28 research outputs found

    Baseline characteristics of the study population.

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    *<p>Mean ± SD (all such values);</p>**<p>Median (IQR; all such values); normal energy reporters were defined as energy intake compared to basal metabolic rate of ≄1.14 and ≀2.40;</p>†<p>nutritional variables were adjusted for total energy intake, except alcohol and energy. BMI = body mass index; WHR = waist-to-hip ratio; OC = oral contraceptives; HRT = hormone replacement therapy.</p

    Dietary fiber, glycemic load, glycemic index, carbohydrate, sugar, and starch, and CVD mortality risk among 6,192 individuals with diabetes mellitus, before and after exclusion of energy mis-reporters, as well as in BMI subgroups<sup>*</sup>.

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    *<p>Adjusted Hazard Ratios (with 95% CI) per SD of fiber (6.4), GL (22.0), GI (3.9), carbohydrate (35.4), sugar (31.0), and starch (31.6). Full models M4 (see footnotes of <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0043127#pone-0043127-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>). Normal energy reporters (n = 3838) were defined as energy intake compared to basal metabolic rate of ≄1.14 and ≀2.40.</p>**<p>Interaction p-values are based on analysis of all participants or normal energy reporters only (in brackets), and using continuous interaction terms for BMI.</p><p>Of the individuals with diabetes, 22% (27% of normal energy reporters) fell into the normal weight category (BMI≀25 kg/m<sup>2</sup>). There were 70 CVD deaths (46 men) in the normal weight category, and 236 (169 men) in the overweight category, 48 (30 men) and 133 (99 men) among normal energy reporters.</p

    Dietary fiber, glycemic load, glycemic index, carbohydrate, sugar, and starch, and all-cause mortality risk among 6,192 individuals with diabetes mellitus<sup>*</sup>.

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    *<p>Adjusted Hazard Ratios (with 95% CI) per SD of fiber (6.4), GL (22.0), GI (3.9), carbohydrate (35.4), sugar (31.0), and starch (31.6). Age was used as the primary time variable, and all models were stratified on sex and country.</p>†<p>Adjusted for smoking (never, past, current with ≀10 cig/d, current with 10–20 cig/d, current ≄20 cig/d), smoking duration (continuous), education (low, middle, high), BMI (<18.5, 18.5–25, 25–30, ≄30 kg/m<sup>2</sup>), WHR (continuous), physical activity (inactive, moderately inactive, moderately active, active), menopausal status (pre, post), HRT use (ever, never), and alcohol (≀10, 10–25, 25–50, >50 g/day).</p>‡<p>Adjusted for diabetes duration (continuous), insulin use (yes, no), HbA1c (continuous), and covariates from footnote†.</p>§<p>Adjusted for total energy (continuous), and energy-adjusted nutrients (all continuous), vitamin C, and saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fat, and covariates from footnote‡. Models M4 for GL, GI, carbohydrate, sugar, and starch were also adjusted for energy-adjusted fiber intake (continuous).</p>°<p>Model M4 for GI and fiber were also adjusted for energy-adjusted carbohydrate intake.</p>∄<p>Model M4 for sugar and starch, contained both sugar and starch.</p><p>Among the 791 death cases (533 men, 258 women), 306 (215 men) died of CVD, 163 (103 men) died of cancer, and 118 (74 men) died of other known causes. GL = dietary glycemic load; GI = dietary glycemic index; M = model; WHR = waist-to-hip ratio; HbA1c = glycated hemoglobin (% of total hemoglobin).</p