20 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Pemindahan Barang Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development (RAD) pada PT Surya Esa Jaya

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    Abstrak: Dalam era industri 4.0 membuat pertukaran informasi berlangsung sangat cepat di setiap industri pabrik bahkan menular kepada indutri skala menengah dan kecil. Teknologi yang berkembang menuntut pihak stakeholder untuk menggunakan teknologi dan internet, siber untuk kegiatan operasional perusahaan. PT Surya Esa Jaya merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang sedang berkembang dengan jangkauan segmentasi pasar yang cukup luas dan merupakan salah satu pelayanan jasa pemindahan barang. Saat ini sistem yang ada masih menggunakan sistem manual. Ketika ada pemesanan masuk dari customer maka pihak perusahaan akan mengeluarkan surat jalan bagi karyawan untuk melakukan tugas pemindahan, kemudian dicatat ke dalam laporan. Hal ini tentunya menjadi kurang efektif dan efisien dari segi waktu dan sering terjadi kekeliruan dalam hal pencatatan data. Untuk itulah peneliti membuat sebuah program berbasis objek Menggunakan Java Netbeans pada pelayanan jasa pemindahan barang PT Surya Esa Jaya. Metode pengembangan perangkat lunak yang digunakan menggunakan Rapid Aplication Development (RAD) dan pengujian aplikasinya menggunakan Black Box Testing. Hasilnya adalah sebuah program bisnis pelayanan jasa berbasis objek yang akan memudahkan pihak PT Surya Esa Jaya dalam memberikan pelayanan jasa perpindahan barang.   Kata kunci: Berbasis Objek, Pelayanan Jasa, Pemindahan Barang   Abstract: In the industrial era 4.0, the exchange of information was very fast in every manufacturing industry and even transmitted to medium and small scale industries. The developing technology requires stakeholders to use technology and the internet, cyber for the company's operational activities. PT Surya Esa Jaya is a growing company with a wide range of market segmentation and is one of the freight forwarding services. Currently the existing system still uses a manual system. When there is an incoming order from the customer, the company will issue a travel letter or assignment letter for the employees to carry out the assignment, then recorded in the report. This certainly becomes less effective and efficient in terms of time and errors often occur in terms of recording data. For this reason, I created an object-based program using Java Netbeans on PT Surya Esa Jaya's moving services. The software development method used is using Rapid Application Development (RAD) and testing the application using Black Box Testing. The result is an object-based service business program that will facilitate PT Surya Esa Jaya in providing goods transfer services.   Keywords: Object-Based, Services, Transfer of Goods

    User Center Design Dalam Membangun Wedding Organizer Berbasis Website

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    Abstrak: Dalam membangun sebuah website yang responsif dan user friendly tentulah harus dilakukan pengukuran untuk dapat menyesuaikan dengan pengguna website. User Center Design merupakan sebuah metode yang dilakukan dengan menitikberatkan kepuasan pengguna dalam mendapatkan informasi dari website. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengukuran kepuasan dengan membagikan kuisioner pada 50 responden yang menghasilkan 70% tingkat ketidakpuasan dalam mendapatkan informasi dari portal wedding dan sebesar 30% terhadap layanan dan menu portal wedding mendapatkan kepuasan. Berdasarkan kuisioner tersebutlah, maka solusinya dirancang sebuah website yang user friendly dengan menggunakan metode User Centered Design, metode tersebut diterapkan pada website dengan memfokuskan pada kepuasan akan kebutuhan dari user dalam mendapatkan informasi mengenai Wedding Organizer.   Kata kunci: User Center Design, fokus pengguna   Abstract: In building a responsive and user friendly website, measurements must be made to adjust to the website users. User Center Design is a method that is done by emphasizing user satisfaction in getting information from the website. This study uses a measurement of satisfaction by distributing questionnaires to 50 respondents which results in a 70% dissatisfaction rate in getting information from the wedding portal and 30% of the services and the wedding portal menu getting satisfaction. Based on the questionnaire, the solution is designed a user friendly website using the User Centered Design method, the method is applied to the website by focusing on the satisfaction of the needs of users in getting information about the Wedding Organizer.   Keywords: User Centered Design, User focu

    Optimasi Particle Swarm Optimization Pada Naive Bayes Untuk Sentiment Analysis Furniture

