29 research outputs found

    New System Delivering Microwaves Energy for Inducing Subcutaneous Fat Reduction: In - Vivo Histological and Ultrastructural Evidence

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, it has been developed a new technology for the reduction of subcutaneous adipose tissue through a non-invasive treatment by microwaves. The main objective of the present study is to demonstrate the feasibility of utilising a non-invasive, localised microwaves (MW) device to induce thermal modifications into subcutaneous adipose tissue only by a controlled electromagnetic field that heats up fat preferentially. This device is provided with a special handpiece appropriately cooled, directly contacting the cutaneous surface of the body, which provides a calibrated energy transfer by microwaves. AIM: In this paper, microscopic and ultrastructural modifications of subcutaneous adipose tissue induced by microwaves irradiation are evaluated. METHODS: Our experimental plan was designed for collecting biopsy samples, for each skin region treated with a single irradiation session, 1) before treatment (control), 2) immediately after treatment, 3) after 6 hrs, 4) after 1 month, 5) after 2 months. Bioptic samples from each step were processed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. At the same time, each region where biopsies were collected was subjected to ultrasound examination. Recorded images permitted to evaluate the thickness of different layers as epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, connective fasciae, until to muscle layer, and related modifications induced by treatment. RESULTS: In every biopsy collected at different time-steps, epidermis and superficial dermis appeared not modified compared to control. Differently, already in the short-term biopsies, in the deep dermis and superficial hypodermis, fibrillar connective tissue appeared modified, showing reduction and fragmentation of interlobular collagen septa. The most important adipose tissue modifications were detectable following 1 month from treatment, with a significant reduction of subcutaneous fat, participating both the lysis of many adipocytes and the related phagocytic action of monocytes/macrophages on residuals of compromised structures of adipocytes. In the samples collected two months following treatment, the remnants of adipose tissue appeared normal, and macrophages were completely absent. CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasound, microscopic and ultrastructural evidence are supporting significant effectiveness of the new device treatment in the reduction of subcutaneous fat. In this paper, the possible mechanisms involved in the activation of the monocytes/macrophages system responsible for the removal of adipocytes residuals have also been discussed

    Ultrastructural features of human sperm cells cryopreserved by different methods

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    Cryopreservation of human spermatozoa has been recognized as a key strategy for management of male fertility. Nevertheless, current protocols of sperm freezing are neither optimal nor standardized between different labs (1). In this study we compare the ultrastructural features of human normospermic sperm samples (according to WHO parameters 2010) from 5 different freezing techniques in order to identify the best methods of cryopreservation. After informed con- sent, 21 normospermic patients (from the Medically Assisted Procreation PMA Center of the Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia) were recruited and both traditional and improved analysis of sperm quality were applied, in order to define critical steps of cryopreservation. Cryopreservation of human spermatozoa has been related to decreased motility associated with impaired velocity and viability of sperm pre-freeze and post-thaw. For all applied methods there was a significant reduction of progressive and total motility (P) as a result of freezing. To investigate ultrastructural details, 5 additional cryopreserved samples by the best two freezing methods were analyzed with elec- tron microscopy (TEM). Preliminary data showed the minimal differences between the protocols, with a large number of queues detached and large quantities of cyto- plasmic debris after of the first protocol. Spermatozoa appear to be better preserved in the second analyzed method, despite both procedures induced deteriorations at ultrastructural level (2). Other non-routine analysis will be performed to determine whether the cooling time to +4°C may affect the procedure; Comet Assay (to assess the degree of sperm DNA fragmentation) (3) and flow cytometry (to study light scat- ters patterns and membrane integrity) (4) will be applied

    Acute myelogenous leukemia switch lineage upon relapse to acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a case report

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    Acute leukemia, the most common form of cancer in children, accounts for approximately 30% of all childhood malignancies, with acute lymphoblastic leukemia being five times more frequent than acute myeloid leukemia. Lineage switch is the term that has been used to describe the phenomenon of acute leukemias that meet the standard French-American-British system criteria for a particular lineage (either lymphoid or myeloid) upon initial diagnosis, but meet the criteria for the opposite lineage at relapse. Many reports have documented conversions of acute lymphoblastic leukemia to acute myeloid leukemia

