4 research outputs found
Salinity contamination response to changes in irrigation management. Application of geochemical codes
Salinity contamination caused by irrigation has been widely studied but the analysis of geochemical processes regarding agronomic variables has not adequately been considered yet. The research presented here analyzes the influence of changes in irrigation management on salinity contamination, through the use of geochemical modeling techniques, in an agricultural basin during the hydrological year of 2001 and within the period 2005-2008. The results indicate that the changes implemented in irrigation management reduced the masses of salts exported in 72%, although water salinity increased by 25% (this salinity level does not restrict its use for irrigation). The different ionic ratios in drainage water, the results of the salinity balances, and the results of geochemical calculations (mass balances and speciation-solubility) indicate, mainly, precipitation of calcite, dissolution of gypsum and halite and cation exchange. The salt contamination index decreased from approximately 70% to levels close to those presented in modern irrigation areas, indicating that the changes in irrigation management were effective. Petrocalcic genesis and punctual sodification of soils can constitute an agroenvironmental problem that requires adequate management of irrigation and drainage considering future modernization of irrigation areas
Hydrogeochemical characterisation and modelling of groundwaters in a potential geological repository for spent nuclear fuel in crystalline rocks (Laxemar, Sweden)
Two sites in the eastern coast of Sweden have been investigated by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB), within the framework of the site characterisation programme, as possible candidates for hosting the proposed repository for the long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel: Forsmark and Laxemar. This study presents the main results concerning the hydrogeochemical characterisation of the groundwaters in the second site, Laxemar. The distribution of the main chemical variables in groundwaters are shown and interpreted in combination with the results from speciation-solubility and reaction-path simulations, together with the available mineralogical information. The results indicate that the main processes determining the overall geochemical evolution of the Laxemar groundwaters are advective/diffusive mixing and water-rock interactions driven by past and present climatic changes inducing the input of different recharge waters over time (glacial meltwater, old marine water and modern meteoric water) and affecting the preexisting very old saline groundwaters in the bedrock. The superimposed effects of these mixing events, deduced from the behaviour of the conservative elements (Cl and 未18O), have generated a rather steep salinity gradient in the groundwater system, with diluted waters in the upper part, brackish waters in the middle, and saline waters in the lower part of the bedrock.
The resultant successive disequilibrium states imposed by mixing have conditioned the water-rock interaction processes that have affected the non-conservative elements to different degrees. The main chemical reactions found to be important in controlling some of the variability of these elements and some important parameters like pH and alkalinity, are: aluminosilicate and carbonate dissolution/precipitation, quartz and fluorite equilibrium, cation exchange, and gypsum dissolution. These reactions and their importance in the system are presented in this paper.
Once the main hydrogeochemical features of the Laxemar groundwaters and the potentially controlling water-rock interactions in the system have been identified and justified with the help of thermodynamic simulations, a general geochemical conceptual model has been proposed. This model will be used as the basis for predicting the future evolution of the groundwater chemistry as an essential part of the safety assessment of the future repository
The Pliocene Ixtacamaxtitlan low sulfidation epithermal deposit (Puebla, Mexico A case of fossil fungi consortia in a steam-heated environment
