23 research outputs found

    Uloga Merseburg procesa u industrijskoj dekarbonizaciji i evaluaciji otpada

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    Due to greenhouse gas emissions in industrial production, global warming and the resulting climate change pose significant threats to a liveable world. The emission of carbon dioxide, which is released as a result of industrial activities, is the most important component that triggers the global warming process. The use of waste material, which is the result of industrial activity, as raw material within the framework of circular economy is of vital importance in terms of the use of sustainable resources. The problem of phosphogypsum, which is released during the production of phosphoric acid, can be eliminated by the Merseburg process. With such waste minimisation, the destruction caused by emission gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will also be prevented. In this evaluation study, the use of carbon dioxide gas as a raw material is discussed, while reducing the emission values of industries such as cement and thermal power plants that cause large amounts of carbon dioxide emissions from phosphogypsum waste. Although an ammonium sulphate production is foreseen with the evaluation of carbon dioxide and phosphogypsum waste with the Merseburg process, the effect of the impurity content of the waste material used on the recommended ammonium sulphate concentration will be an important research topic. Various protocols are being worked on worldwide in order to minimise the emissions on international scale. The use of the Merseburg process for this and similar processes will provide significant advantages to the manufacturer in reaching the targeted emission amount.Globalno zatopljenje i klimatske promjene, kao rezultat emisija stakleničkih plinova u industriji, predstavljaju veliku prijetnju živom svijetu. Ugljikov dioksid, koji se oslobađa kao rezultat industrijskih aktivnosti, najvažnija je komponenta u procesu globalnog zagrijavanja. Otpadni materijal, kao još jedan produkt industrijske aktivnosti, može se u okviru kružnog gospodarstva upotrebljavati kao sirovina. Problem fosfogipsa, koji se oslobađa tijekom proizvodnje fosforne kiseline, može se otkloniti Merseburg procesom. Takvim smanjenjem otpada smanjit će se i destrukcija uzrokovana emisijom plinova, poput ugljikova dioksida, u atmosferu. U ovoj studiji komentirana je uporaba plinovitog ugljikova dioksida kao sirovine, uz smanjenje njegovih emisija u cementarama i termoelektranama, gdje se emitiraju velike količine ugljikova dioksida iz fosfogipsnog otpada. U svijetu se radi na različitim protokolima da bi se smanjile emisije na međunarodnoj razini. Primjena Merseburg procesa za taj i slične procese pružit će značajnu prednost proizvođačima u postizanju ciljanih količina emisija

    An Evaluation of Age Determination in Forensic Medicine Using Scoring of the Epiphyses at the Knee Joint on Radiographs

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    Objective:Identification plays an important role in forensic medicine practices. Age estimation is also widely used in identification. The aim of this study is to investigate the applicability of age determination method in Türkiye by examining the radiographs of the knee joint and using the epiphyseal scoring based on the degree of epiphyseal closure.Methods:Knee graphs of 676 cases (337 women, 339 men) aged between 10 and 26 years were retrospectively analyzed. Distal femur (DF), proximal tibia (PT), and proximal fibula (PF) epiphyseal lines were evaluated separately in each case. The closure of the epiphyses was studied at 3 stages. DF, PT and PF epiphyses were graded 0, 1, 2 for stage 1, 2 and 3 respectively. These three scores obtained in each case were collected and the score of the epiphyses at the knee joint (SKJ) was obtained.Results:The median age in each of the SKJs increased in both men and women. The difference between the genders was statistically significant according to the median age of 0-5 points (p<0.001). As a result of the receptor operating characteristic curve analysis, the highest accuracy value was found to be 6 points in both genders. In males, the sensitivity was 0.989, the specificity was 0.880, and the overall accuracy was 0.943. In females, these values were found to be 1.000 for sensitivity, 0.648 for specificity, and 0.845 for overall accuracy.Conclusion:The study suggests that knee joint epiphyseal scoring is a simple and practical method with high inter-rater agreement in determining whether a Turkish individual is older than 18 years of age

    The comparison of different stubble management systems in terms of fuel, capacity and direct sowing

