4 research outputs found

    From C-3PO to HAL: Opening The Discourse About The Dark Side of Multi-Modal Social Agents

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    The increasing prevalence of communicative agents raises questions about human-agent communication and the impact of such interaction on people's behavior in society and human-human communication. This workshop aims to address three of those questions: (i) How can we identify malicious design strategies - known as dark patterns - in social agents?; (ii) What is the necessity for and the effects of present and future design features, across different modalities and social contexts, in social agents?; (iii) How can we incorporate the findings of the first two questions into the design of social agents? This workshop seeks to conjoin ongoing discourses of the CUI and wider HCI communities, including recent trends focusing on ethical designs. Out of the collaborative discussion, the workshop will produce a document distilling possible research lines and topics encouraging future collaborations

    Islamic State and the Other

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