11 research outputs found

    A measure of the impact of future dark energy experiments based on discriminating power among quintessence models

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    We evaluate the ability of future data sets to discriminate among different quintessence dark energy models. This approach gives an alternative measure for assessing the impact of future experiments, as compared with the large body of literature that compares experiments in abstract parameter spaces and more recent work that evaluates the constraining power of experiments on individual parameter spaces of specific quintessence models. We use the Dark Energy Task Force (DETF) models of future data sets, and compare the discriminative power of experiments designated by the DETF as Stages 2, 3, and 4. Our work reveals a minimal increase in discriminating power when comparing Stage 3 to Stage 2, but a very striking increase in discriminating power when going to Stage 4. We also see evidence that even modest improvements over DETF Stage 4 could result in even more dramatic discriminating power among quintessence dark energy models. We develop and demonstrate the technique of using the independently measured modes of the equation of state as a common parameter space in which to compare the different quintessence models, and we argue that this technique is a powerful one. We use the PNGB, Exponential, Albrecht-Skordis, and Inverse Tracker (or Inverse Power Law) quintessence models for this work. One of our main results is that the goal of discriminating among these models sets a concrete measure on the capabilities of future dark energy experiments. Experiments have to be somewhat better than DETF Stage 4 simulated experiments to fully meet this goal.Comment: 11 pages,10 figures, 4 labels V2: Figure resolution improved, typos corrected V3: conclusions supplemented, submitted to PRD V4: Technical error corrected (see footnote 26). No change to our main points and conclusion

    Exploring Parameter Constraints on Quintessential Dark Energy: The Exponential Model

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    We present an analysis of a scalar field model of dark energy with an exponential potential using the Dark Energy Task Force (DETF) simulated data models. Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling techniques we examine the ability of each simulated data set to constrain the parameter space of the exponential potential for data sets based on a cosmological constant and a specific exponential scalar field model. We compare our results with the constraining power calculated by the DETF using their ``w0−waw_0-w_a'' parametrization of the dark energy. We find that respective increases in constraining power from one stage to the next produced by our analysis give results consistent with DETF results. To further investigate the potential impact of future experiments, we also generate simulated data for an exponential model background cosmology which can not be distinguished from a cosmological constant at DETF ``Stage 2'', and show that for this cosmology good DETF Stage 4 data would exclude a cosmological constant by better than 3σ\sigma.Comment: 11 pages including 10 figure

    Exploring Parameter Constraints on Quintessential Dark Energy: the Albrecht-Skordis model

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    We consider the effect of future dark energy experiments on ``Albrecht-Skordis'' (AS) models of scalar field dark energy using the Monte-Carlo Markov chain method. We deal with the issues of parameterization of these models, and have included spatial curvature as a parameter, finding it to be important. We use the Dark Energy Task Force (DETF) simulated data to represent future experiments and report our results in the form of likelihood contours in the chosen parameter space. Simulated data is produced for cases where the background cosmology has a cosmological constant, as well as cases where the dark energy is provided by the AS model. The latter helps us demonstrate the power of DETF Stage 4 data in the context of this specific model. Though the AS model can produce equations of state functions very different from what is possible with the w0−waw_0-w_a parametrization used by the DETF, our results are consistent with those reported by the DETF.Comment: 7 pages, including 9 figure

    Exploring Parameter Constraints on Quintessential Dark Energy: the Inverse Power Law Model

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    We report on the results of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis of an inverse power law (IPL) quintessence model using the Dark Energy Task Force (DETF) simulated data sets as a representation of future dark energy experiments. We generate simulated data sets for a Lambda-CDM background cosmology as well as a case where the dark energy is provided by a specific IPL fiducial model and present our results in the form of likelihood contours generated by these two background cosmologies. We find that the relative constraining power of the various DETF data sets on the IPL model parameters is broadly equivalent to the DETF results for the w_{0}-w_{a} parameterization of dark energy. Finally, we gauge the power of DETF "Stage 4" data by demonstrating a specific IPL model which, if realized in the universe, would allow Stage 4 data to exclude a cosmological constant at better than the 3-sigma level.Comment: 15 pages, including 13 figure

    Characterizing and Propagating Modeling Uncertainties in Photometrically-Derived Redshift Distributions

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    The uncertainty in the redshift distributions of galaxies has a significant potential impact on the cosmological parameter values inferred from multi-band imaging surveys. The accuracy of the photometric redshifts measured in these surveys depends not only on the quality of the flux data, but also on a number of modeling assumptions that enter into both the training set and SED fitting methods of photometric redshift estimation. In this work we focus on the latter, considering two types of modeling uncertainties: uncertainties in the SED template set and uncertainties in the magnitude and type priors used in a Bayesian photometric redshift estimation method. We find that SED template selection effects dominate over magnitude prior errors. We introduce a method for parameterizing the resulting ignorance of the redshift distributions, and for propagating these uncertainties to uncertainties in cosmological parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, version published in Ap