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada peningkatan akurasi produk furniture dengan menggunakan algoritma Naive Bayes yang dioptimasi PSO. Fungsi dari penerapan metode algoritma tersebut dalam mengklasifikasikan review positif dan negatif yaitu untuk memudahkan pembeli mendapatkan informasi secara mudah sebelum memilih produk yang tepat untuk dibeli. Pengolahan data uji training menggunakan 100 data review furniture positif dan 100 data review furniture negatif. Hasil eksperimen pada Naive Bayes optimasi Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) sebesar 93,50% sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Naive Bayes merupakan metode klasifikasi teks yang sederhana dan PSO salah satu teknik optimasi yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan pembobotan atribut (atribute weight).   Kata kunci: text mining, sentiment analisis, Naive Bayes, Naive Bayes optimasi PSO   Abstract: This study focuses on improving the accuracy of furniture products using the Naive Bayes algorithm optimized by PSO. The function of the application of the algorithm method is to classify positive and negative reviews that is to make it easier for buyers to get information easily before choosing the right product to buy. The training test data processing uses 100 positive furniture review data and 100 negative furniture review data. The experimental results on Naive Bayes Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) optimization were 93.50% so that it can be concluded that Naive Bayes is a simple text classification method and PSO is one of the optimization techniques that serves to increase attribute weighting.   Keywords: text mining,sentiment analysis, Naive Bayes, PSO Optimization Naive Baye

    Pengaruh Media Sosial Facebook Terhadap Perilaku Cyberbullying Pada SMK Patriot 1 Bekasi

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    Dengan adanya media sosial khususnya facebook tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa perilaku cyberbullying dapat dilakukan bahkan dialami oleh para pengguna terutama pengguna pada kalangan remaja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh media sosial facebook terhadap perilaku cyberbullying pada siswa SMK Patriot 1 Bekasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif data diambil dari kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada siswa. Peneliti menggunakan 3 variabel bebas yaitu kesenangan, komunikasi dan informasi. Sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah cyberbullying. Untuk menentukan sebarapa besar pengaruh dari ketiga variabel tersebut peneliti menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai Y = 5,838 + 0X1 + -0,137X2 + 1,085X3 sedangkan nilai koefisien determinasi (Rsquare) sebasar 0,103 atau 10,3%. Angka tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh media sosial facebook cukup dan sisanya 89,7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar dari penelitian ini

    Rancang Bangun Toko Gadget Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Scrum

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    In this study, we conducted research at a gadget shop. The problem faced is the lack of offline marketing, resulting in a limited marketing network that relies on physical store sales. Reports are often delayed and files accumulate. SCRUM is a method used to develop online sales applications that can facilitate online product marketing and assist in managing transactions and reporting through existing systems. Development of PHP-based web applications with the CodeIgniter framework and MySQL database. In conclusion, the e-commerce website that was built did not replace the old system, but added an online system as a complement. The company previously only conducted offline activities. Based on the SCRUM method, this website helps companies expand their market and makes it easier for consumers to get information about products without having to come to a physical store. With an online sales system, Toko Gadget can modernize the transaction process and make it easier to generate sales reports

    Komparasi Metode K-Nearest Neighbors dan Support Vector Machine Pada Sentiment Analysis Review Kamera

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    Abstract - Sentiment analysis is becoming one of the research growing trend, especially in text classification. In this study, the authors use as a camera review dataset by comparing two methods of KNN and SVM. Each method trials conducted so as to produce Accuracy KNN = 79.00% and the AUC of 0.929. While the data processing method SVM its accuracy is 72.00% and the AUC of 0845. Based on these results, proving that the rate of KNN text classification using more accurate than the method of SVMKeywords: Sentiment Analysis, Review, KNN, SVM, Text Classification Abstrak – Sentiment Analisis menjadi salah satu trend riset yang semakin berkembang, khususnya dalam klasifikasi teks. Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan review kamera sebagai dataset dengan membandingkan dua metode yaitu KNN dan SVM. Masing-masing metode dilakukan uji coba sehingga menghasilkan Akurasi KNN= 79.00% dan AUC sebesar 0.929. Sedangkan hasil pengolahan data metode SVM akurasi-nya adalah 72.00% dan AUC sebesar 0.845. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, membuktikan bahwa tingkat klasifikasi teks menggunakan KNN lebih akurat dibandingkan dengan metode SVM.Kata Kunci: Analisis Sentimen, Ulasan, KNN, SVM, Klasifikasi Tek

