301 research outputs found

    Competitive Advantage and Corporate Governance in Indonesia with Enterprise Risk Management as Mediating

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    The objective of this research is the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Indonesia  began to be intensified by the government since the events of the Indonesian economic crisis in 1997-1998. Because, at that time almost all of the companies in Indonesia still used traditional governance, where company owners became company managers. Because of that, suspected because there is no separation between the supervision and management system resulting in many conflicts of interest in companies in Indonesia, it is one of the factors that exacerbate the economic crisis. At present in the industrial revolution 4.0 that will be faced, the implementation of Good Corporate Governance is expected to be the key determinant in maintaining the level of stakeholders' trust in corporate governance.In this article, the author will try to analyze the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in companies with Competitive Advantage and the influence of Enterprise Risk Management in mediating the relationship between the three variables. Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management, Good Corporate Governance, Cost Leadership Strategy, Diffetentiation Strategy, Indonesia DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-8-05 Publication date: April 30th 201

    Counting the Cost? A Cautionary Analysis of South Africa's BRICS Membership

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    BRICS is a grouping of five major developing countries that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, all with the ambition of changing the governance architecture of international political-economy but with claims to speedy industrialization, fast growing economies and relatively strong regional and global influence. South Africa joined BRICS at the invitation of China in 2010 and has shown commitment to the group through friendly relations with other member countries. The country’s extensive economic links with China and the other BRICS states underpinned its strategy of diversifying its external trade especially with regard to looking away from West. This article employs content analysis to reflect on South Africa’s membership of BRICS, focusing specifically on the country’s relations with China. It argues that, while South Africa’s economic indicators do not fit well with the BRICS grouping, China is promoting this relationship in order to counter the West’s neo-imperialism and neo-liberal rhetoric. South Africa’s willingness to accept Chinese superiority in the African market and to act as a junior partner in the global power configuration makes the country the perfect choice for this project

    Deciphering the Antioxidant and Free Radical-Scavenging Capacity of Anthocleista vogelii

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    The empirical survey comparatively explores the antioxidant activity and the free radical-scavenging capacity of various fractions of Anthocleista vogelii leaves. The dried and pulverized leaves of A. vogelii were subjected to cold maceration for 4, 8 and 12 days using 70 % methanol and filtered. The filtrate was concentrated to a slurry crude extract by means of a rotary evaporator at 40ºC with a salvaged yield of 34.10 %. Exactly 0.23 kg of crude extract was defatted and fractionated using two chromatographic techniques in chloroform-methanol-hexane solvent system (3:21 v/v). The fractions were screened qualitatively for polyphenolic compounds. The fractions containing these bioactive compounds were quantified and further subjected to free radical-scavenging activity: DPPH assay, ferric reducing power (FRP) assay, hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity (HPA) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) respectively. There was marked significant difference (p<0.05) in the total phenolic and flavonoid contents (TPC and TFC) among the fractions with ample amount found in n-hexane fraction. There were marked significant differences (p<0.05) in the IC50 values among fractions for DPPH, FRP, HPA and TAC assays. Thus, the ample antioxidant activity of n-hexane fraction among other fractions was further validated by the extrapolated IC50 values. The study inferred that A. vogelii leaves are possible sources of antioxidants with health benefits, especially for disease conditions characterized by oxidative stress. Keywords: Anthocleista vogelii, Antioxidant activity, Free radical-scavenging capacity, IC50 value, Oxidative stress DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-12-09 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Relevance of Accounting Theory in Forecasting Techniques and Default Prediction in an Organization in Nigeria

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    Much have been done on forecasting and default or bankruptcy prediction, but not many of the earlier works have dwelt considerably on connecting accounting theory with the topic. This paper examines the relevance of accounting theory as a tool in forecasting techniques and default prediction in an organization in Nigeria, using organisations in industrial goods industry (sector) as a study area. Ex-post facto design is used this study because no attempt is made to control or manipulate relevant independent variables. Published financial statements of twelve (12) companies in the consumer goods sector with financial statements and reports covering the period of 2012 to 2017 are used. Findings revealed that liquidity ratios, leverage ratios and market ratios significantly predict and forecast firm default probability, while profitability do not significantly predict default likelihood. It is recommended that every stakeholders and entity issuing financial statements to ensure adequate disclosure of all relevant and material facts in the report to aid the analysts and other users make informed judgement from the content of the report. Key words: Accounting Ratios, Accounting Theory, Bankruptcy Probability, Corporate Default, Default Predictions, Forecast Techniques

