54 research outputs found

    Crosslinguistic Developmental Consistency in the Composition of Toddlers' Internal State Vocabulary: Evidence from Four Languages

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    Mental state language, emerging in the second and third years of life in typically developing children, is one of the first signs of an explicit psychological understanding. While mental state vocabulary may serve a variety of conversational functions in discourse and thus might not always indicate psychological comprehension, there is evidence for genuine references to mental states (desires, knowledge, beliefs, and emotions) early in development across languages. This present study presents parental questionnaire data on the composition of 297 toddler-aged (30-to 32-month-olds) children's internal state vocabulary in four languages: Italian, German, English, and French. The results demonstrated that across languages expressions for physiological states (e.g., hungry and tired) were among the most varied, while children's vocabulary for cognitive entities (e.g., know and think) proved to be least varied. Further, consistent with studies on children's comprehension of these concepts, across languages children's mastery of volition terms (e.g., like to do and want) preceded their mastery of cognition terms. These findings confirm the cross-linguistic consistency of children's emerging expression of abstract psychological concepts

    Grain Yield, Quality and Deoxynivalenol (DON) Contamination of Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum Desf.): Results of National Networks in Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems

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    This work shows the results of trials carried out over three years (2006-2008) within the national networks of durum wheat grown under conventional and organic cropping systems in six representative locations of the main cultivation areas of Italy. The main aspects of grain yield and grain quality were analyzed, particularly assessing the hygienic health status of the grain in relation to the possible presence of deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination. DON is considered the most common trichothecene mycotoxin found in the wheat grain, causing significant reductions in grain yield and adverse effects for human or animal consumption. In the studied period the average grain yields were quite interesting both in conventional samples (5.85 t ha-1) and in organic ones (4.91 t ha-1). As expected, the organic yields were significantly different(-16%). However, in the southern locations the same differences were lower (-5%), thus emphasizing the limited impact of the higher inputs of the conventional cropping in these environments. The reduced nitrogen input is notoriously the most critical point of organic wheat, because the protein content is the most sensitive parameter of grain quality. The protein content was significantly different among year, fields location and cropping system, but not among their interactions. Grain protein content in organic wheat was lower than in conventional one all over the three years; anyway, differences were somewhat limited (only about 1% in the southern locations and 0.5% in central Italy). Among cultivars no significant differences in the protein content were recorded. Mean levels of DON contamination during the study period were generally lower, with only a sample exceeding the legal limit of 1750 ppb. Among the main factors, year and location (and their interaction) had a strong influence on DON contamination, accounting for 75% of the observed variability. DON levels in 2008 at Papiano-PG were dramatically high; the strong influence of the year-location interaction may be due to this fact. Cropping system and cultivar, although significant, had a low influence; however, their interaction accounted for 13% of total variance. Cropping system – location interaction accounted for 5% of the total variability. Very low levels of DON were detected in the southern locations with both cropping systems; the lower levels were recorded in organic wheat samples. In the central Italy areas DON could represent a potential hazard, but even in these organically cropped environments wheat gave the best results. Lower concentrations of DON were detected in organic wheat samples, either in less favourable years for the occurrence of Fusarium (2006 and 2007) and in the more favourable one (2008). Regarding the role of the varietal choice, Creso revealed to be the less susceptible to DON contamination, probably as it is the best adapted to the areas of the Central Italy, where Fusarium is more widespread

    The clinical effectiveness of an integrated multidisciplinary evidence-based program to prevent intraoperative pressure injuries in high-risk children undergoing long-duration surgical procedures: a quality improvement study

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    The prevention of hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) in children undergoing long-duration surgical procedures is of critical importance due to the potential for catastrophic sequelae of these generally preventable injuries for the child and their family. Long-duration surgical procedures in children have the potential to result in high rates of HAPI due to physiological factors and the difficulty or impossibility of repositioning these patients intraoperatively. We developed and implemented a multi-modal, multi-disciplinary translational HAPI prevention quality improvement program at a large European Paediatric University Teaching Hospital. The intervention comprised the establishment of wound prevention teams, modified HAPI risk assessment tools, specific education, and the use of prophylactic dressings and fluidized positioners during long-duration surgical procedures. As part of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the program in reducing intraoperative HAPI, we conducted a prospective cohort study of 200 children undergoing long-duration surgical procedures and compared their outcomes with a matched historical cohort of 200 children who had undergone similar surgery the previous year. The findings demonstrated a reduction in HAPI in the intervention cohort of 80% (p < 0.01) compared to the comparator group when controlling for age, pathology, comorbidity, and surgical duration. We believe that the findings demonstrate that it is possible to significantly decrease HAPI incidence in these highly vulnerable children by using an evidence-based, multi-modal, multidisciplinary HAPI prevention strategy

    Two forms of yawning modulation in three months old infants during the Face to Face Still Face paradigm

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    The last decades have seen an increasing interest in the phenomenon of yawning and the dynamics of its modulation, yet no widespread consensus exists on its origins and potential functions. Although most scholars have focused on its potential physiological functions, e.g., related to thermoregulation, arousal modulation or cortisol levels and distress, an emerging line of research has been also investigating the social implications of yawning, including its hypothesized relationship with empathy. In order to explore the dynamics of yawning modulation in infants, we investigated whether a social perturbation–like the one induced by the Face to Face Still Face paradigm, a procedure designed to assess socio-emotional regulation in infants–affects yawning and self-touch hand movements behavior in three-months old infants. As the Still Face episode represents a source of mild distress, we hypothesized that during this phase yawns would be more frequent. Moreover, through the use of path analysis, we investigated potential dynamics of facilitation, inhibition or covariance between the frequencies of these behavioral patterns. Our results showed a sharp increase in self-touch hand movements as well as in the likelihood of yawning during the stressful phase of the procedure (still-face) compared with the two minutes of face-to-face interaction and the reunion episode. Regressions also showed a higher incidence of yawns among girls, consistently with the hypothesis that the analysis of yawning behavior might capture subtle differences in regulatory strategies of infants, possibly related to the transient sex-specific activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis known as mini-puberty. The path analysis showed a greater consistency between the frequencies of self-touch hand movements during the three episodes of the procedure, compared with yawning. This finding could be a result of distinct yawning-regulating mechanisms being at play in different conditions, e.g., a modulation related to stress and one to social interaction. Taken together, these results suggest that human yawning regulation is an irreducibly complex and multifaceted phenomenon since early age. Moreover, the gender differences highlighted might suggest an early diversification in yawning modulation

    Mother–infant co-regulation in dyadic and triadic contexts at 4 and 6 months of age

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    This study examined interpersonal co-regulation in 80 mother–infant dyads when interacting face-to-face and with an object, at the infant ages of 4 and 6 months. We found that co-regulation patterns differed between conditions and with development. Under the dyadic condition, the dyads were mostly unilateral, with only the mother attending to the infant's focus, while in the triadic context, they were mostly symmetrical, with both mother and infant mutually engaged. While confirming previous studies showing that interpersonal co-ordination is a relatively rare event in face-to-face exchanges, this result shows that the contrary is instead true when objects are available. Also, unilateral co-regulation significantly increased in the triadic context from 4 to 6 months, together with an increase in the active role of the infant during symmetrical exchanges. The development of manipulative skills that occurred during this age period might have promoted these co-regulation changes, through improvement of the infant activities with objects, both independently and with the mother. Finally, involvement in triadic interactions appears to relate to temperamental aspects, being favoured by the infant's disposition to be soothed by the caregiver. Overall, our results support the view of early social development as a context-based and multidimensional proces

    Valutazione del metabolismo del cristallino mediante spettroscopia RMN P31 ed H1. PotenzialitĂ  della sua applicazione nello studio patogenetico della cataratta sperimentale

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    La spettroscopia RMN è una tecnica non invasiva e non distruttiva che permette di determinare contemporaneamente i diversi cambiamenti metabolici che avvengono in un tessuto vivente in condizioni fisiologiche e patologiche. Gli AA., su queste premesse, hanno intrapreso uno studio sul metabolismo del cristallino di coniglio non trattato mediante spettroscopia RMN P-31 ed H-1 (di protone) su estratti acquosi. Informazioni utili si possono trarre dallo spettro protonico (mio-inositolo, aminoacidi...) per cui in definitiva, studiando il cristallino mediante la spettroscopia RMN P-31 ed in particolare H-1 sarà possibile ottenere delle informazioni che permetteranno una maggiore comprensione dei processi metabolici nello studio patogenetico della cataratta sperimentale
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