71 research outputs found

    Les migrations de travail intra-européennes entre ruptures et continuités

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    Dans un contexte de crise migratoire aux frontiĂšres de l’Europe, les migrations intra-europĂ©ennes, en particulier d’Est en Ouest, continuent de se dĂ©velopper. Entre 2004 et 2014, elles ont concernĂ© prĂšs de sept millions de personnes. De nouvelles destinations se sont progressivement affirmĂ©es comme le Royaume-Uni ou l’Espagne. Cette mobilitĂ©, oĂč le motif Ă©conomique occupe une part importante mais non exclusive, renforce l’intĂ©gration du marchĂ© du travail europĂ©en tout en maintenant les inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales au sein de l’Europe entre les populations migrantes et celles de leurs pays d’accueil

    Une migration Ă©conomique ?

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    In the last decade, intra-European labour migrations have grown importantly, particularly from East to West, and more recently from South to North. Despite the diversification of migratory paths and practices, “labour migrations” are frequently reduced to a unique economic rationale and opposed to other types of mobility. Drawing on a qualitative research (37 biographical interviews) and quantitative data (national surveys), this article explores migration strategies of young Polish and Romanian citizens in the United Kingdom and in Spain and the diversity of the social uses of their mobility. All practices are not equally legitimized, which exemplifies how mobility is socially stratified and stratifies societies in return. The notion of social use underlines the socially diversified ways of using international mobility.Au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie, les migrations de travail internes Ă  l’Union europĂ©enne ont connu une forte augmentation, en particulier de l’Est Ă  l’Ouest et, plus rĂ©cemment, du Sud au Nord. MalgrĂ© la diversification des pratiques et des itinĂ©raires migratoires, ces mobilitĂ©s sont souvent regroupĂ©es sous le terme de « migrations Ă©conomiques Â», et opposĂ©es Ă  d’autres formes de mobilitĂ© supposĂ©es plus Ă©lectives. À partir de matĂ©riaux qualitatifs (37 entretiens biographiques) et quantitatifs (enquĂȘtes nationales), cet article explore les pratiques migratoires des jeunes Polonais et Roumains au Royaume-Uni et en Espagne ainsi que la diversitĂ© des usages sociaux de celles-ci. Toutes les pratiques ne jouissent pas de la mĂȘme lĂ©gitimitĂ© sociale, illustrant la maniĂšre dont la mobilitĂ© est Ă  la fois socialement structurĂ©e et socialement structurante. La notion d’usage social permet alors de comprendre les modes socialement diffĂ©renciĂ©s d’investissement de l’espace gĂ©ographique

    Les spatialités du coworking

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    Cet article s’intĂ©resse au dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux lieux de travail : les espaces de coworking (ECW). Il vise Ă  apprĂ©hender les dimensions spatiales du coworking Ă  partir d’une approche centrĂ©e sur les actions spatiales des crĂ©ateurs d’ECW et des coworkers. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que leurs spatialitĂ©s se rĂ©vĂšlent souvent dans le cadre de mobilitĂ©s professionnelles et rĂ©sidentielles. Elle se traduisent par la dimension locale donnĂ©e Ă  un projet professionnel ou par le fait de pouvoir travailler lĂ  oĂč l’on souhaite vivre. Les crĂ©ateurs d’ECW et les coworkers dĂ©veloppent un rapport spĂ©cifique Ă  l’espace qui se caractĂ©rise par la maitrise des trois modalitĂ©s de gestion de la distance (coprĂ©sence, mobilitĂ© physique, mobilitĂ© virtuelle), Ils contribuent Ă  produire un nouvel espace organisĂ© autour de flux et de lieux. Celui-ci s’incarne dans une vision arĂ©olaire oĂč les ECW constituent des hubs territoriaux autour desquels les individus organisent, grĂące Ă  leur maitrise des mobilitĂ©s virtuelles, leurs mobilitĂ©s spatiales et sociales Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles temporelles.This paper looks at the development of new workplaces : coworking spaces (CSs). It aims to understand the spatial dimensions of coworking from an approach centered on agents, in this case creators of CSs and coworkers. Our results show that their spatiality is related to residential and occupational mobility. They consist of developing a professional project locally and/or working in the place where they want to live. They develop a special relationship with space through co-presence, spatial mobility and virtual mobility. They produce a new type of space made of flows and places. They have a network-based perception of space where CSs appear as hubs around which they organise their virtual, spatial and social mobilities at different time scales

