12 research outputs found

    Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from R/V "Le Suroit" GEOMANCHE75/1 stations

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    We report here preliminary results from the detailed sampling of granitic basement at a depth of 4.000 m at the lower edge of the Armorican continental margin near 48°N and 12°W. We consider that we have sampled here the extreme lateral limit of the continental crust where local exposures emerge from under a cover of Cainozoic,Mesozoic and probable Palaeozoic sediments

    Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from R/V "Jean Charcot" GEOMANCHE 76/2 stations

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    This report presents the preliminary results of the study of rocks and sediments obtained by dredging during four cruises of the R/V Jean Charcot and R/V Le Suroit during a cooperative program between CNEXO and CEPM (CH 58: April 1975; SU 01: December 1975; CH 66: February 1976; and CH 67: March 1976). Several dredges on the continental slope of the Goban Spur recovered "granitic" rocks on two morphological structures, Granite Cliff and "Menez Bihan" (Pautot et al., 1976), in water depths ranging from 3200 to 4200 meters. According to the radiometric age and petrology, the granodiorite appears to have a close affinity with similar igneous facies which have been described in Iberia (Capdevilla et al., 1973) and attributed to the Variscan intrusive episode which is also found in the nearby continental area (southwest Great Britain and Brittany, France). They often are coated by a centimeter-thick layer of ferromanganiferous deposits (Shaaf et al., 1977)

    Geochemistry and age models of sediments from the Celtic margin

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    The sedimentary sections of three cores from the Celtic margin provide high-resolution records of the terrigenous fluxes during the last glacial cycle. A total of 21 14C AMS dates allow us to define age models with a resolution better than 100 yr during critical periods such as Heinrich events 1 and 2. Maximum sedimentary fluxes occurred at the Meriadzek Terrace site during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Detailed X-ray imagery of core MD95-2002 from the Meriadzek Terrace shows no sedimentary structures suggestive of either deposition from high-density turbidity currents or significant erosion. Two paroxysmal terrigenous flux episodes have been identified. The first occurred after the deposition of Heinrich event 2 Canadian ice-rafted debris (IRD) and includes IRD from European sources. We suggest that the second represents an episode of deposition from turbid plumes, which precedes IRD deposition associated with Heinrich event 1. At the end of marine isotopic stage 2 (MIS 2) and the beginning of MIS 1 the highest fluxes are recorded on the Whittard Ridge where they correspond to deposition from turbidity current overflows. Canadian icebergs have rafted debris at the Celtic margin during Heinrich events 1, 2, 4 and 5. The high-resolution records of Heinrich events 1 and 2 show that in both cases the arrival of the Canadian icebergs was preceded by a European ice rafting precursor event, which took place about 1–1.5 kyr before. Two rafting episodes of European IRD also occurred immediately after Heinrich event 2 and just before Heinrich event 1. The terrigenous fluxes recorded in core MD95-2002 during the LGM are the highest reported at hemipelagic sites from the northwestern European margin. The magnitude of the Canadian IRD fluxes at Meriadzek Terrace is similar to those from oceanic sites

    Paleotemperatures and paleosalinities from the Celtic Margin (Bay of Biscay)

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    During the late Quaternary, both external and internal forcings have driven major climatic shifts from glacial to interglacial conditions. Nonlinear climatic steps characterized the transitions leading to these extrema, with intermediate excursions particularly well xpressed in the dynamics of the Northern Hemisphere cryosphere. Here we document the impact of these dynamics on the north-eastern North Atlantic Ocean, focussing on the 35-10 ka interval. Sea-surface salinities have been reconstructed quantitatively based on two independent methods from core MD95-2002, recovered from the northern Bay of Biscay adjacent to the axis of the Manche paleoriver outlet and thus in connection with proximal European ice sheets and glaciers. Quantitative reconstructions deriving from dinocyst and planktonic foraminiferal analyses have been combined within a robust chronology to assess the amplitude and timing of hydrological changes in this region. Our study evidences strong pulsed freshwater discharges which may have impacted the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation