187 research outputs found


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    Objective: Prevention, early detection and timely correction of functional liver disorders in patients with purulent-septic infection. Materials and Methods: We studied 38 patients with severe purulent-septic infection associated with diabetic foot syndrome (20), acute peritonitis (18) of appendicular origin (8), acute destructive pancreatitis (7) and blunt abdominal trauma with a rupture of the small intestine (3). All the patients described had generalization of the infectious onset with development of sepsis (30 patients) and sepsis syndrome (8 patients). All the patients had generalization of infectious origin with the development of sepsis (30) and sepsis syndrome (8). Results: In the process of intensive therapy, the hemostatic parameters studied are already improved from the 3rd day, the most pronounced in patients of the 2nd group, who received the hepatoprotector jetepar. Conclusions: The obtained data confirm the hepatoprotective and detoxifying role of jetepar drug in severe purulent-septic infection. The drug can be used in the complex therapy of such critical conditions for the prevention and assistive therapy of developing hepatic complications


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    Aim: Prevention, early detection and timely correction of functional liver disorders in patients with purulent-septic infection. Material and methods: We studied 38 patients with severe purulent-septic infection associated with diabetic foot syndrome (20), acute peritonitis (18) of appendicular origin (8), acute destructive pancreatitis (7) and blunt abdominal trauma with a rupture of the small intestine (3). All the patients described had generalization of the infectious onset with development of sepsis (30 patients) and sepsis syndrome (8 patients). All the patients had generalization of infectious origin with the development of sepsis (30) and sepsis syndrome (8). Result: In the process of intensive therapy, the hemostatic parameters studied are already improved from the 3rd day, the most pronounced in patients of the 2nd group, who received the hepatoprotector jetepar. Conclusions: The obtained data confirm the hepatoprotective and detoxifying role of jetepar drug in severe purulent-septic infection. The drug can be used in the complex therapy of such critical conditions for the prevention and assistive therapy of developing hepatic complications

    The New Document About the Bulavin Uprising (1708)

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    Introduction. A new source on the history of the Bulavin Uprising of 1707–1709 is published: a report of the Azov Governor I.A. Tolstoy to the Ambassadorial Chancery of December 8, 1708, which is stored in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts. It was sent in response to a request for an order about the Gulyashiy Chelovek (Freeman Wanderer) Grigory Zaitsev, nicknamed Banshick (Bath Attendant), accused of aiding Kondraty Bulavin. Analysis. Despite the brevity of the presentation, the document is very informative. It contains information about the events that took place in Cherkassk and Azov in June 1708. New details are reported about the organization of the rebel-led campaign against Azov, about Ataman K.A. Bulavin’s hopes for support from the Azov residents and soldiers, about the conspiracy against him in Cherkassk, etc. No less important is the data on how the preliminary investigation of state crimes (participation in a rebellion) was conducted at the Ambassadorial Chancery in the second half of 1708. On the example of the G.K. Zaitsev’s case we see that the investigation, which started because of a denunciation, was carried out in accordance with the norms of procedural law adopted at that time and was accompanied by the collection of evidence. At the same time, the paper is a source of biographical information about the person under investigation, who unwittingly became an agent of the Cherkassk’s conspirators and an informant of the Azov governor. Methods. The publication is prepared in accordance with the applicable rules of archaeography. Results. The published document allows us to verify some other sources introduced into scientific circulation earlier, and extends the knowledge available in science about the culmination of the Bulavin Uprising