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    The stubble that remains on the field after the harvest is burned generally by the farmers in Southeastern Anatolia Region. This study was carried out in order to reduce the problems caused by stubble burning in our country and our region to recommend a wheat harvesting method for farmers. The study that was carried out in 2012 contained two different stubble height and five different stubble management systems. Fuel consumption, field efficiency and the amount of stubble on the field surface were examined in the study. After these applied methods, lentil was directly planted on the harvested areas with a mechanic planter. The effects of the stubble management systems on the rate of seed emergence of lentil were investigated. As a result, the highest fuel consumption was obtained from the system which is making straw by chopper mounted on combine-harvester and removing the straw from the field by trailer attached to the combine-harvester as 29.41 L ha-1 while the highest field efficiency and amount of stubble on the field surface were determined at the system which is harvesting wheat by combine-harvester and leaving the stubble on the field as 1.85 ha h-1 and 3716.43 kg ha-1 respectively. Also the highest rates of seed emergence were obtained from the system which is making straw by chopper mounted on combine-harvester and removing the straw from the field by trailer attached to the combine-harvester as 213.77 number m-2 and from the system making straw by chopper mounted on combine-harvester and spreading the straw to field surface as 203.99 number m-2

    Efficacy of subsequent treatments in patients with hormone-positive advanced breast cancer who had disease progression under CDK 4/6 inhibitor therapy

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    Background: There is no standard treatment recommended at category 1 level in international guidelines for subsequent therapy after cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor (CDK4/6) based therapy. We aimed to evaluate which subsequent treatment oncologists prefer in patients with disease progression under CDKi. In addition, we aimed to show the effectiveness of systemic treatments after CDKi and whether there is a survival difference between hormonal treatments (monotherapy vs. mTOR-based). Methods: A total of 609 patients from 53 centers were included in the study. Progression-free-survivals (PFS) of subsequent treatments (chemotherapy (CT, n:434) or endocrine therapy (ET, n:175)) after CDKi were calculated. Patients were evaluated in three groups as those who received CDKi in first-line (group A, n:202), second-line (group B, n: 153) and ≥ 3rd-line (group C, n: 254). PFS was compared according to the use of ET and CT. In addition, ET was compared as monotherapy versus everolimus-based combination therapy. Results: The median duration of CDKi in the ET arms of Group A, B, and C was 17.0, 11.0, and 8.5 months in respectively; it was 9.0, 7.0, and 5.0 months in the CT arm. Median PFS after CDKi was 9.5 (5.0–14.0) months in the ET arm of group A, and 5.3 (3.9–6.8) months in the CT arm (p = 0.073). It was 6.7 (5.8–7.7) months in the ET arm of group B, and 5.7 (4.6–6.7) months in the CT arm (p = 0.311). It was 5.3 (2.5–8.0) months in the ET arm of group C and 4.0 (3.5–4.6) months in the CT arm (p = 0.434). Patients who received ET after CDKi were compared as those who received everolimus-based combination therapy versus those who received monotherapy ET: the median PFS in group A, B, and C was 11.0 vs. 5.9 (p = 0.047), 6.7 vs. 5.0 (p = 0.164), 6.7 vs. 3.9 (p = 0.763) months. Conclusion: Physicians preferred CT rather than ET in patients with early progression under CDKi. It has been shown that subsequent ET after CDKi can be as effective as CT. It was also observed that better PFS could be achieved with the subsequent everolimus-based treatments after first-line CDKi compared to monotherapy ET.Breast Cancer Consortiu

    Critical edition (tahqiq) and analysis of Ahmad Hilmi Koghi's book named ar-Resâilu'l-hamse

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    Bu tezimizde, çalışmanın konusunu birçok ilimde olduğu gibi nahivde derin maharete sahip bir âlim olan ve bölgemizde yetişmiş önemli şahsiyetlerden biri olup kadim eserleri el yazma olarak kaleme almada mahirdir. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda, müellif, müderris ve molla olan Ahmet Hilmi Koğî'nin adlı nahiv ilmiyle alakalı telif ettiği "er-Resâilu'l-hams" eseri tahkik ve tahlil edilmiştir. Üç bölümden oluşan tezimizde gayemiz, "er-Resâilu'l-hams" ile ilgili eseri ilim dünyasına tanıtmak ve buna benzer çalışmalara bir katkıda bulunmaktır. "er-Resâilu'lhams" adlı eserimiz giriş ve üç bölümden meydana gelmektedir. Giriş kısmında araştırmanın gayesi, önemi, yöntemi ve kaynakları ele alınacaktır. Birinci bölümde Ahmet Hilmi Koğî'nin hayatı, eserleri, edebi şahsiyeti ve tez konumuzu oluşturan "erResâilu'l-hams" adlı eser hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde eserin tahlil ve tenkidi yapılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde de eserin tahkikli metni ve sonuç, kaynakça, görüşmeler ve ekler bulunmaktadır.In this thesis, the subject of the study, as in many other sciences, is a scholar who has a profound skill in the nahiv and is one of the important figures who grew up in our region and is skilled in writing ancient works as manuscripts. At the same time, this work has been analyzed and analyzed by Ahmet Hilmi Koghî, an author, professor and mullah, "er-Rasâilu'l-hams" which is related to the science of nahiv. Our aim in our thesis, which consists of three parts, is to introduce the work on "er-Rasâilu'l-hams" to the world of science and to contribute to similar studies. Our work named "er-Rasâilu'l-hams" consists of introduction and three parts. In the introduction part, the purpose, importance, method and sources of the research will be discussed. In the first part, information is given about Ahmet Hilmi Koghî's life, works, literary personality and the work named "er-Resâilu'l-hams" which constitutes our thesis subject. In the second part, the analysis and criticism of the work has been done. In the third part, there is the verified text of the work and the conclusion, bibliography, interviews and appendices

