204 research outputs found

    Northeast Ohio Economic Brief

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    JumpStart Inc: Economic Impact on Northeast Ohio

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    This research note estimates the economic impact resulting from JumpStart Inc. investment in start-up companies in Northeast Ohio. JumpStart is a business development organization or, more specifically a venture-development organization that funds high-growth businesses and ideas, works with their founders to develop the businesses into venture-ready entities, and celebrates Northeast Ohio\u27s early-stage company successes

    Northeast Ohio Economic Brief

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    Economic Impact of JumpStart Inc. on Northeast Ohio, 2009

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    Northeast Ohio Economic Brief

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    Economic Impact of JumpStart Inc. on Northeast Ohio, 2009

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    The Role of CSU\u27s EDA University Center (Presentation)

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    Ohio\u27s Metropolitan Areas: Employment and Payroll Trends in Central and Suburban Counties

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    The Information Technology Cluster in Northeast Ohio: A Briefing Paper

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    Cleveland State University: An Economic Impact Study

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    The economic value of an urban university to a metropolitan region is comprised of (1) the educational opportunities provided to students who rely on local institutions of higher education, (2) the unique contributions of urban universities to the social and political infrastructure of a region, and (3) the research and service contracts and other funds and philanthropic donations attracted to the campus by faculty and staff. If an urban university such as Cleveland State University (CSU) did not exist in the Cleveland metropolitan region, many, if not all of these economic and social contributions would be lost. In addition, the future earning power of college-educated students would be reduced, resulting in lower tax revenues and a weaker regional and state economy. An urban university’s contribution to political and social stability in a region, while more difficult to quantify, is also a significant benefit as regions compete to establish identities that include an emphasis on diversity, equal opportunity, and productive relationships between communities that have different racial and social characteristics