18 research outputs found

    Nonlinear spectroscopy on an autoionizing two-electron resonance in intense, extreme ultraviolet fields at a free-electron laser

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    In this work, the influence of intense extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) fields on helium is experimentally investigated. Therefore, XUV pulses from a free-electron laser (FEL) are combined with transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS) and explored with numerical quantum-mechanical simulations. A novel TAS beamline enables measurements on the prototypical atomic three-body system, helium, at the free-electron laser in Hamburg (FLASH). In particular, the energetically lowest two-electron resonance, 2s2p, with its asymmetric Fano absorption line shape is of interest. This bound state is embedded in the single-ionization continuum and thus represents an atomic interferometer. Its main property, the sensitivity to phase, is used in this work to detect manipulations induced by strong XUV pulses. In the experiments, a distortion of the absorption line is observed in the presence of highly intense XUV pulses. Firstly, the line shape’s symmetry change is investigated with a numerical few-level model simulation and found to be connected to the transient dressing of the excited state. Employing realistically modelled stochastic pulses, the investigation is extended to the line shape’s dependence on the pulse duration. Finally, the line broadening is explained by the model simulation and allows for disentangling the contributing mechanisms, two-photon absorption and the increased reversion to the ground state

    Photonuclear Reactions of Three-Nucleon Systems

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    We discuss the available data for the differential and the total cross section for the photodisintegration of 3^3He and 3^3H and the corresponding inverse reactions below EÎł=100E_\gamma = 100 MeV by comparing with our calculations using realistic NNNN interactions. The theoretical results agree within the errorbars with the data for the total cross sections. Excellent agreement is achieved for the angular distribution in case of 3^3He, whereas for 3^3H a discrepancy between theory and experiment is found.Comment: 11 pages (twocolumn), 12 postscript figures included, uses psfig, RevTe

    Nonlinear Coherence Effects in Transient-Absorption Ion Spectroscopy with Stochastic Extreme-Ultraviolet Free-Electron Laser Pulses

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    We demonstrate time-resolved nonlinear extreme-ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy on multiply charged ions, here applied to the doubly charged neon ion, driven by a phase-locked sequence of two intense free-electron laser pulses. Absorption signatures of resonance lines due to 2pp--3dd bound--bound transitions between the spin-orbit multiplets 3^3P0,1,2_{0,1,2} and 3^3D1,2,3_{1,2,3} of the transiently produced doubly charged Ne2+^{2+} ion are revealed, with time-dependent spectral changes over a time-delay range of (2.4±0.3) fs(2.4\pm0.3)\,\text{fs}. Furthermore, we observe 10-meV-scale spectral shifts of these resonances owing to the AC Stark effect. We use a time-dependent quantum model to explain the observations by an enhanced coupling of the ionic quantum states with the partially coherent free-electron-laser radiation when the phase-locked pump and probe pulses precisely overlap in time

    Strong-field extreme-ultraviolet dressing of atomic double excitation

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    We report on the experimental observation of strong-field dressing of an autoionizing two-electron state in helium with intense extreme-ultraviolet laser pulses from a free-electron laser. The asymmetric Fano line shape of this transition is spectrally resolved, and we observe modifications of the resonance asymmetry structure for increasing free-electron-laser pulse energy on the order of few tens of ÎĽ\muJ. A quantum-mechanical calculation of the time-dependent dipole response of this autoionizing state, driven by classical extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) electric fields, reveals a direct link between strong-field-induced energy and phase shifts of the doubly excited state and the Fano line-shape asymmetry. The experimental results obtained at the Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) thus correspond to transient energy shifts on the order of few meV, induced by strong XUV fields. These results open up a new way of performing non-perturbative XUV nonlinear optics for the light-matter interaction of resonant electronic transitions in atoms at short wavelengths

    Measurement of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules with intense XUV FEL radiation