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    Se presenta el desarrollo de un trazador de curva I-V de código abierto para el monitoreo de potencia producida por un panel solar en Bolivia, y los resultados obtenidos por éste. El dispositivo está elaborado con componentes de bajo costo y es posible adaptar su diseño para monitorear paneles de diferentes potencias. El dispositivo toma muestras de corriente y voltaje para un elemento fotovoltaico utilizando una carga variable para obtener los diferentes puntos que conforman una curva corriente-voltaje. El dispositivo también tiene un régimen de control, el cual desconecta y reconecta el panel de su carga en intervalos de tiempo fijos para la toma de datos, permitiendo el monitoreo del panel aun cuando está siendo  utilizado en un sistema de energía solar


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    Las competencias globales son, cada vez más, habilidades importantes que se deben adquirir desde pregrado. Un intercambio internacional representa un reto y es inviable para muchos estudiantes, por tanto, existe la necesidad de desarrollar e implementar medios alternativos para introducir experiencias internacionales e interculturales en las aulas de pregrado. En este trabajo se presenta un programa basado en intercambios virtuales, en el que se creó una materia virtual de un semestre, entre la Universidad Privada Boliviana en Bolivia y la Universidad de Siena en los Estados Unidos de Norte América, sobre desarrollo sostenible. La clase proveyó una experiencia multidisciplinaria e intercultural relevante tanto para los estudiantes de las carreras de ciencias puras e ingeniería como para los de ciencias sociales, sin la necesidad de viajar. Además, el proceso de aprendizaje, basado en la investigación y en la resolución de problemas, se fortaleció a través de la incorporación del servicio social que se realizó en colaboración con una organización rural boliviana, Unidad Académica Campesina Carmen Pampa. Los resultados de este emprendimiento muestran que los cursos virtuales compartidos pueden proveer experiencias internacionales a estudiantes de pregrado

    A Virtual Educational Exchange: A North–South Virtually Shared Class on Sustainable Development

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    Increasingly, international competence is considered an important skill to be acquired from an undergraduate education. Because international exchange presents a challenge to many students, there is a need to develop and implement alternative means for incorporating international and cross-cultural experiences into the undergraduate classroom. We report on the implementation of a semester-long, virtually shared course offering between a U.S. and a Bolivian university. As STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) majors tend to be under-represented in study-abroad programs, this class sought to provide a multidisciplinary experience that could be relevant to both hard and social science majors. Furthermore, the relevance and learning impact of this class was enhanced through the incorporation of a service-learning component in conjunction with a rural Bolivian partner organization. The results of this experience show that virtually shared classroom experiences can successfully facilitate international experiences for undergraduate students


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    La eficiencia cuántica de materiales fotovoltaicos depende de la longitud de onda de la radiación incidente, el espectro solar influye en la producción de energía producida por estos sistemas. En el presente trabajo, se diseñó y construyó un prototipo funcional de un sistema de medición de radiación solar (global y difusa) basado en un espectrómetro de amplio espectro para el monitoreo solar en Cochabamba, Bolivia, conjuntamente con un sistema similar instalado en Kingston, Ontario. Los datos obtenidos en dos regiones con características geográficas muy distintas ayudarán en el estudio y optimización de materiales fotovoltaicos, para su implementación en diferentes partes del mundo, con características particulares de radiación incidente. Los resultados obtenidos serán publicados para que otras regiones también se beneficien de sistemas fotovoltaicos con materiales optimizados según las características geográficas. Para la construcción mecánica del sistema, se utilizaron perfiles de aluminio de 60x30 mm. Esta estructura metálica sujeta a una fibra óptica de cuarzo lleva la radiación solar al espectrómetro Ocean Optics USB4000 (200-900 nm). La electrónica del sistema de control, está gobernada por un microcontrolador Arduino UNO, el cual se encarga de sincronizar el movimiento de dos motores PAP bipolares y la toma de datos en el espectrómetro que se activa con un trigger externo. La característica principal del sistema es permitir la medición del espectro de los componentes global y difuso de la radiación solar en diferentes ángulos de incidencia. El sistema mecánico ajusta un extremo de una fibra óptica de 0 a 90 grados en dirección norte, cada nueve grados, midiendo la radiación global y mediante una banda mecánica que produce sombra sobre la fibra óptica, mide la radiación difusa. Las medidas son tomadas cada hora y el rango espectral abarcado es del UVA, VIS y parte del IR cercano. Se realizaron pruebas preliminares en dos ciudades de Bolivia y se demostró que la cantidad de radiación UVA es mayor en el El Alto (4062 msnm), la ciudad con mayor elevación, en comparación con Cochabamba que se encuentra a 2570 msnm