2 research outputs found

    Lean Service management model to reduce canceled orders in a fast-food company

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    The restaurant subsector is of great importance in the country's economy, generating a contribution of 2.8% of the national GDP. However, based on the research carried out, some problems that afflict the industry were identified, being the high rates of canceled orders the main problem that affects the study company. This problem results in customer dissatisfaction, so it is vitally important to reduce the causes that generate the cancellation of the client's orders. In relation to the above, the case study presents a high rate of returns surpassing the sector by 13.46% negatively impacting the profitability of the company. Therefore, a model based on the PDCA cycle was used, implementing Lean, BPM and FEFO Inventory Management tools with the aim of reducing canceled orders in the company. The implementation of these tools was carried out in different stages, taking as baseline the following indicators: percentage of overdue supplies, distance traveled, occupancy rate and level of satisfaction. At the end of the implementation, the % of cancelled orders was reduced by 9.7% and the percentage of overdue supplies decreased to 7.71%. In this way the distances traveled were reduced to 2255.6 meters improving the gross margin of the company. The result will be used as a reference and example for future implementations to the rest of the companies in the sector

    Design of an operational management model based on Lean and BPM methodologies to reduce the rate of canceled orders in a fast-food service company

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    Esta investigaci贸n surge debido a la necesidad de mejorar la satisfacci贸n del cliente y cultivar su lealtad hacia la marca, al mismo tiempo que se busca reducir los tiempos de producci贸n mediante la implementaci贸n de enfoques como Lean, equilibrio de l铆nea y BPM. Nuestra meta primordial es optimizar el proceso con el fin de disminuir la cantidad de pedidos anulados y garantizar un aumento en las ganancias. El prop贸sito de esta investigaci贸n busca mejorar una empresa de comida r谩pida a trav茅s de un enfoque integral que utiliza la metodolog铆a Facility layout design, balance de l铆nea y BPM. El objetivo es elevar la calidad de los productos, reducir los tiempos de entrega y adaptarse 谩gilmente a las necesidades cambiantes de los clientes, con la meta de lograr competitividad en el mercado y satisfacci贸n total del cliente. En primer lugar, se investiga sobre los antecedentes del sector, y se realiza un marco te贸rico para profundizar sobre algunas definiciones claves. De la misma manera, se procede a desarrollar estados del arte que se enfoquen en las tres variables: Problema, sector y t茅cnicas o herramientas con una breve descripci贸n sobre el aporte, proceso y resultados de dichos art铆culos. Asimismo, se realiza un comparativo entre los conceptos que genera cada autor sobre las herramientas y la investigaci贸n que realizan. En segundo lugar, se realiza un diagn贸stico del problema para identificar sus procesos, problemas y cuantificarlos a trav茅s de herramientas de ingenier铆a. Luego de identificar el proceso deficiente, se mide el impacto econ贸mico que genera el problema, y finalmente, se analiza cada una de las causas a detalle mediante el 谩rbol de problemas.This research arises from the need to enhance customer satisfaction and foster brand loyalty, while concurrently seeking to reduce production times through the implementation of approaches like Lean, line balancing, and BPM. Our primary goal is to optimize the process in order to decrease the number of canceled orders and ensure an increase in profits. The purpose of this research is to improve a fast-food company through a comprehensive approach that utilizes the Facility layout design, line balancing, and BPM methodologies. The objective is to elevate product quality, reduce delivery times, and quickly adapt to changing customer needs, with the aim of achieving competitiveness in the market and total customer satisfaction. Firstly, background information on the industry is investigated, and a theoretical framework is developed to delve into key definitions. Likewise, a review of the literature is conducted, focusing on three variables: the problem, the industry, and techniques or tools, with a brief description of the contributions, processes, and results of these articles. Additionally, a comparison is made between the concepts generated by each author regarding the tools and the research they conduct. Secondly, a problem diagnosis is conducted to identify its processes, issues, and quantification through engineering tools. After identifying the deficient process, the economic impact generated by the problem is measured, and each of the causes is analyzed in detail using a problem tree analysis.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona