318 research outputs found

    Stability of homogeneous magnetic phases in a generalized t-J model

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    We study the stability of homogeneous magnetic phases in a generalized t-J model including a same-sublattice hopping t' and nearest-neighbor repulsion V by means of the slave fermion-Schwinger boson representation of spin operators. At mean-field order we find, in agreement with other authors, that the inclusion of further-neighbor hopping and Coulomb repulsion makes the compressibility positive, thereby stabilizing at this level the spiral and Neel orders against phase separation. However, the consideration of Gaussian fluctuation of order parameters around these mean-field solutions produces unstable modes in the dynamical matrix for all relevant parameter values, leaving only reduced stability regions for the Neel phase. We have computed the one-loop corrections to the energy in these regions, and have also briefly considered the effects of the correlated hopping term that is obtained in the reduction from the Hubbard to the t-J model.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Revte

    Quantum fluctuations of classical skyrmions in quantum Hall Ferromagnets

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    In this article, we discuss the effect of the zero point quantum fluctuations to improve the results of the minimal field theory which has been applied to study %SMG the skyrmions in the quantum Hall systems. Our calculation which is based on the semiclassical treatment of the quantum fluctuations, shows that the one-loop quantum correction provides more accurate results for the minimal field theory.Comment: A few errors are corrected. Accepted for publication in Rapid Communication, Phys. Rev.

    Steady-State Properties of Single-File Systems with Conversion

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    We have used Monte-Carlo methods and analytical techniques to investigate the influence of the characteristic parameters, such as pipe length, diffusion, adsorption, desorption and reaction rate constants on the steady-state properties of Single-File Systems with a reaction. We looked at cases when all the sites are reactive and when only some of them are reactive. Comparisons between Mean-Field predictions and Monte-Carlo simulations for the occupancy profiles and reactivity are made. Substantial differences between Mean-Field and the simulations are found when rates of diffusion are high. Mean-Field results only include Single-File behavior by changing the diffusion rate constant, but it effectively allows passing of particles. Reactivity converges to a limit value if more reactive sites are added: sites in the middle of the system have little or no effect on the kinetics. Occupancy profiles show approximately exponential behavior from the ends to the middle of the system.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure

    Charged Higgs boson contribution to Μˉe−e\bar{\nu}_e-e scattering from low to ultrahigh energy in Higgs triplet model

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    We study the Μˉe−e\bar{\nu}_e-e scattering from low to ultrahigh energy in the framework of Higgs Triplet Model (HTM). We add the contribution of charged Higgs boson exchange to the total cross section of the scattering. We obtain the upper bound hee/MH±â‰Č2.8×10−3GeV−1h_{ee}/M_{H^\pm}\lesssim2.8\times10^{-3}GeV^{-1} in this process from low energy experiment. We show that by using the upper bound obtained, the charged Higgs contribution can give enhancements to the total cross section with respect to the SM prediction up to 5.16% at E≀1014E\leq10^{14} eV and maximum at s≈MH±2s\approx M_{H^\pm}^2 and would help to determine the feasibility experiments to discriminate between SM and HTM at current available facilities.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Lowest-Landau-level theory of the quantum Hall effect: the Fermi-liquid-like state

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    A theory for a Fermi-liquid-like state in a system of charged bosons at filling factor one is developed, working in the lowest Landau level. The approach is based on a representation of the problem as fermions with a system of constraints, introduced by Pasquier and Haldane (unpublished). This makes the system a gauge theory with gauge algebra W_infty. The low-energy theory is analyzed based on Hartree-Fock and a corresponding conserving approximation. This is shown to be equivalent to introducing a gauge field, which at long wavelengths gives an infinite-coupling U(1) gauge theory, without a Chern-Simons term. The system is compressible, and the Fermi-liquid properties are similar, but not identical, to those in the previous U(1) Chern-Simons fermion theory. The fermions in the theory are effectively neutral but carry a dipole moment. The density-density response, longitudinal conductivity, and the current density are considered explicitly.Comment: 32 pages, revtex multicol

    Tests of the random phase approximation for transition strengths

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    We investigate the reliability of transition strengths computed in the random-phase approximation (RPA), comparing with exact results from diagonalization in full 0ℏω0\hbar\omega shell-model spaces. The RPA and shell-model results are in reasonable agreement for most transitions; however some very low-lying collective transitions, such as isoscalar quadrupole, are in serious disagreement. We suggest the failure lies with incomplete restoration of broken symmetries in the RPA. Furthermore we prove, analytically and numerically, that standard statements regarding the energy-weighted sum rule in the RPA do not hold if an exact symmetry is broken.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; Appendix added with new proof regarding violation of energy-weighted sum rul