    Baseline Ultrasound Assessment Improves the Response to Apremilast in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis: Results from a Multicentre Study

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    ound: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) phenotypes show different responses to the many available drugs. For a tailored medicine, it is important to choose the most effective treatment according to patients’ characteristics. Apremilast is recommended in PsA with moderate activity. In clinical practice, the most suitable PsA patients for apremilast are those affected by the peripheral oligoarticular arthritis. However, it is not so straightforward to definitely identify this phenotype. Musculoskeletal ultrasound (MUS) is a good tool for detecting the joints actually involved by PsA. The aim of this study is to verify if MUS assessment is useful in selecting the best PsA responders to apremilast. Methods: The following data of all consecutive PsA patients from 15 centres were recorded: anamnestic data, disease activity, PsA phenotype, apremilast treatment duration and reason of suspension. MUS assessment before apremilast treatment was the criteria which clustered patients in two groups. Apremilast retention rate estimate the drug’s effectiveness. The Cox analysis revealed the risk factors associated with treatment persistence. Mann-Whitney U and Chi-squared tests assessed the intergroup differences. Results: Only 40% of 356 patients (M:F: 152/204; median age 60 yrs) received MUS examination. In MUS group the moderate disease (median DAPSA 22.9 vs 26.9; p=0.0006) and the oligo-articular phenotype (63.6% vs 36.1%, p<0.0001) were more common. The retention rate was higher in MUS group (HR 0.55 IC95% 0.32-0.94; p=0.03). Conclusion: In apremilast treated PsA patients, baseline MUS assessment is related to an increased retention rate. MUS may identify patients’ characteristics favourable to apremilast response

    Predictors of DAPSA Response in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Treated with Apremilast in a Retrospective Observational Multi-Centric Study (2023-02-07)

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    Background: To date, only a few real-world-setting studies evaluated apremilast effectiveness in psoriatic arthritis (PsA). The aims of this retrospective observational study are to report long-term Disease Activity Index for Psoriatic Arthritis (DAPSA) response of apremilast in PsA patients and to analyze the predictors of clinical response. Methods: All PsA consecutive patients treated with apremilast in fifteen Italian rheumatological referral centers were enrolled. Anamnestic data, treatment history, and PsA disease activity (DAPSA) at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months were recorded. The Mann–Whitney test and chi-squared tests assessed the differences between independent groups, whereas the Wilcoxon matched pairs signed-rank test assessed the differences between dependent samples. Logistic regressions verified if there were factors associated with achievement of DAPSA low disease activity or remission at 6 and 12 months. Results: DAPSA low disease activity or remission rates at 6 and 12 months were observed, respectively, in 42.7% (n = 125) and 54.9% (n = 161) patients. Baseline DAPSA was inversely associated with the odds of achieving low disease activity or remission at 6 months (odds ratio (OR) 0.841, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.804–0.879; p < 0.01) and at 12 months (OR 0.911, 95% CI 0.883–0.939; p < 0.01). Conclusions: Almost half of the PsA patients receiving apremilast achieved DAPSA low disease activity or remission at 6 and 12 months. The only factor associated with achievement of low disease activity or remission at both 6 and 12 months was baseline DAPSA

    Influence of safety warnings on the prescribing attitude of JAK 2inhibitors for rheumatoid arthritis in Italy