    Accidental Deaths by Hanging Among Children in Istanbul, Turkey Retrospective Analysis of Medicolegal Autopsies in 33 Years

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    Hanging is a type of strangulation by means of rope or any other similar material. This kind of ligature strangulation occurs by weight of the body dragging due to gravity and applying force to the neck. Hanging almost never occurs by accident, but occurs mostly as a way to commit suicide. A total number of 82,871 autopsies were performed in the Council of Forensic Medicine of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice (Istanbul) between 1979 and 2012, and 4500 (5.43%) of these deaths occurred as a result of hanging. Thirteen of these reported cases have been observed and resulted in death occurring by accident. Seven of these victims were males, and 6 of them were females. Examination of their ages revealed that 3 of these victims were aged 1 year, and 3 victims were aged 6 years. The oldest victim was aged 13 years, and the youngest one was aged 1 year. It has been recorded that 8 of the deaths occurred with rope, 2 with sweater, 2 with scarf, 1 with belt, and 1 with tights. Investigation of the incidents revealed that 3 of the cases occurred by tangling in a rope swing and 2 with a head scarf. Ligature marks on the neck from aforementioned materials and ecchymosis on soft tissue were observed on all of the victims, and the thyroid cartilages and cervical vertebrae were intact. No substance was found in the toxicological analysis performed on all victims. In conclusion, our study showed that although accidental death by hanging took place rarely in these ages, all of the victims were between the ages of 1 and 13 years who recently started walking and entering their teenage years. It is important not to leave the children at home or in the playgrounds alone for a long time (unsupervised at home or in the playgrounds). Precautionary measures must be taken against danger, and the design of materials manufactured for this age group must be reconsidered

    Havalı Tüfekle Kaza Sonucu Ölüm Olgu Sunumu

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    Havalı silahlar ateşli silahlara göre kinetik enerjileri ve yaralama kapasiteleri daha düşük silahlardır. Buna rağmen özellikle çocuklarda mortalite ve morbidite nedeni olabilirler. Özellikle yakın mesafeden yapılan atışlarda iç organ yaralanması yapmaları mümkündür. Olgumuz 6 yaşında erkek çocuk olup havalı tüfekle yaralanmış ve göğüs boşluğuna giren saçma tanesi akciğer ve aortada yaralanma yaparak cilt altında kalmıştır. Çocuk kan kaybı nedeniyle ölmüştür. Birçok ülkede bu silahların namlu çıkış enerjileri, sahip olma, kullanım ve üretiminde sınırlar bulunmakla birlikte ülkemizde bu konuda sınırlama bulunmamaktadır. Çalışmada bu silahla olan yaralanmaların nasıl önlenebileceği uluslar arası uygulamalar ve literatür ile birlikte tartışılacaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: Havalı tüfek; ölüm; otops

    Tree falling related death

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    Objective: In this study, tree-falling death cases in the city of Kahramanmaraş are discussed with medicolegal aspects. Methods: 21 tree-falling death cases in the city of Kahramanmaraş were analyzed retrospectively in the study between January 1 2008- December 31 2014. Results: Of all the 21 cases were male and their average age was 59.5 years. All but one case occurred in rural areas. 20% of cases died during hospitalization. Cases of fall were most common from walnut tree (28.5%), followed by fig tree (23.8%) and grapevine (19%). Cases were observed most common in autumn and summer. Extremity injuries were presented 90.5% of cases. The distribution of bone fractures was found most commonly in skull, followed by vertebras, ribs. Cause of death was blunt force head trauma in 47.6% and thorax trauma in 23.8%. Conclusion: Even rare, free-falling case has high mortality and morbidity level. To prevent such injuries, there must be education and informing about public health especially for the rural population