    Performance Evaluation of Integrated Aquaculture of Catfish, Pig and Rice

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    Study was carried out on the performance of fish, pig and rice integration to assess the productivity of integrated fish farming system against conventional fish, pig and rice farming, carried out in 84 days, T-test was used to compare means of the growth performance of fish and pig and water use efficiency (WUE) of rice culture under conventional and integrated farming systems. The average weight gain (167g), specific growth rate (1.2) and the feed conversion ratio (1:1) in the integrated system were better and significantly different (p< 0.05) from those got from conventional systems. Water use efficiency of the integrated system in terms of rice production (3.566) was 16.99 times better than that conventional system that relied on irrigation. Physico-chemical parameters of the two system studied were within tolerable range and showed no significant difference. According to the results got, integration of fish, pig and rice reduces waste and input and thus increased productivity which in turn brings about wider profit margin and contributes to food security. In the face of the greatly dwindling freshwater reserve, integrated aquaculture holds the key to sustainable food security. This study has shown that integration of catfish, pig, and rice gave more yield and profits. Keywords: Integrated aquaculture, fish - pig –rice, performance, water use efficiency DOI: 10.7176/ALST/71-0

    Democracy and Majority Rule in South Africa: Implications for Good Governance

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    South Africa is a leading example of democracy in Africa though many argue that it has lost its way in meaningful aspects ranging from practice of its majority rule, social cohesion, and neo-liberalisation of its political economy and international diplomacy. South Africa could fairly be viewed as an emerging middle power but many of its actions have belied this by allowing certain analysts to consider it as inconsistent, confusing, and even sinister. Some of the core problematic areas of South African democracy include poverty, unemployment, inequality, high level of HIV/AIDS, corruption, fast decaying educational system, electricity (load) shedding, fast loss of rand value in the international market and rampant strike actions, especially in the mining industry. However, this paper depends on the documentary method of research to examine the drama surrounding the security upgrade of the President’s home at Nkandla. The findings show that in a democratic society like South Africa, majority rule may sometimes be a limitation of democratic practices. In order to avert the dangers majority rule may pose to the other principles of democracy, the principles of values, such as separation of power among the three levels of government and rule of law, must be respected

    College Climate and Teacher-Trainee’s Academic Work in Selected Colleges of Education in the Ashanti Region of Ghana

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    The study aimed at investigating the extent to which College climate (Leadership roles/practices and Class size) impact on academic work of Teacher-trainees. A survey research design was used for the study because it involved a study of relatively large population who were purposively and randomly selected. A sample size of 322 out of the population of 1850 from Offinso, Akokerri and Wesley Colleges of Education comprising 226 males and 114 females were used for the study. A questionnaire and an interview guide were used to collect data for the study. The data collected were analyzed using Means, Standard deviations and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study established that effective leadership roles and practices of Principals and Tutors had impact on the academic work of Teacher-trainees. By implication, good leadership practices had a positive relationship with students’ academic work. The results of the ANOVA tests indicated that there was no significant difference in the means of the responses on College class size provided by the respondents (p>-.05). The implication is that large class sizes turn to affect classroom teaching and learning as compared to small class size. The respondents from Offinso College had the lowest mean of 2.41on infrastructure, implying that their College infrastructure was the least developed. However, the respondents of Akokerri had an overall mean of 3.55 which implied that their College infrastructure was moderately developed. The study also revealed that, the higher the academic qualification of college tutors in their respective area of study, the more likely they are to impact positively on the academic work of Teacher-trainees. Keywords:Leadership, School/College Climate, Organic Leadership and Transformational Leadership

    Sustainability of Industrialization and Agricultural Policies: Evidence from Developing Countries

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate sustainability of industrialization and agricultural policies among 129 developing countries. Design/methodology/approach – The study utilizes panel data from the period 1986 to 2016 and Cox proportional hazard model for the analysis. Findings – The results of the study indicate that, the establishment of commodity exchange markets will help towards sustainability of agricultural policies. Whiles the implementation of protectionism measures will help towards sustainability of industrialization policies. Practical implications: ­- Governments among developing countries should work towards establishment of commodity exchange markets for sustainability of agricultural policies. There is also the need for implementation of protectionism measures and establishment of statutory funding in their budgets for industrialization policies to achieve sustainability. Originality/value – Previous studies carried out focused on either industrialization policies or agricultural policies sustainability for developed and developing countries. This study fills the gap in existing empirical studies by focusing on both industrialization and agricultural policies sustainability for developing countries. Keywords: Industrialization policies, Agricultural policies, Commodity Exchange Markets, Industrialization Policy Bank, Industrial Park. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/13-20-06 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Appraisal and Inventory of Property owned by Samuel B. Augustine

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    Appraisal and inventory of property owned by Samuel B. Augustinehttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/lantern-mcpc/1416/thumbnail.jp
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