14,314 research outputs found

    Food neophobia and mealtime food consumption in 4-5 year old children.

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    Background: Previous research has documented a negative association between maternal report of child food neophobia and reported frequency of consumption of fruit, vegetables, and meat. This study aimed to establish whether neophobia is associated with lower intake of these food types in naturalistic mealtime situations. Methods: One hundred and nine parents of 4–5 year olds completed questionnaires which included a six-item version of the Child Food Neophobia Scale (CFNS). The children took part in a series of 3 test lunch meals at weekly intervals at school at which they were presented with: chicken, cheese, bread, cheese crackers, chocolate biscuits, grapes and tomatoes or carrot sticks. Food items served to each child were weighed before and after the meal to assess total intake of items in four categories: Fruit and vegetables, Protein foods, Starchy foods and Snack foods. Pearson Product Moment Correlations and independent t tests were performed to examine associations between scores on the CFNS and consumption during lunches. Results: Neophobia was associated with lower consumption of fruit and vegetables, protein foods and total calories, but there was no association with intake of starch or snack foods. Conclusion: These results support previous research that has suggested that neophobia impacts differentially on consumption of different food types. Specifically it appears that children who score highly on the CFNS eat less fruit, vegetables and protein foods than their less neophobic peers. Attempts to increase intake of fruit, vegetables and protein might usefully incorporate strategies known to reduce the neophobic response

    Real-time wavefront reconstruction from intensity measurements

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    We propose an efficient approximation to the nonlinear phase diversity method for wavefront reconstruction from intensity measurements. The new method, iterative linear phase diversity (ILPD), assumes that the residual phase aberration is small and makes use of a first order Taylor expansion of the point spread function (PSF) performed for an arbitrary (large) diversity in order to optimize the phase retrieval. For static aberrations, ILPD makes use of two images collected at each iteration of the algorithm. In each step, the residual phase aberrations are estimated by solving a linear least squares problem, followed by the use of a deformable mirror to correct for the aberrations. A further contribution of the paper is the extension of the static ILPD to the case of dynamic wavefront reconstruction for which a computationally efficient H2 controller is presented.Delft Center for Systems and ControlMechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineerin

    Two Words, One Meaning: Evidence of Automatic Co-Activation of Translation Equivalents

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    Research on the processing of translations offers important insights on how bilinguals negotiate the representation of words from two languages in one mind and one brain. Evidence so far has shown that translation equivalents effectively activate each other as well as their shared concept even when translations lack of any formal overlap (i.e., non-cognates) and even when one of them is presented subliminally, namely under masked priming conditions. In the lexical decision studies testing masked translation priming effects with unbalanced bilinguals a remarkably stable pattern emerges: larger effects in the dominant (L1) to the non-dominant (L2) translation direction, than vice versa. Interestingly, this asymmetry vanishes when simultaneous and balanced bilinguals are tested, suggesting that the linguistic profile of the bilinguals could be determining the pattern of cross-language lexico-semantic activation across the L2 learning trajectory. The present study aims to detect whether L2 proficiency is the critical variable rendering the otherwise asymmetric cross-language activation of translations obtained in the lexical decision task into symmetric. Non-cognate masked translation priming effects were examined with three groups of Greek (L1)–English (L2) unbalanced bilinguals, differing exclusively at their level of L2 proficiency. Although increased L2 proficiency led to improved overall L2 performance, masked translation priming effects were virtually identical across the three groups, yielding in all cases significant but asymmetric effects (i.e., larger effects in the L1 → L2 than in the L2 → L1 translation direction). These findings show that proficiency does not modulate masked translation priming effects at intermediate levels, and that a native-like level of L2 proficiency is needed for symmetric effects to emerge. They furthermore, pose important constraints on the operation of the mechanisms underlying the development of cross-language lexico-semantic links

    Knowledge-base black holes: the next (small) big thing?

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    Hydraulic EngineeringCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Can Clinical and Surgical Parameters Be Combined to Predict How Long It Will Take a Tibia Fracture to Heal? A Prospective Multicentre Observational Study: The FRACTING Study

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    Healing of tibia fractures occurs over a wide time range of months, with a number of risk factors contributing to prolonged healing. In this prospective, multicentre, observational study, we investigated the capability of FRACTING (tibia FRACTure prediction healING days) score, calculated soon after tibia fracture treatment, to predict healing time. Methods: The study included 363 patients. Information on patient health, fracture morphology, and surgical treatment adopted were combined to calculate the FRACTING score. Fractures were considered healed when the patient was able to fully weight-bear without pain. Results: 319 fractures (88%) healed within 12 months from treatment. Forty-four fractures healed after 12 months or underwent a second surgery. FRACTING score positively correlated with days to healing: r = 0.63 (p < 0.0001). Average score value was 7.3 ± 2.5; ROC analysis showed strong reliability of the score in separating patients healing before versus after 6 months: AUC = 0.823. Conclusions: This study shows that the FRACTING score can be employed both to predict months needed for fracture healing and to identify immediately after treatment patients at risk of prolonged healing. In patients with high score values, new pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments to enhance osteogenesis could be tested selectively, which may finally result in reduced disability time and health cost savings

    Streamline topology and dilute particle dynamics in a Karman vortex street flow

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    Three types of streamline topology in a Karman vortex street flow are shown under the variation of spatial parameters. For the motion of dilute particles in the K\'arm\'an vortex street flow, there exist a route of bifurcation to a chaotic orbit and more attractors in a bifurcation diagram for the proportion of particle density to fluid density. Along with the increase of spatial parameters in the flow filed, the bifurcation process is suspended, as well as more and more attractors emerge. In the motion of dilute particles, a drag term and gravity term dominate and result in the bifurcation phenomenon.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Regulación del Sector Seguros: Un Enfoque de Competencia para la Ley de Empresas de Seguros y Reaseguros en Venezuela

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    Este trabajo expone la necesidad de incorporar a la regulación del sector seguros la posibilidad de apoyos interinstitucionales con el ente antitrust. Se plantea que este fortalecimiento interinstitucional evita los conflictos de naturalezas o filosofías regulatorias contrapuestas. Finalmente se hace una propuesta de articulado para la nueva Ley de Empresas de Seguros y Reaseuros en Venezuela.Sector Seguros, Regulation, Antitrust, Regulación Prudencial, Competencia Destructiva

    Rotation numbers of invariant manifolds around unstable periodic orbits for the diamagnetic Kepler problem

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    In this paper, a method to construct topological template in terms of symbolic dynamics for the diamagnetic Kepler problem is proposed. To confirm the topological template, rotation numbers of invariant manifolds around unstable periodic orbits in a phase space are taken as an object of comparison. The rotation numbers are determined from the definition and connected with symbolic sequences encoding the periodic orbits in a reduced Poincar\'e section. Only symbolic codes with inverse ordering in the forward mapping can contribute to the rotation of invariant manifolds around the periodic orbits. By using symbolic ordering, the reduced Poincar\'e section is constricted along stable manifolds and a topological template, which preserves the ordering of forward sequences and can be used to extract the rotation numbers, is established. The rotation numbers computed from the topological template are the same as those computed from their original definition.Comment: 8 figures, 1 tabl
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