    Schwinger boson theory of anisotropic ferromagnetic ultrathin films

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    Ferromagnetic thin films with magnetic single-ion anisotropies are studied within the framework of Schwinger bosonization of a quantum Heisenberg model. Two alternative bosonizations are discussed. We show that qualitatively correct results are obtained even at the mean-field level of the theory, similar to Schwinger boson results for other magnetic systems. In particular, the Mermin-Wagner theorem is satisfied: a spontaneous magnetization at finite temperatures is not found if the ground state of the anisotropic system exhibits a continuous degeneracy. We calculate the magnetization and effective anisotropies as functions of exchange interaction, magnetic anisotropies, external magnetic field, and temperature for arbitrary values of the spin quantum number. Magnetic reorientation transitions and effective anisotropies are discussed. The results obtained by Schwinger boson mean-field theory are compared with the many-body Green's function technique.Comment: 14 pages, including 7 EPS figures, minor changes, final version as publishe

    Bosonic representation of one-dimensional Heisenberg ferrimagnets

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    The energy structure and the thermodynamics of ferrimagnetic Heisenberg chains of alternating spins S and s are described in terms of the Schwinger bosons and modified spin waves. In the Schwinger representation, we average the local constraints on the bosons and diagonalize the Hamiltonian at the Hartree-Fock level. In the Holstein-Primakoff representation, we optimize the free energy in two different ways introducing an additional constraint on the staggered magnetization. A new modified spin-wave scheme, which employs a Lagrange multiplier keeping the native energy structure free from temperature and thus differs from the original Takahashi Scheme, is particularly stressed as an excellent language to interpret one-dimensional quantum ferrimagnetism. Other types of one-dimensional ferrimagnets and the antiferromagnetic limit S=s are also mentioned.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. B 69, No. 6, 0644XX (2004

    Theory of Two-Dimensional Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnets with a Nearly Critical Ground State

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    We present the general theory of clean, two-dimensional, quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets which are close to the zero-temperature quantum transition between ground states with and without long-range N\'{e}el order. For N\'{e}el-ordered states, `nearly-critical' means that the ground state spin-stiffness, ρs\rho_s, satisfies ρsâ‰ȘJ\rho_s \ll J, where JJ is the nearest-neighbor exchange constant, while `nearly-critical' quantum-disordered ground states have a energy-gap, Δ\Delta, towards excitations with spin-1, which satisfies Δâ‰ȘJ\Delta \ll J. Under these circumstances, we show that the wavevector/frequency-dependent uniform and staggered spin susceptibilities, and the specific heat, are completely universal functions of just three thermodynamic parameters. Explicit results for the universal scaling functions are obtained by a 1/N1/N expansion on the O(N)O(N) quantum non-linear sigma model, and by Monte Carlo simulations. These calculations lead to a variety of testable predictions for neutron scattering, NMR, and magnetization measurements. Our results are in good agreement with a number of numerical simulations and experiments on undoped and lightly-doped La2−ήSrÎŽCuO4La_{2-\delta} Sr_{\delta}Cu O_4.Comment: 81 pages, REVTEX 3.0, smaller updated version, YCTP-xxx

    Berry phases and pairing symmetry in Holstein-Hubbard polaron systems

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    We study the tunneling dynamics of dopant-induced hole polarons which are self-localized by electron-phonon coupling in a two-dimensional antiferro- magnet. Our treatment is based on a path integral formulation of the adia- batic approximation, combined with many-body tight-binding, instanton, con- strained lattice dynamics, and many-body exact diagonalization techniques. Our results are mainly based on the Holstein-tJtJ and, for comparison, on the Holstein-Hubbard model. We also study effects of 2nd neighbor hopping and long-range electron-electron Coulomb repulsion. The polaron tunneling dynamics is mapped onto an effective low-energy Hamiltonian which takes the form of a fermion tight-binding model with occupancy dependent, predominant- ly 2nd and 3rd neighbor tunneling matrix elements, excluded double occupan- cy, and an effective intersite charge interactions. Antiferromagnetic spin correlations in the original many-electron Hamiltonian are reflected by an attractive contribution to the 1st neighbor charge interaction and by Berry phase factors which determine the signs of effective polaron tunneling ma- trix elements. In the two-polaron case, these phase factors lead to polaron pair wave functions of either dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave symmetry or p-wave symme- try with zero and nonzero total pair momentum, respectively. Implications for the doping dependent isotope effect, pseudo-gap and Tc of a superconduc- ting polaron pair condensate are discussed/compared to observed in cuprates.Comment: 23 pages, revtex, 13 ps figure
