11 research outputs found

    Parameters of the different sequences used for the several human applications at 3T.

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    <p>For knee imaging, the 3D WS-bSSFP sequence was acquired either with SENSE factor 2 in combination with 4 frequency offsets or with a SENSE factor of 4 in combination with 2 frequency offsets. For the other applications, SOS 4 was used.</p><p>Parameters of the different sequences used for the several human applications at 3T.</p

    3D human knee images acquired at 3T using standard bSSFP and WS-bSSFP sequences in combination with parallel imaging.

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    <p>The sagittal and axial images shown were either acquired On Resonance (OR + 0Hz), OR + (3/4TR) apart from the resonance (for TR = 7ms, the shift equals 107Hz), or summed using SOS technique (SOS2 or SOS4) and in combination with parallel imaging (SENSE 4). Arrows point at banding artifacts altering cartilage measurements. The arrowhead indicates a banding artifact in the muscle at the edge of the FOV.</p

    Human applications of WS-bSSFP sequences at 3T.

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    <p>3D human ankle images, brain and legs of healthy volunteers using standard bSSFP and WS-bSSFP sequences with a SENSE factor of 2. The arrow in the leg WS-bSSFP image indicates remaining fat signal at the edge of the FOV, whereas the ones on the head bSSFP images point at subcutaneous fat and a banding artifact is shown by the arrowhead. Scale bar represents 10cm.</p

    SNR of mouse sub-cutaneous fat tissue, kidney and limb muscle in standard bSSFP and WS-bSSFP images at 7T.

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    <p>The values obtained when the frequency excitation was shifted by 166.7Hz (corresponding to 3/4TR shift with TR = 4.5ms) or not (OR) and for SOS4 reconstruction are shown.</p><p>* represents p<0.01 compared to fat SNR on standard images.</p><p>SNR of mouse sub-cutaneous fat tissue, kidney and limb muscle in standard bSSFP and WS-bSSFP images at 7T.</p

    3D coronal images of mouse abdomen acquired at 7T using standard bSSFP or WS-bSSFP sequences.

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    <p>The images shown were either acquired On Resonance (OR), OR + (3/4TR) apart from the resonance (for TR = 4.5ms, the shift equals 166.7Hz), or summed using the SOS technique (SOS4). Arrows point at banding artifacts. Arrowheads indicate the inguinal lymph node location.</p