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    The Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKi) tofacitinib (TOFA), baricitinib (BARI), upadacitinib (UPA) and 74 filgotinib (FILGO) are effective drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. However, the US 75 Food & Administration (FDA) raised concerns on the safety of TOFA after its approval. This 76 prompted the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to issue two safety warnings for limiting TOFA 77 use then extended in a third warning to all Jaki in patients at high risk of developing serious adverse 78 events (SAE). These included thrombosis, major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and cancer. Thepurpose of this work was to analyze how the first two safety warnings from EMA affected the pre- 80 scribing of Jaki by rheumatologists in Italy. All patients with rheumatoid arthritis who had been 81 prescribed JAKi for the first time in a 36-month period from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2022 were con- 82 sidered. Data were obtained from the medical records of 29 Italian tertiary referral rheumatology 83 centers. Patients were divided into three groups of 4 months each, depending on whether the JAKi 84 prescription had occurred before the EMA's first safety alert (July 1-October 31, 2019, Group 1), 85 between the first and second alerts (November 1, 2019-February 29, 2020, Group 2), or between the 86 second and third alerts (March 1, 2021-June 30, 2021, Group 3). Percentage and absolute changes in 87 patients prescribed the individual JAKi were analyzed. Differences among the three Groups of pa- 88 tients in demographic and clinical characteristics were also assessed. A total of 864 patients were 89 prescribed a JAKi during the entire period considered. Of these, 343 were identified in Group 1, 233 90 in Group 2 and 288 in Group 3. An absolute reduction of 32% was observed in the number of patients 91 prescribed a JAKi between Group 1 and Group 2 and 16% between Group 1 and Group 3. In contrast, 92 there was a 19% increase in the prescription of a JAKi in patients between Group 2 and Group 3. In 93 the first Group, BARI was the most prescribed drug (227 prescriptions, 66.2% of the total), followed 94 by TOFA (115, 33.5%) and UPA (1, 0.3%). In the second Group, the most prescribed JAKi was BARI 95 (147, 63.1%), followed by TOFA (65, 27.9%) and UPA (33, 11.5%). In the third Group, BARI was still 96 the most prescribed JAKi (104 prescriptions, 36.1%), followed by UPA (89, 30.9%), FILGO (89, 21.5%) 97 and TOFA (33, 11.5%). The number of patients prescribed TOFA decreased significantly between 98 Group 1 and Group 2 and between Group 2 and Group 3 (p Ë‚ 0.01). Patients who were prescribed 99 BARI decreased significantly between Group 1 and Group 2 and between Group 2 and Group 3 (p 100 Ë‚ 0.01). In contrast, patients prescribed UPA increased between Group 2 and Group 3 (p Ë‚ 0.01). 101 These data suggest that the warnings issued for TOFA were followed by a reduction in total JAKi 102 prescriptions. However, the more selective JAKi (UPA and FILGO) were perceived by prescribers 103 as favorable in terms of risk/benefit ratio and their use gradually increased at the expense of the 104 other molecules

    Kinetic aspects of a human skin equivalent

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    Understanding Blood versus Blond Orange Consumption: A Cross-Cultural Study in Four Countries

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    Understanding consumer perceptions and attitudes to specific fruit is key information for not only increasing fruit consumption, but also for marketing reasons. It may also give clues to breeders to set quality objectives. This study explores different aspects that help to explain blood vs. blond orange consumption: availability and consumption habit, satisfaction attributes, facilitators and consumption barriers, consumption contexts, expectations and purchase intention. The study was conducted in China, Mexico, Spain and Italy, where citrus fruit consumers were invited to respond an online questionnaire. Our results revealed Italy as the country with the highest availability and consumption of blood oranges, followed by China, Mexico and Spain. “Liking” and “healthy properties” were the most important reasons for consumption irrespectively of orange type, but certain differences among countries were detected in secondary reasons. In all the countries, “juicy” was the most relevant attribute for consumer satisfaction, followed by flavour/taste attributes. “Aromatic” and “unfibrous” were substantial requirements for Italians and Chinese, while Spaniards attached importance to the blood oranges colour. Regarding consumption contexts, “eat with salt or chilly powder” was specific for Mexico, while “to improve health”, “as a gift” or “at a restaurant” were contexts mainly cited in China. Despite taste preferences for other fruit being the main consumption barrier in all the countries for both orange types, the relevance of other barriers depended on culture and orange type. Mexican participants seemed to take a more neophobic attitude to blood oranges, while “inconvenient” was reported as a barrier for consuming blond ones in Spain and China. We conclude that blond and blood oranges can co-exist on markets at a high consumption rate, as in Italy. Specific interventions are needed in other countries because consumer attitudes to oranges, mainly blood ones, depend on culture