1 research outputs found

    Local governments and their strategic role in regional integration: a commitment to subnational integration in the MERCOSUR

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    El presente trabajo expone el incipiente proceso de internacionalizaci贸n de los gobiernos locales y su influencia en la construcci贸n de los procesos de integraci贸n regional. La integraci贸n a nivel subnacional puede consolidar y complementar un proceso mayor como es la integraci贸n regional del MERCOSUR. Se analizan los factores m谩s relevantes que han posibilitado la acci贸n internacional y paradiplom谩tica de los gobiernos no centrales y, particularmente, de los gobiernos locales como son las redes de ciudades, la cooperaci贸n transfronteriza y otras plataformas de interacci贸n horizontal. El papel protag贸nico que hoy asumen los gobiernos locales en la profundizaci贸n de los procesos de integraci贸n regional permitir铆a avanzar hacia una m谩s inclusiva, en consonancia a la integraci贸n supranacional de los Estados, y asimismo ampliar la agenda y la toma de decisiones desde la perspectiva local, muchas veces postergada en el bloque sudamericano.The present work exposes the incipient process of internationalization of local governments and its influence in the construction of regional integration processes. Integration at the sub-national level can consolidate and complement a larger process such as MERCOSUR's regional integration. The most relevant factors that have made possible the international and paradiplomatic action of the non-central governments and, particularly, of the local governments, such as the networks of cities, the cross-border cooperation and other platforms of horizontal interaction, are analyzed. The leading role assumed today by local governments in the deepening of regional integration processes would make it possible to advance towards a more inclusive integration, in line with the supranational integration of States, and also to expand the agenda and decision-making from the local perspective, often neglected in the South American bloc.Instituto de Integraci贸n Latinoamerican