12 research outputs found

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, and mental well-being—A longitudinal study of nursing students at Wroclaw Medical University in Poland

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    IntroductionFrom the moment the first cases of coronavirus disease were detected in December 2019 until the announcement and duration of the pandemic, it was a negative experience for people around the world in various spheres of life. In connection with it, there have been many changes in our daily lives related to lifestyle, physical activity, or the mental sphere. The aim of the following paper is to determine the correlation between the COVID-19 pandemic and alcohol drinking, smoking, physical exercise, and lifestyle among nursing students in Poland.MethodsThe study was conducted among nursing students at Wroclaw Medical University before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey consisted of completing the same anonymous online questionnaires five times by the same research group. The majority of respondents were women in the age between 18 and 30 years old and the significance level of data analysis was set at p < 0.05.Results and discussionIn October 2020, we recorded a large number of respondents experiencing anxiety/fear or being more stressed. Between the measurements, the highest average level of alcohol addiction (p < 0.001) was in October 2021 (8.71). Moreover, the percentage of respondents who felt as before increased (p = 0.021). As the pandemic continued, there was a systematic decline in the physical activity level (p < 0.001). In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic had a serious impact on the daily lives of the students

    Ultrasound imaging of patellar tendon thickness in elite sprint track cyclists and elite soccer players:An intra-rater and inter-rater reliability study

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    The goal of our study was to investigate the relative and absolute intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of ultrasound assessment of patellar tendon (PT) thickness assessed over four locations, in track cyclists and soccer players. Fifteen male elite track cyclists and 15 male elite soccer players participated. Tendon thickness was measured over 4 locations placed at 5-10-15-20 mm inferior to the apex of the patella by two experienced examiners. Each examiner took two US images for the test measurements with a 10-min rest period. After a 30-min period, the subjects underwent a retest measurements that were also repeated 1-week after. A two-way analysis of variance revealed a significant group x location interaction on PT thickness for Examiner 1 (p = .001, η2 = .81) and Examiner 2 (p = 0.001, η2 = 0.78). Intra-rater reliability ranged from good to excellent (ICC2,k ≥ 0.75), whereas inter-rater reliability was good (ICC2,k ≥ 0.75) in both groups. Ultrasonographic assessment of PT was found to be a reliable method to assess tendon thickness. The middle location of the PT (corresponding to 15 and 20 mm) can be considered the most reliable spot to measure PT thickness. The PT thickness was larger among track cyclists than soccer players, with larger differences over the distal location (15 mm). Ultrasonographic assessment of PT was found to be a reliable method to assess tendon thickness. The middle location of the PT corresponding to 15 mm and 20 mm can be considered the most reliable area to measure PT thickness

    Dietary Intake of Antioxidant Vitamins in Diets of Amateur Adults Preparing For a Marathon

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of antioxidant vitamins in the diet of amateurs preparing for a marathon. The study group consisted of 92 women (30.8 ±6.7 years old) and 66 men (33.2 ±6.6 years old). Assessment of the content of antioxidant vitamins in the diet of the subjects was made on the basis of the 3-day dietary records. The average content of vitamin A in the diets of women surveyed was 1,296.8 mg/day and 1,499.7 mg/day in the diets of men. The vitamin A content of less than 90% of the norm was observed in the diets of 2.2% women and 9.1% men. The average content of vitamin C in the diet amounted to 130.6 (women) and 111.4 (men) mg/day. Significantly more men than women (30% vs 13%) did not fulfill the norm for vitamin C. The average vitamin E content was higher in the diets of men than in women (15.2 vs 13.0 mg/day; p < 0.0001). The vitamin E content was insufficient compared to norms in the diets of 10% of women and 12% of men. The average content of vitamins A, C and E in the diet of the subjects significantly exceeded the recommendations. The largest proportion of diets, not meeting the stated norms for vitamin C were in the group of men

