3 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the present study is to map out and extend knowledge on the conceptual territory of Financial Independence, Retire Early initiative (FIRE). This topic has produced increasing interest in the public, but it constitutes a relatively new research area for academics. In this study, we analyse the four pillars to achieve financial independence to be able to retire early: budgeting and expense control, saving and investing to earn passive income; creating additional income sources, and improving financial literacy. We also analyse the five main dimensions: FIRE as a self-improvement philosophy, as a self-help initiative, as part of the simple/ecological lifestyle, as a result of financialisation, and as a tool for financial literacy and well-being. The five dimensions we distinguish allow to approach FIRE initiative from different perspectives to have a more complete understanding, but at the same time, these dimensions unveil new approaches to research and understand the impact of FIRE in society.El objetivo del presente estudio es perfilar y ampliar los conocimientos sobre el 谩mbito conceptual de la iniciativa Independencia financiera, jubilaci贸n anticipada (Financial Independence, Retire Early initiative, FIRE). Este tema ha suscitado un inter茅s creciente en el p煤blico, pero constituye un 谩rea de investigaci贸n relativamente nueva para los acad茅micos. En este estudio, analizamos los cuatro pilares para alcanzar la independencia financiera y poder jubilarse anticipadamente: elaboraci贸n de presupuestos y control de gastos, ahorro e inversi贸n para obtener ingresos pasivos; creaci贸n de fuentes de ingresos adicionales, y mejora de los conocimientos financieros. Tambi茅n analizamos las cinco dimensiones principales: FIRE como filosof铆a de superaci贸n personal, como iniciativa de autoayuda, como parte del estilo de vida simple/ecol贸gico, como resultado de la financiarizaci贸n, y como herramienta para la alfabetizaci贸n financiera y el bienestar. Las cinco dimensiones que distinguimos permiten abordar la iniciativa FIRE desde diferentes perspectivas para tener una comprensi贸n m谩s completa, pero al mismo tiempo, estas dimensiones desvelan nuevos enfoques para investigar y comprender el impacto de FIRE en la sociedad

    Determinants of Reputation at Private Graduate Online Schools

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    Reputation is considered an intangible asset that provides a competitive advantage in organizations, although in the field of education, its study and, specifically, its antecedents need further study. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of sustainability, innovation, perceived performance, service quality, work environment and good governance on reputation in private graduate online schools. This study is based on quantitative data collected from a survey. The sample consists of 349 students from a private graduate online school. The results obtained through PLS-SEM show that sustainability, service quality and good governance have a positive and significant influence on reputation. However, innovation, perceived performance and governance do not have a positive effect on the reputation of this type of organization. Therefore, more studies covering a greater sampling variety are required to determine the generalizability of these results. This study is a useful contribution since it will help managers of the private graduate online schools to know which aspects generate more reputation and, therefore, are the most valued by the public, so that the organization has a basis for decision-making