    Pelatihan Microsoft Excel Dan Pemanfaatan Internet Dalam Meningkatkan Informasi Dan Layanan Administrasi Data Karyawan

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    Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional mengatur bahwa setiap perguruan tinggi dan perguruan tinggi wajib melaksanakan kesepakatan tiga tingkat tentang pendidikan tinggi, yaitu pengajaran, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Tujuan utama dari kegiatan ini yaitu untuk membantu meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan dibidang komputer berupa pelatihanan aplikasi Microsoft Excel dan pemanfaatan internet. Selain itu STMIK Nusa Mandiri Jakarta pun dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian juga melakukan komunikasi secara langsung guna peningkatan operasional dalam rangka upaya mempercepat pengembangan masyarakat kearah dinamika yang siap menghadapi perubahan-perubahan dengan nilai-nilai sosial yang ada. Dalam kegiatan ini kami bekerja sama dengan mitra PT. Bidar Putra Sukses yang mana kemampuan para karyawan dalam hal penggunaan internet dan pengelolaan data menggunakan Microsoft Office. Khususnya Microsoft Excel masih sangat minimal. Banyak dari karyawan tersebut yang belum memahami secara detail mengenai pengoperasian Microsoft Excel dan implementasinya. Pemasangan media internet di kantor mitra untuk memudahkan layanan informasi administratif karyawan tersebut. Memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dasar di bidang pembuatan aplikasi dan pengoperasian Microsoft Excel dan penggunaan internet dalam hal ini menggunakan email sebagai jembatan komunikasi karyawa

    Pelatihan Design Grafis Online Menggunakan Aplikasi Canva Bagi Remaja Majelis Ta’lim Hidayatul Mubtadiin

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    Training or workshop is one way to hone one's interests and deepen one's talents. In this community service that has been carried out for the odd 2022-2023 period, we as Nusa Mandiri University lecturers carry out community service activities by carrying out Canva training. The Canva application that we use as a learning media tool for the youth of the Hidayatul Mubtadiin ta'lim assembly. This Canva training was attended by teenagers and the parents of the board of directors of the Hidayatul Mubtadiin ta'lim assembly in Tangerang City. This training aims to improve the ability of millennial youth in mastering Graphic Design, which is useful for increasing youth creativity in entrepreneurship such as making billboards, making banner posters. Logo, template for branding on social media. The method used is Waterfall, with a focus on building products or works using the Canva application. We obtained the results of the training through the distribution of questionnaires. The results of the training showed that 98% of the youth partners of the ta'lim assembly were satisfied with the activity. The assessment variables are mastery of the material, discipline, and satisfaction, each of which gets a score of Very Satisfactory Grade A. Keywords: servant, Canv

    Sistem Informasi Penjualan Batik Berbasis Web Pada Toko Kafaya Batik Bekasi

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    Developments in information technology are rapidly evolving, making information easy to obtain and disseminated. Opportunities that are seen by the market authorities or employers to utilize Internet technology in running its business primarily by using the website. The website is one of the most widely used alternative to expanding access or business coverage, not limited by time and space requirements must be connected to the internet. Shop Kafaya Batik Bekasi engaged in the sale of original batik Pekalongan still use a conventional or manual to make transactions. To reach the International market, without having to meet face to face or directly with the customer and the operational costs are not small, the author gives an idea or ideas to create e-commerce website selling batik in hopes of helping to expand to expand the market. Moreover Batik cultural heritage as noble nation that has been recognized by UNESCO to be one of our heritage to remain preserved and developed not only in Indonesia but can also include worldwide markets overseas or abroad

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi untuk Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The use of technology as a learning medium during the Covid-19 pandemic is an alternative solution to be able to continue to carry out long-distance learning activities. Existing technologies such as Google Meet, Google Classroom and Google Drive strongly support students and teachers and other academics in teaching and learning activities. The use of the facilities provided by Google can be useful for academics. Teaching and learning activities synchronously (synchronous) using video conferencing is an effective way. Not only that, asynchronous learning media using existing Google Classroom facilities such as discussion and chat features are one of the media to support distance learning to keep it running smoothly. The activity was carried out at Majlis Ta'lim Hidayatul Mubtadiin, which consisted of teenagers aged 12-17 years. Based on the questionnaires distributed during the activity, that as many as 96% were able to absorb the material with this distance learning media. So that learning can still be carried out effectively and conducively in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic