83 research outputs found

    Active Learning for Active Minds: A Conversation with Learning Leaders

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    17 USC 105 interim-entered record; under review.The article of record as published may be found at https://cimsec.org/active-learning-for-active-minds-a-conversation-with-learning-leaders/U.S. Government affiliation is unstated in article text

    Thinking Strategically: Economics, Resources, and Strategy

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    17 USC 105 interim-entered record; under review.The article of record as published may be found at https://thestrategybridge.org/the-bridge/2022/3/8/thinking-strategically-economics-resources-and-strategyU.S. Government affiliation is unstated in article text

    An Interview with David J. Teece

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    In this paper, Mie Augier provides a rich description of the intellectual traditions, the signifi-cant people and academic institutions that in some way or another made a difference to Davis Teece’s own intellectual development. In this sense, it is a dynamic account of the emerging career of a distinguished scholar - but not only that. It is also a description of the co-development of three major disciplinary fields; organization theory, economics and strategic management during three decades or so. David Teece has made several important contribu-tions, perhaps most notably to economics (on the theory of the firm and transaction cost eco-nomics) and strategic management (on dynamic capabilities) while drawing upon organization theory and notions such as organizational routines and bounded rationality. In addition, Augier also provides an interview with David Teece, a true scholar still unsettled with what has been achieved so far - in all three fields: "Maybe I’m wrong; and maybe technology is a special case and maybe technology and organization do not belong at the core of the theory of the firm. My intuition tells me otherwise." (David Teece, quoted in this issue)

    A Conversation with General Anthony Zinni (Ret.) on Leaders and Strategic Thinking

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    The article of record as published may be found at https://cimsec.org/a-conversation-with-general-anthony-zinni-ret-on-leaders-and-strategic-thinking/Part 1-3. Read part 2 at https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/69051, and part 3 at https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/69118.This is the first of what we hope will be several conversations with General Anthony Zinni, USMC (ret.) about leadership, strategy, learning, and the art and science of warfighting. General Anthony Zinni served 39 years as a U.S. Marine and retired as Commander–in– Chief, U.S. Central Command, in 2000.U.S. Government affiliation is unstated in article text

    General Anthony Zinni (ret.) on Staying Honest with the Troops and Translating Experience

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    The article of record as published may be found at https://cimsec.org/general-anthony-zinni-ret-on-staying-honest-with-the-troops-and-translating-experience/Part 3-3 of a conversation series with General Anthony Zinni, USMC (ret.) on leadership, strategy, learning, and the art and science of warfighting. Read part 1 at https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/67880, and part 2 at https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/68011.This is the third part of our conversation series with General Anthony Zinni, USMC (ret.) on leadership, strategy, learning, and the art and science of warfighting.U.S. Government affiliation is unstated in article text

    Advancing the field of organizations through the study of military organizations

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtt059This article argues that the field of organization studies may learn from closer study of decision-making and behaviors in military organizations. It describes some of the intellectual roots of organizational studies within a strategic, military context; discusses some recent characteristics of strategic competition that organ- ization scholars may find fruitful to study; and view some of the key contemporary challenges in military organizations through the lens of strategic organization design, a framework the builds on, and integrates, several streams of research in organizational behavior that have implications for, and influence, how organizations make strategic decisions

    Assumptionitis in Strategy

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    17 USC 105 interim-entered record; under review.The article of record as published may be found at https://thestrategybridge.org/the-bridge/2021/6/21/assumptionitis-in-strategyU.S. Government affiliation is unstated in article text

    PĂ„ Jagt efter Ledelse: Organisering af Viden i en Foranderlig og Usikker Verden

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    Omfanget og antallet af de industrier som kaldes high tech industrier vokser hele tiden. Et eksempel herpÄ er internetindustrien, som ikke var kendt for fire til fem Är siden. Indenfor disse industrier oplever virksomhederne en konstant forÞgelse af hastigheden hvormed deres omgivelser forandrer sig, samtidig med at stadig flere forandringer overrasker dem. NÄr omgivelserne forandrer sig mÄ virksomhederne tilpasse sig, og nÄr forandringerne kommer overraskende sker tilpasningen ofte gennem improvisation. Mange high tech industrier prÊges desuden af en udbredt firstcomers advantage. I sÄdanne omgivelser kan en virksomhed ikke blot lade andre virksomheder sÊtte agendaen. Den mÄ ogsÄ selv bidrage med overraskelser. Overraskelser skabes ikke gennem rationel planlÊgning, da sÄdan planlÊgning gÞr handlinger forudsigelige. Genuine overraskelser skabes i stedet gennem fjolleri. Improvisation og fjolleri krÊver nye konstellationer af viden, og derfor er adgang til viden en kritisk succesfaktor i forbindelse med tilpasning til og skabelse af overraskelser. Behovet for viden gÞr vidensnetvÊrk relevante og nÞdvendige nÄr virksomheder improviserer og fjoller. NÊrvÊrende artikel analyserer og viser, hvordan forskellige typer af vidensnetvÊrk fremmer henholdsvis hÊmmer improvisation og fjolleri. I sÄvel problemidentifikationen som diskussionen illustreres der med eksempler fra den danske internetvirksomhed Fantastic Music Universe2

    Competencies, Capabilities and the Neoschumpeterian Tradition

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    In this paper, Mie Augier and David Teece outline the history and development of the ideas underlying an emerging approach within strategic management research: the dynamic capabili-ties framework. The framework was first outlined by Teece and Pisano (1994), and in the pre-sent paper elaborated further so the reader will be able to appreciate some of the most impor-tant intellectual resources underpinning it, such as the work of Schumpeter, Penrose, William-son, Cyert and March, Rummelt, Nelson and Winter. Although listed as intellectual resources by the authors, they also turn (some of) them into a topic for further discussion. For example, Augier and Teece identify not only the merits but also the limitations of transaction costs eco-nomics. In this way, the authors pave the way for a more dynamic framework while drawing upon organization theory and scholars like Cyert and March (a behavioral theory of the firm) and Nelson and Winter (an evolutionary theory of economic change). In the dynamic capability framework firms and markets co-evolve. Managers are now allowed to perform distinct strate-gic roles in shaping both firms and their markets, e.g. through asset- selection and orchestra-tion, including also the task of allocating resources between exploitation and exploration