    Dietary Intake of Minerals in Diets of Adults Preparing for Marathon

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the mineral content in the diets of amateurs preparing for a marathon. The examined group consisted of 92 women (W), whose average age was 30.8 ±6.7 years and 66 men (M), whose average age was 33.2 ±6.6 years. The evaluation of the mineral content of the diets of the surveyed people was done using three-day dietary records which included one day of the weekend. The average daily sodium content in the diets of women was 1,952.2 ±729.2 mg, and in the diets of men it was 3,093.1 ±1,063.3 mg whereas potassium content was 3,361.6 ±798.5 mg and 3,900.3 ±982.3 mg respectively. The potassium content of less than 90% of fulfilling the norm was observed in the diets of 84.8% of women and 66.7% of men. The average content of calcium in the diets of women and men amounted to 887.5 ±278.8 mg and 1,162.6 ± 434.3 mg/day respectively. The diets of 30.4% of women and 16.7% of men had insufficient calcium content as compared to the norms. The average daily phosphorus and magnesium content was significantly higher in men than in women (1,374.6 ±348.6 vs 1,823.5 ±473.0 mg and 373.4 ±107.1 vs 423.6 ±108.8 mg). Magnesium intake was insufficient in the diets of 14.1% of women and 28.8% of men. The average daily content of iron, zinc and copper in the group of women was: 12.1 mg, 10.1 mg and 1.4 mg, while in the diets of men respectively 14.8 mg, 13.5 mg and 1.5 mg. The highest percentage of diets not fulfilling the norm was found for calcium and potassium in women, and potassium and magnesium for men

    Motives and factors conditioning the level of physical activity arrested and convicted people in isolation conditions

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    Cel badań. Ocena poziomu aktywności ruchowej mężczyzn odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności. Określenie motywów oraz podjęcie próby ustalenia przyczyn poziomu aktywności fizycznej. Materiał i metody. Grupę badaną stanowiło 277 mężczyzn w wieku 18–70 lat (średnia wieku 32,57± 8,85 roku) przebywający w Areszcie Śledczym we Wrocławiu. W badaniach wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego przy użyciu Międzynarodowego Kwestionariusza Aktywności Fizycznej IPAQ oraz autorskiego kwestionariusza dotyczącego roli aktywności fizycznej. Wyniki. Niski poziom aktywności odnotowano u 46,5% badanych, umiarkowany u prawie 12%, a wysoki u ponad 41%. Jedynie u 43% osadzonych BMI było w normie. Głównymi motywami do podejmowania wysiłku fizycznego okazała się chęć utrzymania sprawności oraz aspekty związane z poprawą cech osobowości i charakteru. Wnioski. Niski poziom aktywności ruchowej u aresztowanych może wynikać ze specyfiki warunków odbywania kary. Istotne wydaje się angażowanie mężczyzn do pracy fizycznej oraz organizowanie działań profilaktycznych zgodnych z potrzebą grupy.Background. Assessment of the level of physical activity men during detention. Defining motifs and to try to determine the causes of a specific level of physical activity. Material and methods. The test group consisted of men (n = 277) aged 18–70 from Remand Centre in Wroclaw. The average age of subjects was 32,57 ± 8,85. In the research technique the diagnostic survey using the international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ) and a questionnaire concerning the role of activity in life. Results. Low level of physical activity was noted in 46.5% of respondents, moderate in almost 12% of people, and high in over 41% of respondents. Only 43% of prisoners had BMI in the norm. The main motives for action were the willingness to maintain efficiency and aspects related to the improvement of personality and character traits. Conclusions. Low levels of physical activity may result from specific conditions for prisoners serving a sentence. It seems important to engage men in physical work and organize preventive activities in line with the group’s needs

    Comparison of vegetables and fruit consumption frequency by athletes before and after marathon