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    The observation of strong-field dynamics in atoms and molecules on ultra short timescales has been of high interest for a long time. In recent years the investigation of inner-shell electron dynamics became possible when strong ultrashort lasers in the extreme ultra violet (XUV) became reality in the form of free electron lasers (FEL). They allow for example the observation of charge transfer processes in molecules. In this spirit a measurement campaign was performed at FLASH (DESY), to investigate such phenomena at halogenated hydrocarbon molecules. This thesis describes the required further development of a transient absorption beam line and the new design of essential components with regards to experiments with corrosive targets and an FEL light source. An intensity dependent absorption measurement of a doubly excited state in helium was conducted as well. This can be considered an extension of prior work performed recently with near infrared and visible (VIS) strongfield modification of XUV absorption from lab-based HHG light source. The measurement described in this work investigates XUV strong-field modification of XUV absorption with partially coherent FEL light

    Bound-State Electron Dynamics Driven by Near-Resonantly Detuned Intense and Ultrashort Pulsed XUV Fields

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    We report on numerical results revealing line-shape asymmetry changes of electronic transitions in atoms near-resonantly driven by intense extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) electric fields by monitoring their transient absorption spectrum after transmission through a moderately dense atomic medium. Our numerical model utilizes ultrashort broadband XUV laser pulses varied in their intensity (1014–1015 W/cm2) and detuning nearly out of resonance for a quantitative evaluation of the absorption line-shape asymmetry. It will be shown how transient energy shifts of the bound electronic states can be linked to these asymmetry changes in the case of an ultrashort XUV driving pulse temporally shorter than the lifetime of the resonant excitation, and how the asymmetry can be controlled by the near-resonant detuning of the XUV pulse. In the case of a two-level system, the numerical model is compared to an analytical calculation, which helps to uncover the underlying mechanism for the detuning- and intensity-induced line-shape modification and links it to the generalized Rabi frequency. To further apply the numerical model to recent experimental results of the near-resonant dressing of the 2s2p doubly excited state in helium by an ultrashort XUV free-electron laser pulse we extend the two-level model with an ionization continuum, thereby enabling the description of transmission-type (Fraunhofer-like) transient absorption of a strongly laser-coupled autoionizing stat

    Line-shape broadening of an autoionizing state in helium at high XUV intensity

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    We study the interaction of intense extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light with the 2s2p doubly excited state in helium. In addition to previously understood energy-level and phase shifts, high XUV intensities may lead to other absorption-line-shape distortions. Here, we report on experimental transient-absorption spectroscopy results on the 2s2p line-width modification in helium in intense stochastic XUV fields. A few-level-model simulation is realized to investigate the origins of this effect. We find that the line-shape broadening is connected to the strong coupling of the ground state to the 2s2p doubly excited state which is embedded in the ionization continuum. As the broadening takes place for intensities lower than for other strong-coupling processes, e.g. observed asymmetry changes of the absorption profile, this signature can be identified already in an intermediate intensity regime. These findings are in general relevant for resonant inner-shell transitions in nonlinear experiments with XUV and x-ray photon energies at high intensity

    Pulse length effects on autoionizing states under the influence of intense SASE XUV fields

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    The Fano absorption line shape of an autoionizing state encodes information on its internal atomic structure and dynamics. When driven near-resonantly with intense extreme ultraviolet (XUV) electric fields, the absorption profile can be deliberately modified, including observable changes of both the line-shape asymmetry and strength of the resonance, revealing information on the underlying dynamics of the system in response to such external driving. We report on the influence of the XUV pulse parameters at high intensity that can be achieved with a free-electron laser (FEL) with statistically broadened spectra based on self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE). More specifically, the impact of the FEL pulse duration is studied for the example of the doubly excited 2s2p resonance in helium, where line-shape modifications have been measured with XUV transient absorption spectroscopy in Fraunhofer-type transmission geometry. A computational few-level-model provides insight into the impact of different average pulse durations of the stochastic FEL pulses. These findings are supported by measurements performed at the Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) and provide further insight into XUV strong-coupling dynamics of resonant transitions driven by intense high-frequency FEL sources