    Intrinsic antibacterial activity of nanoparticles made of ÎČ-cyclodextrins potentiates their effect as drug nanocarriers against tuberculosis

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    Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem, concerning about half a million cases each year. Patients hardly adhere to the current strict treatment consisting of more than 10 000 tablets over a 2-year period. There is a clear need for efficient and better formulated medications. We have previously shown that nanoparticles made of cross-linked poly-ÎČ-cyclodextrins (pÎČCD) are efficient vehicles for pulmonary delivery of powerful combinations of anti-TB drugs. Here, we report that in addition to being efficient drug carriers, pÎČCD nanoparticles are endowed with intrinsic antibacterial properties. Empty pÎČCD nanoparticles are able to impair Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) establishment after pulmonary administration in mice. pÎČCD hamper colonization of macrophages by Mtb by interfering with lipid rafts, without inducing toxicity. Moreover, pÎČCD provoke macrophage apoptosis, leading to depletion of infected cells, thus creating a lung microenvironment detrimental to Mtb persistence. Taken together, our results suggest that pÎČCD nanoparticles loaded or not with antibiotics have an antibacterial action on their own and could be used as a carrier in drug regimen formulations effective against TB.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Travailleurs : quand mobilitĂ© rime avec prĂ©caritĂ© : un bilan mitigĂ©

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    National audienc

    Qu'est devenu le plombier polonais ?

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    International audienc

    Sustainable Mobility and the Institutional Lock-In: The Example of Rural France

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    Sustainable mobility issues in rural areas, compared with urban mobility issues, have so far been poorly covered in the French and European public debate. However, local mobility issues are determining factors in territorial inequalities, regional development and ecological transition. This paper is based on preliminary findings of qualitative socio-anthropological fieldwork carried out in two rural departments of the Auvergne-Rhîne-Alpes region: Drîme and Ardùche. Our objective is to highlight how the question of sustainable local mobility is linked to governance issues and multiple overlapping institutions. We argue that analyzing stakeholders’ strategies and territorial governance is key to understanding the contemporary dynamics surrounding a transition towards a more sustainable mobility in rural areas. In order to do so, we show how the debates surrounding the adoption of a law allowing for the transfer of responsibility to local authorities for the organization of mobility services reveals the complexity of local mobility governance in rural areas and provides material for the analysis of the logics of stakeholder engagement, cooperation and conflict within the field of sustainable mobility. Through the case study of the organization of a local public transport service in a rural area, we shed light on the action of multiple stakeholders and their potentially antagonistic objectives

    Éric Charmes, La revanche des villages. Essai sur la France pĂ©riurbaine

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    Faisant suite Ă  un article Ă©ponyme publiĂ© en 2017 sur La vie des idĂ©es, l’ouvrage d’Éric Charmes, directeur du laboratoire de Recherches Interdisciplinaires Ville Espace SociĂ©tĂ©, propose de revisiter de maniĂšre synthĂ©tique et critique l’hypothĂšse d’une France « coupĂ©e en deux » entre villes riches et dynamiques d’une part, et campagnes pauvres et dĂ©laissĂ©es de l’autre. L’essai publiĂ© dans la collection « La RĂ©publique des IdĂ©es » a vocation Ă  alimenter le dĂ©bat public, particuliĂšrement Ă  prop..

    Isabelle Berrebi-Hoffmann, Marie-Christine Bureau et Michel Lallement, Makers. EnquĂȘte sur les laboratoires du changement social, Paris, Seuil, 2018, 352 p.

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    Makers. EnquĂȘte sur les laboratoires du changement social, paru au Seuil en avril 2018 est un ouvrage issu d’un vaste travail de recherche collectif menĂ© au Cnam, depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2010, sur les transformations contemporaines du monde du travail. Faisant suite Ă  la monographie consacrĂ©e par Michel Lallement aux hackers de la baie de San Francisco (L’Âge de faire. Hacking, travail, anarchie, Seuil, 2015), il conjugue l’expertise des trois auteur-e-s pour le mouvement hacker (Michel La..