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    Background. One of the prerequisites to achieve high sports scores is to ensure the proper supply of nutrients. Both deficiency and excess of these components can cause malfunctions of bodies in athletes, which adversely affects their health and performance. Objective. Comparison of the frequency of intake of groups of vegetables and fruits, being sources of vitamins and minerals, by marathon runners in periods before and after the long-distance run. Material and Method. The frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption by marathoners was analyzed among women (n = 105) and men (n = 87) aged between 19 and 73 years, before and after running competition. The Block’s questionnaire was used to evaluate the consumption of groups of vegetables and fruits (leafy, root and cruciferous vegetables, as well as stone, berry and tropical fruits). Their consumption was assessed on a point scale. Results. Sufficient vegetable and fruit intake was found in about 55% of the marathon runners. Diets of about 20% of the respondents were poor in fruits and vegetables. Higher fruit and vegetable intake was reported in both men and women after the marathon compared to the pre-run period. Conclusion. Daily food rations of about 1/4 of the surveyed marathoners provided insufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables, and daily food rations of about 20% of the athletes were poor in these products. After the marathon, the consumption of vegetables and fruits improved in 15% of the surveyed women and in 10% of the men compared to the pre-marathon period

    The Changes in Stress Coping, Alcohol Use, Cigarette Smoking and Physical Activity during COVID-19 Related Lockdown in Medical Students in Poland

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    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has significantly limited social contacts, thus contributing to deepening isolation. Therefore, SARS-CoV-2 exerted on humanity not only a physical impact but also a psychological one, often increasing the feeling of stress. The long-term effects of such a state could include the management of depression, so our study aimed to analyze groups of medical students in different periods of the pandemic (at the beginning of the pandemic, after half a year of the pandemic, after one year of the pandemic) in order to assess the impact of this situation on coping with stress. The impact of the pandemic on the development of stress factors such as alcohol consumption and smoking was also studied. The level of physical activity in the context of coping with an uncertain situation was also assessed. The impact of the above-mentioned factors on the behavior of students, including the Mini-COPE questionnaire, AUDIT test, the Fagerström test and the IPAQ questionnaire was analyzed. It has been shown that as the pandemic and the lockdown progressed, patients consumed more often or larger amounts of alcohol, smoked more cigarettes, and levels of physical activity decreased. All these factors may have had some impact on the deterioration of coping with stress among the respondents, which would indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic significantly contributed to an increase in the sense of stress among the students

    Lifestyle, Physical Activity and Dietary Habits of Medical Students of Wroclaw Medical University during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The new disease COVID-19, induced by SARS-CoV-2, causes acute respiratory infection. Many countries, including Poland, began to set a variety of different restrictions to reduce the spread of the virus. Most students had problems with online lessons. The study was conducted among second year medicine students of the Medical University of Wroclaw, and after the entire process of verification 200 respondents were accepted. The research consisted of completing the same anonymous online questionnaires twice in March and October 2020. This finally allowed for a critical assessment of the impact of the pandemic and its restrictions on the students’ daily lives. During the online classes, low levels of physical activity persisted (p = 0.718), whereas time spent sitting increased (p < 0.001). Despite positive changes in declared snacking (p = 0.061), we observed significant drops in the index of healthy diet (p = 0.001) and nutritional knowledge (p < 0.001) as well as an increase in the consumption of fast-food (p < 0.001) and energy drinks (p = 0.019). Reduced nutritional knowledge can cause a decrease in attention to healthy food preparation and much more frequent consumption of fast-food

    Aktywność fizyczna ukraińskich i polskich studentów medycyny na początku wojny w Ukrainie

