553 research outputs found

    Approche juridique du handicap psychique : les enjeux d’une dĂ©finition en droit social

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Ă€ la diffĂ©rence de bien des normes internationales, europĂ©ennes ou Ă©trangĂšres, la loi française du 11 fĂ©vrier 2005 vise expressĂ©ment le « handicap psychique » en termes d’altĂ©ration des fonctions psychiques. Cette mention traduit la reconnaissance d’une catĂ©gorie particuliĂšre de handicap et de population. Toutefois, il existe peu de dispositifs adaptĂ©s Ă  sa prise en charge. On s’en tient souvent Ă  transposer les outils fabriquĂ©s pour le handicap physique. Par ailleurs, le bĂ©nĂ©fice de certaines prestations sociales a tendance aujourd’hui Ă  ĂȘtre soumis Ă  la contrepartie d’une volontĂ© d’insertion sociale et professionnelle. Une telle exigence peut s’avĂ©rer radicalement contradictoire avec une prise en charge du handicap psychique. Enfin, le contexte Ă©conomique de concurrence entre entreprises et entre travailleurs, associĂ©e aux caractĂ©ristiques du handicap psychique (instable, Ă©volutif, invisible) est peu favorable Ă  l’activitĂ©, l’emploi ou le maintien en emploi des personnes handicapĂ©es psychiques, mĂȘme si des outils juridiques « classiques » existent (contrats « aidĂ©s », suspension de contrat, droit Ă  reclassement et amĂ©nagement de poste). La discrimination dont souffrent les personnes handicapĂ©es psychiques risque de perdurer tant que des rĂ©ponses spĂ©cifiques ne seront pas mises en Ɠuvre.AbstractUnlike many international standards in Europe and elsewhere, the French law of 11 February 2005 refers expressly to psychic disability. The term acknowledges the existence of a particular category of disability and population. However, few provisions exist to address this kind of disability. Often, the mechanisms devised for physical handicap are simply transposed to this kind of disability. In addition, there is a trend today towards entitlement to certain benefits being made conditional on the recipient showing a willingness to be integrated socially and professionally. A requirement of this kind can come into sharp conflict with the handling of psychic disability. Finally, the economic context of competition between companies and workers, combined with the very characteristics of psychic disability (unstable, evolutive, invisible), is hardly conducive to the activity or employment of those with a psychic disability or to keeping them in work, although “traditional” legal mechanisms do exist (State-aided contracts, suspensions of contract, transfers to a more suitable position or adaptation of the workstation to requirements). The discrimination suffered by people with a psychic disability is likely to continue as long as specific responses are not implemented

    Inspection du travail : systĂšme vous avez-dit systĂšme ?

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    Note prĂ©alable Ă  l’animation d’une table ronde sur « les systĂšmes d’inspection du travail » Marcy l’Etoile 4 octobre 201

    The establishment of a duty of vigilance of the transnational corporations or how not to let the foxes take care of the world chicken coop freely

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    ¿Es posible responsabilizar a las empresas matrices, cuando las acciones de sus filiales o subcontratistas causan daños sociales, sanitarios y medioambientales? En 2017, una ley francesa instauró un ¿deber de vigilancia¿ de las sociedades matrices y de las empresas contratistas. ¿Cuåles son las empresas y los derechos afectados? La ley prevé la elaboración y publicidad de un ¿plan de vigilancia¿, cuya violación puede ser objeto de sanciones.Is it permissible to involve the liability of the parent companies when the actions of their subsidiaries or subcontractors cause social, health and environmental damage?A French law introduced in 2017 a duty of vigilance for parent companies and contracting companies.The law provides for the elaboration and the publicity of a ¿vigilance plan¿, the violation of which may be subject to sanctions.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    CRMP5 Regulates Generation and Survival of Newborn Neurons in Olfactory and Hippocampal Neurogenic Areas of the Adult Mouse Brain

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    The Collapsin Response Mediator Proteins (CRMPs) are highly expressed in the developing brain, and in adult brain areas that retain neurogenesis, ie: the olfactory bulb (OB) and the dentate gyrus (DG). During brain development, CRMPs are essentially involved in signaling of axon guidance and neurite outgrowth, but their functions in the adult brain remain largely unknown. CRMP5 has been initially identified as the target of auto-antibodies involved in paraneoplasic neurological diseases and further implicated in a neurite outgrowth inhibition mediated by tubulin binding. Interestingly, CRMP5 is also highly expressed in adult brain neurogenic areas where its functions have not yet been elucidated. Here we observed in both neurogenic areas of the adult mouse brain that CRMP5 was present in proliferating and post-mitotic neuroblasts, while they migrate and differentiate into mature neurons. In CRMP5−/− mice, the lack of CRMP5 resulted in a significant increase of proliferation and neurogenesis, but also in an excess of apoptotic death of granule cells in the OB and DG. These findings provide the first evidence that CRMP5 is involved in the generation and survival of newly generated neurons in areas of the adult brain with a high level of activity-dependent neuronal plasticity


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    On Labour Market Intermediation in France

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    This contribution makes an analysis of labour market intermediation services in France. In doing so, attention is paid to the developments and influences that made the labour market intermediation function evolve over time. The liberalisation and restructuring of the intermediation market in France is taken into account, seen the adoption of ILO Convention No. 181. While the public function remains unchallenged in the recruitment of unemployed people with rather low qualifi cation levels, private employment agencies today focus on qualified employees who are already in work, or individuals seeking outplacement. Nevertheless, the practical effects of free-market principles should not overestimated
