177 research outputs found

    Higher Winding Strings and Confined Monopoles in N=2 SQCD

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    We consider composite string solutions in N=2 SQCD with the gauge group U(N), the Fayet--Iliopoulos term \xi \neq 0 and N (s)quark flavors. These bulk theories support non-Abelian strings and confined monopoles identified with kinks in the two-dimensional world-sheet theory. Similar and more complicated kinks (corresponding to composite confined monopoles) must exist in the world-sheet theories on composite strings. In a bid to detect them we analyze the Hanany--Tong (HT) model, focusing on a particular example of N=2. Unequal quark mass terms in the bulk theory result in the twisted masses in the N=(2,2) HT model. For spatially coinciding 2-strings, we find three distinct minima of potential energy, corresponding to three different 2-strings. Then we find BPS-saturated kinks interpolating between each pair of vacua. Two kinks can be called elementary. They emanate one unit of the magnetic flux and have the same mass as the conventional 't Hooft--Polyakov monopole on the Coulomb branch of the bulk theory (\xi =0). The third kink represents a composite bimonopole, with twice the minimal magnetic flux. Its mass is twice the mass of the elementary confined monopole. We find instantons in the HT model, and discuss quantum effects in composite strings at strong coupling. In addition, we study the renormalization group flow in this model.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figure

    New Results on Non-Abelian Vortices - further insights into monopole, vortex and confinement

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    We discuss some of the latest results concerning the non-Abelian vortices. The first concerns the construction of non-Abelian BPS vortices based on general gauge groups of the form G= G' x U(1). In particular detailed results about the vortex moduli space have been obtained for G'=SO(N) or USp(2N). The second result is about the "fractional vortices", i.e., vortices of the minimum winding but having substructures in the tension (or flux) density in the transverse plane. Thirdly, we discuss briefly the monopole-vortex complex.Comment: Latex 20 page

    Confinement and Localization on Domain Walls

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    We continue the studies of localization of the U(1) gauge fields on domain walls. Depending on dynamics of the bulk theory the gauge field localized on the domain wall can be either in the Coulomb phase or squeezed into flux tubes implying (Abelian) confinement of probe charges on the wall along the wall surface. First, we consider a simple toy model with one flavor in the bulk at weak coupling (a minimal model) realizing the latter scenario. We then suggest a model presenting an extension of the Seiberg--Witten theory which is at strong coupling, but all theoretical constructions are under full control if we base our analysis on a dual effective action. Finally, we compare our findings with the wall in a "nonminimal" theory with two distinct quark flavors that had been studied previously. In this case the U(1) gauge field trapped on the wall is exactly massless because it is the Goldstone boson of a U(1) symmetry in the bulk spontaneously broken on the wall. The theory on the wall is in the Coulomb phase. We explain why the mechanism of confinement discussed in the first part of the paper does not work in this case, and strings are not formed on the walls.Comment: 55 pp; v2: several remarks adde

    Domain Lines as Fractional Strings

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    We consider N=2 supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics (SQED) with 2 flavors, the Fayet--Iliopoulos parameter, and a mass term β\beta which breaks the extended supersymmetry down to N=1. The bulk theory has two vacua; at β=0\beta=0 the BPS-saturated domain wall interpolating between them has a moduli space parameterized by a U(1) phase σ\sigma which can be promoted to a scalar field in the effective low-energy theory on the wall world-volume. At small nonvanishing β\beta this field gets a sine-Gordon potential. As a result, only two discrete degenerate BPS domain walls survive. We find an explicit solitonic solution for domain lines -- string-like objects living on the surface of the domain wall which separate wall I from wall II. The domain line is seen as a BPS kink in the world-volume effective theory. We expect that the wall with the domain line on it saturates both the {1,0}\{1,0\} and the {1/2,1/2}\{{1/2},{1/2}\}b central charges of the bulk theory. The domain line carries the magnetic flux which is exactly 1/2 of the flux carried by the flux tube living in the bulk on each side of the wall. Thus, the domain lines on the wall confine charges living on the wall, resembling Polyakov's three-dimensional confinement.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure, v2 typos fixed and reference adde

    Non-Abelian vortex dynamics: Effective world-sheet action

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    The low-energy vortex effective action is constructed in a wide class of systems in a color-flavor locked vacuum, which generalizes the results found earlier in the context of U(N) models. It describes the weak fluctuations of the non-Abelian orientational moduli on the vortex worldsheet. For instance, for the minimum vortex in SO(2N) x U(1) or USp(2N) x U(1) gauge theories, the effective action found is a two-dimensional sigma model living on the Hermitian symmetric spaces SO(2N)/U(N) or USp(2N)/U(N), respectively. The fluctuating moduli have the structure of that of a quantum particle state in spinor representations of the GNO dual of the color-flavor SO(2N) or USp(2N) symmetry, i.e. of SO(2N) or of SO(2N+1). Applied to the benchmark U(N) model our procedure reproduces the known CP(N-1) worldsheet action; our recipe allows us to obtain also the effective vortex action for some higher-winding vortices in U(N) and SO(2N) theories.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 0 figure

    Composite non-Abelian Flux Tubes in N=2 SQCD

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    Composite non-Abelian vortices in N=2 supersymmetric U(2) SQCD are investigated. The internal moduli space of an elementary non-Abelian vortex is CP^1. In this paper we find a composite state of two coincident non-Abelian vortices explicitly solving the first order BPS equations. Topology of the internal moduli space T is determined in terms of a discrete quotient CP^2/Z_2. The spectrum of physical strings and confined monopoles is discussed. This gives indirect information about the sigma model with target space T.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures, v3 details added, v4 erratum adde

    Skyrmions in Yang-Mills theories with massless adjoint quarks

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    Flavor of quiver-like realizations of effective supersymmetry

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    We present a class of supersymmetric models which address the flavor puzzle and have an inverted hierarchy of sfermions. Their construction involves quiver-like models with link fields in generic representations. The magnitude of Standard-Model parameters is obtained naturally and a relatively heavy Higgs boson is allowed without fine tuning. Collider signatures of such models are possibly within the reach of LHC in the near future.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 3 figures. V2: reference adde

    Type I Non-Abelian Superconductors in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    Non-BPS non-Abelian vortices with CP^1 internal moduli space are studied in an N=2 supersymmetric U(1) x SU(2) gauge theory with softly breaking adjoint mass terms. For generic internal orientations the classical force between two vortices can be attractive or repulsive. On the other hand, the mass of the scalars in the theory is always less than that of the vector bosons; also, the force between two vortices with the same CP^1 orientation is always attractive: for these reasons we interpret our model as a non-Abelian generalization of type I superconductors. We compute the effective potential in the limit of two well separated vortices. It is a function of the distance and of the relative colour-flavour orientation of the two vortices; in this limit we find an effective description in terms of two interacting CP^1 sigma models. In the limit of two coincident vortices we find two different solutions with the same topological winding and, for generic values of the parameters, different tensions. One of the two solutions is described by a CP^1 effective sigma model, while the other is just an Abelian vortex without internal degrees of freedom. For generic values of the parameters, one of the two solutions is metastable, while there are evidences that the other one is truly stable.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures. v2: fixed typos and added small comments, v3 removed an unecessary figur