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    Background. The war in Ukraine has had profound implications for public health and mental well-being. Physical activity (PA) has been recognized for its beneficial impact on mental health, yet the effects of war on exercise behavior remain poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate variables related to PA in Ukrainian medical students compared to their Polish counterparts in the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Material and methods. The study involved 225 participants from medical universities in Wroclaw, Poland (n=120), as well as Lviv (n=49) and Ivano-Frankivsk (n=56), Ukraine. Data collection took place between May and July 2022. PA levels were assessed using the International PA Questionnaire, measured in Metabolic Equivalent of Task minutes per week (MET-min/wk). Additionally, a custom questionnaire was utilized to evaluate PA barriers, motives, and preferred forms of activity. Results. Ukrainian students demonstrated significantly higher overall PA compared to Polish students (Total MET: Lviv 3759.0 MET-min/wk and Ivano-Frankivsk 4452.0 MET-min/wk vs. Wroclaw 2841.8 MET-min/wk, p<0.001). Walking and cycling emerged as the most prevalent forms of PA. The primary barrier to PA in Poland was a lack of time, while lack of motivation was more prominently displayed in Ukraine. Notably, an increase in self-esteem appeared to be a more prevalent motive in Ukraine (p<0.0001). Conclusions. Further investigation is warranted to understand the underlying reasons for the observed differences. It is crucial to ascertain whether increased PA in Ukraine is a coping mechanism for stress or attributed to other factors. Additionally, longitudinal studies are needed to identify emerging trends and changes in the population’s response over time.Wprowadzenie. Wojna w Ukrainie ma znamienny wpływ na zdrowie publiczne i samopoczucie psychiczne. Pozytywny wpływ aktywności fizycznej (AF) na zdrowie psychicznie jest powszechnie znany, jednak skutki wojny wpływające na zachowania związane z ćwiczeniami fizycznymi są wciąż słabo zrozumiane. Celem badań było ustalenie zmiennych związanych z AF wśród ukraińskich studentów medycyny w porównaniu z polskimi studentami na początku wojny w Ukrainie. Materiał i metody. Badania obejmowały 225 uczestników z uniwersytetów medycznych: we Wrocławiu w Polsce, (n=120) oraz we Lwowie (n=49) i Iwano-Frankiwsku (n=56) w Ukrainie. Dane zebrane zostały między majem a lipcem 2022 roku. Poziomy AF zostały ocenione za pomocą Międzynarodowego Kwestionariusza AF oraz podane w ekwiwalencie metabolicznym w minutach na tydzień (MET-min/tydz.). Dodatkowo wykorzystano własny kwestionariusz do oceny barier, motywów i preferowanych form AF. Wyniki. Ukraińscy studenci wykazali wyższy ogólny poziom AF w porównaniu do polskich rówieśników (Total MET: Lwów 3759.0 MET-min/tydz. i Iwano-Frankiwsk 4452.0 MET-min/tydz. vs. Wrocław 2841.8 MET-min/tydz., p<0.0001). Chodzenie i jazda na rowerze były najczęściej wymienianymi formami AF. Główną barierą uprawiania AF w Polsce był brak czasu, podczas gdy w Ukrainie większą rolę odgrywał brak motywacji. Warto zauważyć, że wzrost samooceny jako motyw uczestnictwa w AF był istotnie częściej podawany w Ukrainie (p<0.0001). Wnioski. Dalsze badania są uzasadnione, w celu zrozumienia przyczyny obserwowanych różnic. Istotne jest ustalenie, czy zwiększona aktywność fizyczna w Ukrainie jest mechanizmem radzenia sobie ze stresem czy związana z innymi czynnikami. Dodatkowo, niezbędne są badania długofalowe, celem zidentyfikowania ewoluujących trendów i zmian reakcji populacji w czasie

    How Dietary Choices and Nutritional Knowledge Relate to Eating Disorders and Body Esteem of Medical Students? A Single-Center Cross-Sectional Study

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    Eating disorders and body image concerns are increasingly prevalent issues among young individuals, with medical students being particularly vulnerable due to heightened stress levels. This study enrolled 879 medical students to investigate these concerns. The KomPAN questionnaire was utilized to assess dietary habits and knowledge, the Body Esteem Scale (BES) to evaluate body satisfaction, and The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) to identify eating disorders. A higher level of nutritional knowledge was found to be statistically significantly associated with attempts at excessive calorie restriction among women (β = 0.0864) and negatively among men (β = −0.2039). Moreover, it was negatively associated with self-control of food intake only among men (β = −0.2060). Furthermore, a higher BMI was associated with attempts of excessive calorie restriction in both women and men (β = 0.1052 and β = 0.1656, respectively) and negatively with self-control of food intake (β = −0.0813 and β = −0.1453, respectively). A higher BMI was associated with poorer body esteem across all variables in both genders, except for upper body strength among men. Nutritional knowledge did not correspond with any of these variables, while dietary quality was positively associated with physical condition in women and with physical condition, physical attractiveness, and upper body strength in men. Our study findings suggest that dietary interventions could be improved by considering gender-based behavioral differences and focusing on portion control for individuals with a higher BMI. Caution is warranted in extrapolating the results to the general population due to the specific nature of the study population