75 research outputs found

    Attitudes towards mental health: a comparative study between nursing freshmen and seniors

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    Trata-se de um estudo desenvolvido em duas partes, numa delas, foi traçado um perfil das atitudes frente ao doente e Ă  doença mental de alunos ingressantes no Curso de Enfermagem, antes de terem contato com a instrução acadĂȘmica e com as disciplinas relacionadas a essa ĂĄrea do conhecimento especĂ­fico. Na outra, foi traçado o mesmo perfil de atitudes com alunos formandos, do mesmo curso, momentos antes de receberem o grau de enfermeiros.Teve por objetivo estudar comparativamente os perfis de atitudes dos dois grupos de alunos frente Ă  doença mental e ao seu portador, com o intuito de verificar a influĂȘncia da instrução acadĂȘmica nesses aspectos e oferecer subsĂ­dios para o planejamento e o desenvolvimento das disciplinas citadas. Para isso, foi utilizada a escala de opiniĂ”es sobre a doença mental. Os resultados mostraram que os formandos apresentaram-se menos autoritĂĄrios, benevolentes, restritivos e discriminadores, acreditando mais na semelhança do doente mental com uma pessoa normal. Pode-se concluir que os formandos apresentaram um perfil de atitudes mais positivo frente Ă  doença mental e ao seu portador do que o dos ingressantes no Curso de Enfermagem, e que a referida instrução acadĂȘmica influencia favoravelmente, na mudança do perfil de atitudes dos alunos.4This study has been developed in two parts. In one of them, a profile of attitudes in face of mentally-ill patients and mental illness presented by nursing Freshmen was drawn before they had had any contact with academic instruction from courses belonging to this area of specific knowledge. In the other, the same profile of attitudes presented by Seniors was drawn a few days before they received a Bachelor of Nursing Science Degree. The study aimed at comparatively studying the profiles of attitudes by these student groups in face of mental illness and its carriers with the purpose to verify the influence of academic instruction on these aspects as well as to provide subsidies for the planning and development of the aforementioned courses. To that end, the opinion scale on mental illness was used. The results showed that the seniors were less authoritarian, less benevolent, less restrictive and less discriminatory. They had a stronger belief that mentally-ill people were similar to normal people. It can be concluded that the Seniors present a more positive profile of attitudes in face of mental illness and its carriers than do the Freshmen in Nursing and that the academic instruction referred to favorably influences in the change of such profile of attitudes