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    Following the concept of defect-free manufacturing of master masks of IC on photo-masks, two Belarusian sets of optomechanical equipment for 0,3 5 p and 90 nanometers are presented in the paper. Each of the sets comprises:   • Multi-channel laser pattern generator; • Automatic mask defect inspection system; • Laser-based mask defect repair system.The paper contains description of automatic mask defect inspection process during photo-mask manufacturing and respective basic technological operations of the processes.Advantages of a complex approach to the development of a set of opto-mechanical equipment for defect-free manufacturing of photo-masks have been analyzed in the paper. В соответствии с концепцией бездефектного изготовления оригиналов топологии интегральных схем на фотошаблонах представлены два отечественных комплекта оптико-механического оборудования, предназначенные для реализации технологии 0,35 мкм и 90 нм. Каждый из этих комплектов состоит из: • многоканального лазерного генератора изображений; • установки автоматического контроля топологии фотошаблонов; • установки лазерного устранения дефектов топологии фотошаблонов.Приводится описание операции автоматического контроля топологии в технологическом процессе изготовления фотошаблонов и краткое описание базовых технологических операций этого процесса.Анализируются преимущества комплексного подхода к проблеме разработки комплекта оптико-механического оборудования для бездефектного изготовления фотошаблонов


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    The paper reveals significance and complexity of automatic inspection of pattern master masks of  integrated circuits under conditions of continuous decrease of  topological design specifications. Two methods for obtaining sub-pixel resolution are presented in the paper. The first method is based on  new virtual  scanning  algorithms  ensuring  optimal  alignment of the  discreet  grid  of  the  automatic pattern inspection system with a coordinate grid of a topological pattern to be inspected. The second method is based on the application of a new method for automatic inspection of master pattern masks of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits on photo-masks. The first method allows to obtain universal algorithms with sub-pixel resolution by 20–30 % less than the pixel size. The second method allows to obtain object-oriented algorithms with sub-pixel resolution that is significantly less pixel rate. It is shown that, for example, for the pattern of «contact window» type a sub-pixel resolution may achieve 3 % of the pixel size Показана актуальность и сложность проблемы выполнения операции автоматического контроля оригиналов топологии интегральных схем в условиях неуклонного уменьшения топологических  проектных норм.  Представлены два подхода к получению  субпиксельного  разрешения. Первый подход основан на применении новых алгоритмов виртуального сканирования, обеспечивающих оптимальное совмещение сетки дискретизации установки автоматического контроля топологии с координатной сеткой контролируемого топологического рисунка. Второй подход основан на применении предложенного нового метода автоматического контроля оригиналов топологии СБИС на фотошаблонах. Первый подход позволяет получать универсальные алгоритмы получения субпиксельного разрешения на 20–30 % меньше, чем размер пикселя. Второй подход позволяет получить объектно-ориентированные алгоритмы получения субпиксельного разрешения, но в существенно меньших долях пикселя. Показано, что, например, для топологии типа «контактные окна» субпиксельное разрешение может достигать 3 % размера пикселя

    Generalized Faddeev equations in the AGS form for deuteron stripping with explicit inclusion of target excitations and Coulomb interaction

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    Theoretical description of reactions in general, and the theory for (d,p)(d,p) reactions, in particular, needs to advance into the new century. Here deuteron stripping processes off a target nucleus consisting of A{A} nucleons are treated within the framework of the few-body integral equations theory. The generalized Faddeev equations in the AGS form, which take into account the target excitations, with realistic optical potentials provide the most advanced and complete description of the deuteron stripping. The main problem in practical application of such equations is the screening of the Coulomb potential, which works only for light nuclei. In this paper we present a new formulation of the Faddeev equations in the AGS form taking into account the target excitations with explicit inclusion of the Coulomb interaction. By projecting the (A+2)(A+2)-body operators onto target states, matrix three-body integral equations are derived which allow for the incorporation of the excited states of the target nucleons. Using the explicit equations for the partial Coulomb scattering wave functions in the momentum space we present the AGS equations in the Coulomb distorted wave representation without screening procedure. We also use the explicit expression for the off-shell two-body Coulomb scattering TT-matrix which is needed to calculate the effective potentials in the AGS equations. The integrals containing the off-shell Coulomb T-matrix are regularized to make the obtained equations suitable for calculations. For NNNN and nucleon-target nuclear interactions we assume the separable potentials what significantly simplifies solution of the AGS equations.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figure