25 research outputs found

    Multifrequency eddy current signal analysis

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    This thesis presents a novel procedure for representing and processing multifrequency eddy current signals. Multifrequency eddy current NDE methods are used extensively for the inspection of steam generator tubes in nuclear power plants. Existing methods utilize computationally expensive time domain procedures to process the data. The procedure outlined in the thesis uses frequency domain methods to minimize the computational effort significantly. Two different approaches are evaluated. The first method uses the Fourier descriptor to represent the signal. The Fourier coefficients are utilized to obtain the rotation, scaling and translation parameters required for mixing. The second approach uses the cosine transform. The mixing parameters are derived from the transform coefficients. Fast algorithms can be used to compute the transform. A spin-off of the approach is the ability to obtain rotation, translation and scale invariant parameters from the coefficients directly. Experimental results supporting the validity of the approach are presented

    Lack of specificity of new negative U waves for anterior myocardial ischemia as evidenced by intracoronary electrogram during balloon angioplasty

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    Negative U waves on the surface electrocardiogram are reported to be a specific marker of myocardial disease. In the setting of ischemia, they correlate with stenosis of the left main and left anterior descending coronary arteries. To determine whether U wave changes are unique for anterior ischemia, the development of new U waves on the intracoronary electrogram was correlated with the location and magnitude of ischemia during coronary balloon angioplasty. Recordings were obtained during dilation of 43 vessels in 37 patients. New negative U waves developed during dilation of 12 vessels (7 of the left anterior descending, 4 of the left circumflex and 1 of the right coronary artery). New positive U waves developed during dilation of 18 vessels (12 of the left anterior descending, 3 of the left circumflex and 3 of the right coronary artery). The magnitude of ST segment change was 10.9 +/- 6.7 mm in the presence of a new U wave but only 3.4 +/- 2.8 mm in the absence of a new U wave (p less than 0.001). It is concluded that 1) negative U waves on the intracoronary electrogram are not specific for anterior ischemia; 2) new positive U waves on the intracoronary electrogram are as sensitive as new negative U waves for acute ischemia; 3) the development of a new positive or negative U wave is associated with the magnitude of myocardial ischemia; and 4) the recording of U waves may be related to the proximity of the recording leads to the location of ischemia


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    Penelitian ini menganalisis bagaimana rasisme di Amerika Serikat disuarakan dalam lagu-lagu yang ditulis oleh rapper Afrika-Amerika bernama Kendrick Lamar dan Anderson. pak. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitik, penelitian ini menganalisis lirik yang merepresentasikan isu rasisme di Amerika Serikat. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model intertekstualitas Julia Kristeva. Teori ini digunakan untuk mengungkap konteks utuh dari lagu-lagu yang dianalisis. Intertekstualitas juga membantu menarik kesejajaran antara masa lalu dan masa kini dengan membantu membedakan dan membandingkan isu-isu rasisme di kedua periode tersebut. Analisis sosial budaya lebih lanjut kemudian digunakan untuk mengungkap lebih banyak konteks dan makna dari lagu-lagu tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagai orang Afrika-Amerika, baik wajah Lamar maupun Paak dikelilingi oleh isu-isu seperti; eksploitasi dari pemerintah AS, penindasan, rasisme, dan kekerasan dari petugas polisi. Melalui penggunaan intertekstualitas dalam lagu-lagu mereka, Lamar dan Paak merujuk banyak contoh rasisme dari masa lalu yang semakin menekankan suara mereka dalam masalah tersebut. Lamar mengambil pendekatan yang garang dalam mengungkap banyak pelanggaran dari pemerintah AS, sementara Paak mengambil pendekatan yang lebih ringan dalam menyuarakan rasisme dengan menggambarkan pengalamannya selama protes, dan dengan memberi contoh seorang Afrika Amerika yang sukses. Melalui lagu-lagu mereka, Lamar dan Paak membangun kebanggaan rasial dan memberikan motivasi bagi komunitas Afrika Amerika dalam pesan solidaritas. ****** This study analyses how racism in the United States are voiced in songs written by African American rappers by the name of Kendrick Lamar and Anderson. Paak. Using the descriptive-analytic method, this study analyses the lyrics that represent the issue of racism in the United States. The theory that is used in this study is Julia Kristeva’s model of intertextuality. This theory is used to uncover the full context of the songs analyzed. Intertextuality also helps to draw a parallel between the past and the present by helping to contrast and compare issues of racism in both periods. Further socio-cultural analysis was then used to uncover more context and meanings from the songs. The result of this study shows that as an African American, both Lamar and Paak face are surrounded by issues such as; exploitation from the US government, oppression, racism, and violence from police officers. Through the use of intertextuality in their songs, both Lamar and Paak references many instances of racism from the past which further emphasizes their voicing in the issue. Lamar takes a fierce approach in exposing many violations from the US government, while Paak takes a lighter approach in voicing racism by describing his experience during a protest, and by giving an example of a successful African American. Through their songs, Lamar and Paak establish racial pride and gives motivation for the African American community in messages of solidarity

    Entropy Based Skew Correction of Document Images

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    Multifrequency eddy current signal analysis

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    This thesis presents a novel procedure for representing and processing multifrequency eddy current signals. Multifrequency eddy current NDE methods are used extensively for the inspection of steam generator tubes in nuclear power plants. Existing methods utilize computationally expensive time domain procedures to process the data. The procedure outlined in the thesis uses frequency domain methods to minimize the computational effort significantly. Two different approaches are evaluated. The first method uses the Fourier descriptor to represent the signal. The Fourier coefficients are utilized to obtain the rotation, scaling and translation parameters required for mixing. The second approach uses the cosine transform. The mixing parameters are derived from the transform coefficients. Fast algorithms can be used to compute the transform. A spin-off of the approach is the ability to obtain rotation, translation and scale invariant parameters from the coefficients directly. Experimental results supporting the validity of the approach are presented.</p

    Applications of Bayesian inference in econometrics.

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    This study proposes the application of the Bayesian st and point and approach to economics and econometric methods employed in economic research. The focus of this study is in demonstrating the usefulness and applicability of Bayesian methods in econometrics and economic theory. (By Bayesian methods, we mean methods representing the Bayesian st and point as well as techniques that follow from the application of Bayes's theorem). In Chapter I, the philosophical basis of the Bayesian st and point, which is distinct from Bayesian techniques derived from the Bayes theorem, is discussed. A brief review of Bayesian inference is given in Chapter II. The first application considered is in the context of the linear regression model, where Bayesian inference is applied in the context of estimation. A multivariate transformation is proposed that yields the induced prior on the reparametrized parameter vector. Using this induced prior, the posterior distribution of the shrinkage coefficients of the Bayes estimator is derived. Using this posterior distribution, a new estimator is proposed which enables us to evaluate the Bayes estimator in a novel way in Chapter III. The ridge regression estimator is seen to be a special case of the Bayes estimator. More general models are considered in Chapter IV, such as models with autocorrelation and models with errors in measurement. In the context of these models, the analysis developed in Chapter III is generalized to these models. Chapters V and VI discuss applications of Bayesian methods in economic theory. Models which try to capture uncertainty in decision making or which try to model the expectations of individual agents provide a favorable setting for the Bayesian approach. In Chapter V, a simple duopoly model is considered. Each firm is assumed to have prior knowledge on the production decision of the rival in each time period. A Bayesian solution is derived in the context of the duopoly model. In addition, a Bayesian expectations scheme is developed on the lines of the adaptive expectations scheme. This draws upon the work of Turnovsky (1974) but provides a different interpretation of the formation of expectations and differs in the statistical representation of the expectations formation. (Abstract shortened with permission of author).Ph.D.Economic theoryUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162018/1/8907001.pd

    IJCMR Arteriovenous Malformations of The Mandible and The Maxilla: A Review

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    ABSTRACT Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are uncommon vascular lesions occurring anywhere in the body and can be life threatening due to potential massive haemorrhage. Vascular malformations of the jaws can lead to disastrous complications. The literature presents the pathophysiology and clinical aspects of these lesions, as well as the divergent views of the authors. Traditional treatment involved extensive surgical resection of the mandible. Catheterization and embolization, with direct trans osseous injection of cyanoacrylate, appears to be the least harmful treatment in certain conditions. Endovascular techniques, interventional radiology are now the best method to control active hemorrhage and ultimately cure these lesions