Suomessa. Jonka jälkeen itse tutkimuksen kohde, eli itsepuolustuslajin harrastajat otettiin kohteeksi. Tulosten mukaan, vastaajien keskuudessa itsepuolustuslajin harrastaminen on vaikuttanut yksilöiden turvallisuuden tunteeseen positiivisesti, eli turvallisuuden tunne on kasvanut harrastuksen myötä. Myös turvallisuutta tunnetaan harrastuksen kautta. Hypoteesi siis oli vastausten kanssa yhtä mieltä

    Performing facial recognition using ensemble learning

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    Investment in facial recognition technologies has increased recently with the amount of venture capital invested in facial recognition startups dramatically increasing in 2021. Facial recognition uses AI and ML techniques to find human faces in the surrounding area. Facial recognition technology is used by the web application Automated Attendance System (AAS) which was developed by a group of students from the University of Wollongong in Dubai to automate attendance management in educational institutions. AAS is simple to use, quick to implement, and can be incorporated into current educational institutions. Deep convolutional neural networks, notably the VGG19 and EfficientNetB0 models, are the foundation of the system. These models were trained for high accuracy utilizing transfer learning and ensemble learning. The automation of attendance tracking reduces human error; increases efficiency, accuracy, and integrity; and does away with the need for manual methods of collecting attendance