The Ntacamaxtithin area in northern Puebla (central Mexico) contains middle Miocene Cu-Mo-Au porphyry/skarn and Pliocene low-sulfidation Au-Ag epithermal deposits that are geologically associated with the evolution of the Timis-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TATVB). In this paper, a new Ar-40/Ar-39 age (2.87 +/- 0.41 Ma) is provided for rhombohedral alunite from a kaolinite + alunite +/- opal +/- cristobalite +/- sin ectite advanced argillic alteration assemblage. This age contributes to the definition of a metallogenic province that is confined to the TIVIVB, a relevant feature for regional exploration. A similar to 12 My gap is established between the formation of the Cu-Mo-Au porphyry/ skarn and low-sulfidation Au-Ag epithermal deposits, which rules out the possibility that their overlapping was the result of telescoping Advanced argillic alteration is conspicuous throughout the mineralized area. This alteration assemblage consists of a widespread kaolinite-rich blanket that underlies silica sinters, polymictic hydrothermal breccias, and an alunite-rich spongy layer that consists of vertical tubular structures that are interpreted as the result of gas venting in a subaerial environment. The above indicate a shallow hypogene origin for the advanced argillic alteration assemblage that is, formation by the partial condensation within a phreatic paleoaquifer of acidic vapors that were boiled-off along fractures that host epithermal veins at depth. The formation of the spongy alunite layer and silica sinters is interpreted to have been synchronous. Within the alunite-rich spongy layer, tubular structures hosted microbial consortia dominated by fungi and possible prokaryote (Bacteria or Archaea) biofilms. Such consortia were developed on previously formed alunite and kaolinite and were preserved due to their replacement by opal, kaolinite, or alunite. This means that the proliferation of fungi and prokaryotes occurred during a lull in acidic gas venting during which other organisms (i.e., algae) might have also prospered. Periodic acidic gas venting is compatible with a multi-stage hydrothermal system with several boiling episodes, a feature typical of active geothermal systems and of low-sulfidation epithermal deposits. The microstructures, typical for fungi, are mycelia, hyphae with septa, anastornoses between branches, and cord-like groupings of hyphae. Possible evidence for skeletal remains of prokaryote biofilms is constituted by cobweb-like microstructures composed of <1 mu m thick interwoven filaments in close association with hyphae (about 2.5 pm thick). Bioweathering of previously precipitated minerals is shown by penetrative biobrecciation due to extensive dissolution of kaolinite by mycelia and by dissolution grooves from hyphae on alunite surfaces. Such bioweathering was possibly predated by inorganically driven partial dissolution of alunite, which suggests a lull in acidic gas venting that allowed living organisms to thrive. This interpretation is sustained by the occurrence of geometrical dissolution pits in alunite covered by hyphae. Fungal bioweathering is particularly aggressive on kaolinite due to its relatively poor nutrient potential. Such delicate microstructures are riot commonly preserved in the geological record. In addition, numerous chalcopyrite microcrystals or microaggregates are found within the alunite layer, which could be related to sulfate reduction due to bacterial activity from the sulfate previously released by fungal bioweathering of alunite. Iiydrogeochernical modeling constrains pH to between similar to 3.2 and similar to 3.6 and temperature to between 53 and 75 degrees C during the stage in which fungi and other organisms thrived. These waters were cooler and more alkaline than in earlier and later stages, which were characterized dominantly by steam-heated waters. The most likely process to account for this interlude would be mixing with meteoric water or with upwelling mature water that did not undergo boiling.
El 谩rea de Ixtacamaxtitl谩n en el norte de Puebla (M茅xico central) contiene dep贸sitos de tipo p贸rfido/ skarn de Cu-Mo-Au del Mioceno medio y dep贸sitos epitermales de baja sulfuraci贸n de Au-Ag del Plioceno, que est谩n geol贸gicamente asociados a la evoluci贸n de la Faja Volc谩nica Trans-Mexicana (FVTM). En este trabajo se presenta una nueva edad 40Ar/39Ar (2.87 卤 0.41 Ma) en alunita rombo茅drica procedente de una asociaci贸n de alteraci贸n arg铆lica avanzada constituida por kaolinita + alunita 卤 贸palo 卤 cristobalita 卤 esmectita. Esta edad contribuye a la definici贸n de una provincia metalogen茅tica circunscrita a la FVTM, lo cual constituye un rasgo relevante para la exploraci贸n regional. Se ha determinado un lapso de ~12 millones de a帽os entre la formaci贸n de los dep贸sitos de tipo p贸rfido/skarn de Cu-Mo-Au y los dep贸sitos epitermales de baja sulfuraci贸n de Au-Ag, lo cual invalida la posibilidad de que la superposici贸n existente entre dichos dep贸sitos constituya un aut茅ntico telescopaje, contrariamente a interpretaciones previas. Adem谩s, dentro de dicho lapso se produjo la formaci贸n de un estratovolc谩n en el 谩rea de estudio, que habr铆a interferido en cualquier actividad hidrotermal existente. La asociaci贸n de alteraci贸n arg铆lica avanzada es reconocible en un 谩rea extensa de la zona mineralizada. Dicha asociaci贸n consiste en un amplio cuerpo subhorizontal rico en kaolinita que subyace a s铆nteres sil铆cicos, brechas hidrotermales polim铆cticas, y un horizonte de aspecto esponjoso rico en alunita que consiste en estructuras verticales tubulares que se interpretan en este trabajo como debidas al escape de gases en un ambiente suba茅reo. Tales caracter铆sticas son compatibles con un ambiente de formaci贸n hipog茅nico somero para la asociaci贸n de alteraci贸n arg铆lica avanzada鈥攅sto es, formaci贸n en terrenos calentados por vapor derivados de la condensaci贸n parcial en un paleoacu铆fero fre谩tico de vapores 谩cidos generados por ebullici贸n a lo largo de fracturas que eventualmente alojaron vetas epitermales en profundidad. Se interpreta que la formaci贸n del horizonte esponjoso de alunita y de los s铆nteres sil铆cicos fue sincr贸nica. En el interior de las estructuras tubulares de alunita se desarrollaron consorcios dominados por hongos que tambi茅n incluyen posibles biofilmes de procariontes (bacterias o arqueas). Dichos consorcios se desarrollaron sobre alunita y kaolinita previamente precipitadas, y fueron preservados debido a su reemplazamiento por 贸palo, kaolinita o alunita. Ello conlleva que la proliferaci贸n de hongos y procariontes se produjo en periodos de pausa en la emanaci贸n de gases 谩cidos, durante los cuales otros organismos (i.e., algas) pudieron haber igualmente prosperado. Este rasgo es compatible con un sistema hidrotermal multiepis贸dico con diversas etapas con ebullici贸n, lo cual concuerda con el ambiente de formaci贸n de los dep贸sitos epitermales de baja sulfuraci贸n. Las microestructuras observadas t铆picas de hongos son micelios, hifas septadas, anastomosis entre ramificaciones, y agrupaciones de hifas en forma de cable o cord贸n. La posible evidencia de restos esquel茅ticos de biofilmes de procariontes la constituyen microestructuras semejantes a telara帽as formadas por el entramado de filamentos con grosores <1 碌m, que se encuentran 铆ntimamente asociadas a hifas (茅stas, con grosores del orden de ~2.5 碌m). La biometeorizaci贸n de minerales previamente precipitados se muestra en forma de biobrechificaci贸n penetrativa debida a la extensa disoluci贸n de kaolinita generada por micelios y por el desarrollo de surcos de disoluci贸n generados por hifas en la superficie de los cristales de alunita. Dicha biometeorizaci贸n vino antecedida por la disoluci贸n parcial de la alunita, posiblemente de origen inorg谩nico, lo cual denota la instalaci贸n de un ambiente m谩s ben茅fico (menos 谩cido) para el desarrollo de organismos vivos y, por tanto, de un periodo de pausa en la exhalaci贸n de gases. Dicha interpretaci贸n se argumenta con la presencia de mellas geom茅tricas de disoluci贸n en alunita, cubiertas por hifas. La biometeorizaci贸n f煤ngica es particularmente agresiva en kaolinita debido a su relativamente pobre potencial nutritivo. Estos tipos de microestructuras delicadas no se preservan habitualmente en el registro geol贸gico. Asimismo, se encuentran numerosos microcristales y microagregados de calcopirita en el horizonte de alunita, que pueden ser hipot茅ticamente asociados a reducci贸n de sulfatos debida a actividad bacteriana, a partir del sulfato previamente liberado por medio de la biometeorizaci贸n de alunita. El modelado hidrogeoqu铆mico permiti贸 constre帽ir el pH entre ~3.2 y ~3.6 y la temperatura entre 53掳 and 75 掳C durante el estadio en que los hongos y otros organismos prosperaron en asociaci贸n con aguas m谩s fr铆as y alcalinas que en los estadios precedente y posterior, que se caracterizaron por la presencia dominante de aguas calentadas por vapor. Tales variaciones en temperatura y pH con respecto a los fluidos precedentes pudieron haber sido consecuencia de la mezcla entre 茅stos y otros fluidos de nueva incorporaci贸n. Los candidatos m谩s veros铆miles para permitir dicho interludio ser铆an el agua mete贸rica o agua ascendente madura que no experiment贸 ebullici贸n