266 research outputs found

    Исследование роботизированной мобильной платформы KUKA youBot

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    Объектом исследования является роботизированная мобильная платформа KUKA youBot, которая предназначена для решения исследовательских и промышленных задач. В основу научных исследований данной работы положены методы математического (обзор описания кинематики и динамики робота) и компьютерного моделирования (имитационное моделирование). Цель работы – изучение кинематики и динамики KUKA youBot, разработка программного обеспечения для решения простых робототехнических задач и обучения студентов основам работы с данным роботом. В процессе исследования произведён аналитический обзор по данной теме, разработано ПО для решения базовых робототехнических задач.The target of research is the robotic mobile platform KUKA youBot, which is designed to solve research and industrial problems. The scientific research of this work is based on methods of mathematical (review of the description of kinematics and robot dynamics) and computer modeling (simulation modeling). The work objective is to study the kinematics and dynamics of KUKA youBot, to develop software for solving simple robotic tasks and to teach students the basics of working with this robot. During the research, an analytical review on this topic was made, software for solving basic robotic tasks was developed

    Synthesis of glycolide by depolimerization of glycolic acid oligomers modified by polyhydric alcohols

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    Oligomers of glycolic acid esterified by ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, glycerin were obtained. These samples were depolymerized with various oxide catalysts such as MgO, ZnO, SnO[2] and Sb[2]O[3]. The resulting glycolide was analyzed by gas chromatography in different eluents - acetonitrile and hexafluoroisopropanol. It was shown that modification of glycolic acid oligomers by polyhydric alcohols reduces the content of hydroxyl containing impurities in raw glycolide

    Information technology in management personnel on the example of KC "Jobs"

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    Analysis of the workings and personnel decisions in the field of human resource management. They are inextricably linked to the processes of information processing. The higher the effect of the use of personnel information, the more objective decisions will be made by the heads of a wide variety of human resources issues. In this regard, there is a need in the compilation and dissemination of the experience gained in the application of modern technologies, as well the creation of new software products. Consideration of "human process management" module. It is designed to automate the management processes in terms of the conduct of personnel information in the context of positions and employees in order to provide the head of information for management decision making and carrying out related activities. Consideration of the positive and negative sides of the module, as its distinctivefeatures

    Examination of carbon partitioning into austenite during tempering of bainite

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    The redistribution of carbon after tempering of a novel nanocrystalline bainitic steel consisting of a mixture of supersaturated ferrite and retained austenite has been analyzed by atom probe tomography. No direct evidence supporting the additional carbon enrichment of austenite beyond that initially achieved during the bainite heat treatment was obtained during subsequent tempering of this high carbon, high silicon steel.The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for funding this research under the contracts RFSR-CT-2008-00022 and MAT2007 – 63873, respectively. Research at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory SHaRE User Facility was sponsored by the Scientific User Facilities Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy. A.J. Clarke gratefully acknowledges support from Los Alamos National Security, LLC, operator of the Los Alamos National Laboratory under contract number DE-AC52-06NA25396 with the U.S. Department of Energy and the Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center, a National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center at the Colorado School of Mines and the Inter-American Materials Collaboration ProgramPeer reviewe

    Проектирование системы электроснабжения цементного завода

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    Цель работы: разработка системы электроснабжения промышленного предприятия. В процессе исследования произведен выбор метода расчета, осуществлён расчет электрических нагрузок завода и рассматриваемого цеха, произведён выбор оборудования и его проверка при различных режимах работы. В результате исследования была спроектирована модель электроснабжения промышленного предприятия, представлена ее техническая целесообразность и безопасность для окружающей среды. Основные конструктивные, технологические и технико-эксплуатационные характеристики: исследуемый завод состоит из двадцати цехов, из них шесть цехов относятся ко второй категории по надежности электроснабжения; напряжение питающей линии 110 кВ; рабочие напряжения внутри завода: 10/0,4 кВ; схема электроснабжения цеха - магистральная.Objective: Development of power supply system of the industrial enterprise. In the research process there was chosen the method of calculation, calculation of electrical loads of the enterprise, selection of equipment and it's verification under various operationg conditions. In the result of the research the model of electrical supply system has been designed. Also there are economical effectiveness and environmental security. Basic constructive, technological and operational characteristics: there are twenty departments, six of them belong to the second power supply reliability category; voltage of the feeding line is the 110 kV; operating voltages within the plant: 6, 0.4 kV; power supply of consumers of mechanical-repair shop is carried out by trunk power supply network