11 research outputs found

    Prevenció de la infecció nosocomial relacionada amb el desenvolupament d’obres als centres sanitaris

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    Risc d'infeccions; Obres de costrucció; Centres sanitarisRisk of infection; Construction; Health centersRiesgo de infecciones; Obras de construcción; Centros sanitariosEn aquesta monografia s'han revisat les evidències disponibles a escala nacional i internacional sobre el risc de contraure infeccions durant les activitats relacionades amb la construcció, renovació i manteniment d’espais als centres sanitaris.En esta monografía se han revisado las evidencias disponibles a nivel nacional e internacional sobre el riesgo de contraer infecciones durante las actividades relacionadas con la construcción, renovación y mantenimiento de espacios en los centros sanitarios.This monograph is a review of the available nationally and internationally evidences about the risk of infections during the activities related to the construction, renovation and maintenance of areas in health centers

    Guia per a la prevenció i el control de la legionel·losi

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    Malaltia dels legionaris; Pneumònia; EpidemiologiaLegionnaires disease; EpidemiologyEnfermedad de los legionariosLa Guia per a la prevenció i el control de la legionel·losi actualitza la informació sobre la malaltia, integra la normativa vigent sobre el control de les instal·lacions relacionades amb la legionel·losi i aposta pel futur amb capítols relacionats amb la prevenció primària als hospitals o els mètodes de desinfecci

    Evaluation of an Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor for Hepatitis C Virus Load Quantification▿

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    The increasing use of molecular methods strongly motivates clinical laboratories to introduce automated nucleic acid extractors. We compared the easyMAG (bioMérieux) with a manual extraction method for hepatitis C virus (HCV) load quantification (RealTime HCV; Abbott). Both methods were comparable, and, therefore, the easyMAG is suitable to be implemented in our laboratory for the management of HCV-infected patients

    Evaluation of a New Assay in Comparison with Reverse Hybridization and Sequencing Methods for Hepatitis C Virus Genotyping Targeting Both 5′ Noncoding and Nonstructural 5b Genomic Regions▿

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    We report the evaluation of a new real-time PCR assay for hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotyping. The assay design is such that genotype 1 isolates are typed by amplification targeting the nonstructural 5b (NS5b) subgenomic region. Non-genotype 1 isolates are typed by type-specific amplicon detection in the 5′ noncoding region (5′NC) (method 1; HCV genotyping analyte-specific reagent assay). This method was compared with 5′NC reverse hybridization (method 2; InnoLiPA HCV II) and 5′NC sequencing (method 3; Trugene HCV 5′NC). Two hundred ninety-five sera were tested by method 1; 223 of them were also typed by method 2 and 89 by method 3. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of an NS5b fragment were used to resolve discrepant results. Suspected multiple-genotype infections were confirmed by PCR cloning and pyrosequencing. Even though a 2% rate of indeterminates was obtained with method 1, concordance at the genotype level with results with methods 2 and 3 was high. Among eight discordant results, five mixed infections were confirmed. Genotype 1 subtyping efficiencies were 100%, 77%, and 74% for methods 1, 2, and 3, respectively; there were 11/101 discordants between methods 1 and 2 (method 1 was predominantly correct) and 2/34 between methods 2 and 3. Regarding genotype 2, subtyping efficiencies were 100%, 45%, and 92% by methods 1, 2, and 3, respectively; NS5b sequencing of discordants (16/17) revealed a putative new subtype within genotype 2 and that most subtype calls were not correct. Although only sequencing-based methods provide the possibility of identifying new variants, the real-time PCR method is rapid, straightforward, and simple to interpret, thus providing a good single-step alternative to more-time-consuming assays

    Widespread Bronchogenic Dissemination Makes DBA/2 Mice More Susceptible than C57BL/6 Mice to Experimental Aerosol Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    We have used the murine model of aerosol-induced experimental tuberculosis to assess the effects of four clinical isolates and a reference strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on resistant C57BL/6 mice and susceptible DBA/2 mice. Histological studies and detection of 25 cytokines potentially involved in the infection were carried out. DBA/2 mice showed higher concentrations of bacilli in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung tissue. Furthermore, these mice evidenced a larger granulomatous infiltration in the parenchyma due to an increased rate of emigration of infected foamy macrophages from the granulomas to the neighboring pulmonary alveolar spaces. The better control of bacillary concentrations and pulmonary infiltration observed in C57BL/6 mice from week 3 postinfection could result from their higher RANTES, ICAM-1, and gamma interferon (IFN-γ) mRNA levels. On the other hand, the higher MIP-2 and MCP-3 mRNA levels seen in DBA/2 mice would result in stronger lung recruitment of macrophages and neutrophils. Additionally, DBA/2 mice showed increased inducible nitric oxide synthase expression, induced by the larger number of foamy macrophages, at weeks 18 and 22. This increment was a consequence of phagocytosed bacillary debris, was independent of IFN-γ expression, and could exert only a bacteriostatic effect. The results of the study suggest that DBA/2 mice are more susceptible than C57BL/6 mice to M. tuberculosis infection due to a higher bronchial dissemination of bacilli inside poorly activated foamy macrophages

    Prevenció de la infecció nosocomial relacionada amb el desenvolupament d’obres als centres sanitaris

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    Risc d'infeccions; Obres de costrucció; Centres sanitarisRisk of infection; Construction; Health centersRiesgo de infecciones; Obras de construcción; Centros sanitariosEn aquesta monografia s'han revisat les evidències disponibles a escala nacional i internacional sobre el risc de contraure infeccions durant les activitats relacionades amb la construcció, renovació i manteniment d’espais als centres sanitaris.En esta monografía se han revisado las evidencias disponibles a nivel nacional e internacional sobre el riesgo de contraer infecciones durante las actividades relacionadas con la construcción, renovación y mantenimiento de espacios en los centros sanitarios.This monograph is a review of the available nationally and internationally evidences about the risk of infections during the activities related to the construction, renovation and maintenance of areas in health centers